


Safety is first.

2016-05-21 20:42:03 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

【It's a cold day today isn't it?】
It's cold today isn't it?  今日は寒いですね 
cold= 形容詞
It's a cold day today isn't it? 今日は寒い日ですね
cold day= 名詞 数えられる名詞なので a cold dayとなる

It's a rainy day today isn't it? 今日は雨ですね
It's a cold and wind day today isn't it?  今日は寒くて風の強い日ですね
It's hot and humid today isn't it? 今日は暑くて蒸しますね

muggy 蒸し暑い
hazy かすんでいる、もやのかかった

【safe 形容詞  安全な】
Japan is safer than America.  日本はアメリカより安全です
This neighborhood is safe. この近所は安全です
I'm worried about her safety.  私は彼女の安全が心配です
safety first. 安全一番

America is bigger than Japan.  アメリカは日本より大きいです
Japan is safer than America.  日本はアメリカより安全です

【by と until】
by までに 期限を表す 
until まで 継続期間

Our train doesn't leave until 5, so we don't have to hurry.

Last night, my parents and I talked until 2 a.m. 夕べ、私の両親と私は2時まで話した
I have to finish (this) work by 5 today. 私は今日の5時までに仕事を終えなければならない

We have to hurry. 急がなければならない
We don't have to hurry.  急がなくてもいい
Are you in a hurry? 急いでいるんですか
I'm in a hurry so we can talk about this tomorrow. 私は急いでいるのでこれについては明日話せます
This morning, I was in a hurry so I didn't eat breakfast. 今朝、私は急いでいたので朝食をとっていません
I was in a hurry on the test so I made a lot of mistakes.
This morning when I left my house, I was in a hurry so I forgot my umbrella.
This morning when I left my house, I was in a hurry so I forgot to lock door.

Please hurry! いそいで   hurry upは失礼になるので使わないように(自分の子どもには使えるが)

【One of the things that stood out for me ~】

One of the things that stood out for me about my trip was the kindness of foreigner.

One of the things that stands out for me about this restaurant is the view.

One of the things that stands out for me about living in Takasaki is comfort.

wrong, mistaken 形容詞
I was wrong about +(when/where/ what) +主語+動詞
I was wrong about +名詞
I was mistaken about +(when/where/ what) +主語+動詞 
I was mistaken about +名詞

I was wrong about when the movie starts. 私は映画がいつ始まるかを間違えました
I was wrong about the price. 私は値段を間違えました

mistake 動詞
I mistook salt for sugar. 私は塩を砂糖と間違えました

【I was surprised to hear that~】
I was surprised to hear that Mr. Sakamoto will marry this year.
I was surprised to read that Mr. Sakamoto will marry this year.
I was surprised to read in the paper that~. ~を新聞で読んで驚いた
I was surprised to read on her blog that~. ~を彼女のブログで読んで驚いた
I was surprised to hear on the radio that~. ~をラジオで聞いて驚いた
I was surprised to watch on TV that~.  ~をテレビで見て驚いた
I was surprised to see on TV that~.  ~をテレビで見て驚いた

I was surprised to find out that Mr. Sakamoto will marry this year.
I was surprised to find out about his marriage.

One of the things that stood out(stands out) for me about ~を使って例文を作る

I was surprised to find out that~ を使い例文を作る
(I was surprised to~ )

前回の復習問題2の解答は ここをクリック


1.I tripped to America last week. わたしは先週アメリカへ旅行しました
2.My son plays Judo.  息子は柔道をしています
3.A baby stopped to cry finally. 赤ちゃんはついに泣き止んだ
4.The movie was very wonderful. その映画は大変素晴らしかった
5.Most my friends like swimming.  私のほとんどの友人は泳ぐのが好き
6.I came to here at 10. わたしはここに10時に来ました
7. My throat is painful. 私はのどが痛い
8.How do you think of this clothes? この服どう思う?
9.I bought a jeans yesterday. 昨日、ジーパンを買いました
10.My friend and I watched the paintings at the exhibition. 友人と私は展覧会で絵を見ました


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