

都市開発を考える―アメリカと日本 大野輝之

2016年07月10日 | 
都市開発を考える―アメリカと日本 (岩波新書)

This book was first published in 1992.
It seems the contents have gotten a bit old.

And it appears to me that some of what is written about the U.S.A. situations do not seem true.
One could argue that it was true back then, but the weather has not changed drastically.
And the author says that the カリフォルニアの気候は年中温暖。
Southern California may be, but San Fransisco is not really 年中温暖。

I am sure that there was a lot of research done for this book, but there are probably better books that I should be reading.
I mean the books that are more relevant to what I want to know.

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