


Go to plan B

2022-09-28 09:00:57 | 英語・今日のレッスン

久しぶりです---------> It’s been a long time.
最後に会ってから2週間ぶりです--------> It’s been two weeks since we met (last).
ピザを食べるのは2年ぶりです---------> It’s been two years since we ate pizza.
この薬を飲むのは3時間ぶり-------> It’s been three hours since I took this medicine.
A: It's been a long time. (お久しぶりです)
B: Yes, it’s been a long time.  (はい、お久しぶりです)

【Common Words プリントより】
私たちはこの状況において基本的な理解があります------->  We have a basic understanding of this situation.
手順 -------> procedure
技術、テクニック--------> technique
方法、手法-------> method
少子化は先進国においてよくある問題です----------> Luck of birth-rate is a common problem in the first world countries.
これはよくある問題です-------> This is a common problem.
Common とcommonplaceの違い------> commonは(common+名詞)で使い、commonplaceはその後に名詞を続けない。
これは普段の機会ではない --------> This is not an everyday opportunity.
原理、原則-------> principle
彼は自然死しました/ 死因は自然死です-------> He died of / from natural causes.
本能、直感-----> Instinct(名詞) / 直感的な、本能的な-------> instinctive (形容詞)/ 本能的に-------> instinctively (副詞)
本能的な反応-------> an instinctive reaction  (例えば、子供が落ちそうになるのを見たら、すぐそばにいなくても自然に手が動くような反応)
このような状況ではあなたは自分の本能を信じる方がいい--------> For this situation You should trust your instincts.
believeとtrushの違い------> believe 言ったこと、書いたことを信じる。 trust は何かすることまたはその人自身を信じる
流れる(動詞)現在、過去、過去分詞---------> flow- flowed -flowed (発音は音声の出る辞書で調べて各自確認してください)
飛ぶ(動詞)現在、過去、過去分詞---------> fly- flew -flown (発音は音声の出る辞書で調べて各自確認してください)
時の流れに身を任せる、流れに従う---------> Go with the flow
交通の(車の)流れはスムースです--------> The flow of the traffic is smooth.
彼女の靴の色は美しい--------> The color of her shoes is beautiful.
車の流れ(交通)は止まったり動いたりです--------> The flow of the traffic was stop and go.
交通は遅くなっている、交通はゆっくりです-------> The traffic is slowing.
このグラスは汚れがある、捨てるほうがいいです---------> This glass has a stain. You should throw it away.
ゴミを(ごみ収集所へ)出す-------> Take out garbage

① Yesterday, at the station I happened to see Mr.Yamamoto.
② I coincidentally saw /met Mr.Yamamoto.
By chance I saw Mr. Yamamoto.

【Be careful 「気を付けて」の文の作り方】
① Be careful to ------> ~に気を付けて
② Be careful not to  -------> ~しないように気を付けて
③ Be careful that  -------> (that以下を)気を付けて
靴ひもをしっかり結ぶように気を付けて--------> Be careful to tie your shoes tightly.
自分を切らないように注意して(刃を自分の方に向けている)--------> Be careful not to cut toward(s) you
向こう側へ切るように注意して--------> Be careful to cut away from you
いつも向こう側へ切るように注意して---------> Be careful that you always cut away from you
間に合うように8時までに出るほうがいい---------> So that you will be on time you should leave by 8
遅れないようにタクシーで行くほうがいい---------> you won’t So that be late you should go by taxi.

【Is there anything you want to talk about?】
My husband and I went to Kurashiki city to see our second son and his family last weekend. It was the first time for us to go there by airplane and was a three-day trip. It was a family reunion and everyone had a wonderful time. However, the day before our return, we found out our return flight was canceled because of a typhoon, so we had to go to plan B. We went to the train station to get Shinkansen train tickets. On the last day of our trip, we went to the station to return home. Some Shinkansen trains were delayed because of the typhoon, so we were worried about whether or not our Shinkansen would be on time. Unfortunately, at the last minute, it was canceled, so we rushed to the JR ticket office and exchanged our tickets for the later tickets, but we couldn't get seats that were next to each other. It was good that we rushed there because there was a long line of people waiting to exchange their tickets. At last, we managed to get on the train even though it was two hours delayed. To make matters worse, the Shinkansen train suddenly stopped around Yokohama station, just 30 minutes before we got to the Tokyo station due to a power outage. (Tokyo station is a terminal.) The air conditioner wasn't working. It was only 10 minutes, but I felt like it was much longer and was scared because I couldn't open the doors or windows. Plus, I couldn't tell when it would start working again at first.
We were able to get back home around six in the evening. Anyway, my husband and I will never forget our trip and it will turn into a good memory someday.

*go to plan B -----> 計画を変更する
*at the last minute ------> 直前になって、ギリギリになって、土壇場になって (cancel at the last minute---> ドタキャン)
*To make matters worse ------> さらに悪いことに
*a power outage ------> 停電

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学習記録 (May)
2022-10-01 15:23:07
1, writing----> 7日間
2, Skype lesson -----> 2 Lesson
3, Practice Paradise------>5 lesson
4, Idiomatic American English ----->Lesson23
5, Book club -----> 1回 Chapter 8の要約
6, TED----> 先々週の課題まだ終了せず
7, Regular English meeting----> 1回

I was too busy to do my English exercises during the week. The good thing is I was able to do the idiom text book again.
I hope I can do my tasks this week and will be satified with my result next week.


