

不思議な少年!! その2

2009-02-08 12:06:52 | 物語





















【宝瓶宮福音書:栗原 基訳】

第一部 イエスの母マリヤの誕生

第1章 パレスチナ。マリヤの誕生。ヨアキムの祝宴。マリヤ祭司の祝福を受く。祭司長の予言。マリヤ宮にやどる。ヨセフの許嫁(いいなずけ)となる。

1 オーガスト・カイザルの在位申、ヘロデ・アンテパスはエルサレムの支配者であった。
2 パレスチナの国にユダヤ、サマリヤ、カルデヤの三州があった。
3 ヨハキムはユダヤの裕福な律法教師で、ガリラヤのナザレに住み、妻はユダヤ族のアンナであった。
4 その間に美わしい女の子が生れ、これをマリヤと名づけた。
5 ヨアキムはこの子のために祝宴を開いた。しかし、招かれた人々は、金持や、知名高貴の人々でなく、貧乏人、びっこ、ちんぱ、盲人などであって、めいめいに着物、食物、その他必要品などを贈物にした。
6 彼は言う、「神はわたしにこの財産をたまわり、そのおめぐみで管理者となった。もし神の子らがこまっている時、これにほどこしをしなけれぱ、神はこの財産を呪い給うだろう。」
7 さて子供が三歳となったので、両親はこれをエルサレムに連れて行き、宮で祭司の祝福を受けさせた。
8 祭司長は予言者で先覚者であったので、子供を見て言う。
9 「見よ、この子は貴き予言者で律法学者の母となるだろう。彼女はこの主の宮の聖き宮のなかに居るべきだ。」



【原文:The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus by Levi H. Dowling  

Birth and Early Life of Mary, Mother of Jesus<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

CHAPTER 1 <o:p></o:p>

Palestine. Birth of Mary, Joachim's feast. Mary is blessed by the priests.
A priest’s prophecy. Mary abides in the temple. Is betrothed to Joseph.

AUGUSTUS Caesar reigned and Herod Antipas was ruler of Jerusalem.
2) Three provinces comprised the land of Palestine: Judea, Samaria and Galilee.
3) Joachim was a master of the Jewish law, a man of wealth; he lived in Nazareth of Galilee; and Anna, of the tribe of Judah, was his wife.
4) To them was born a child, a goodly female child, and they were glad; and Mary was the name they gave the child.
5) Joachim made a feast in honor of the child; but he invited not the rich, the honored and the great; he called the poor, the halt, the lame, the blind, and to each one he gave a gift of raiment, food or other needful thing.
6) He said,
The Lord has given me this wealth; I am his steward by his grace, and if I give not to his children when in need, then he will make this wealth a curse.
7) Now, when the child was three years old her parents took her to Jerusalem, and in the temple she received the blessings of the priests.
8) The high priest was a prophet and a seer, and when he saw the child he said,
9) Behold, this child will be the mother of an honored prophet and a master of the law; she shall abide within this holy temple of the Lord.
10) And Mary did abide within the temple of the Lord; and Hillel, chief of the Sanhedrin, taught her all the precepts of the Jews, and she delighted in the law of God.
11) When Mary reached the age of womanhood she was betrothed to Joseph, son of Jacob, and a carpenter of Nazareth.
12) And Joseph was an upright man, and a devoted Essene.


