


May I please have some water without ice.

2013-09-23 14:24:23 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

arrangement(s) 手配、準備
make the arrangements  手配をする
Thank you for making the arrangements. 手配してくれてありがとう

honk  警笛を鳴らす、クラクションを鳴らす
The car behind honked at me. 後ろの車がクラクションを鳴らした

【include, come with, without, instead of】

include  含める

Does this price include the tax?
税金込みですか? 税金を含んでいますか?

Does the set include dessert?
=Does the set come with dessert?
*come with はレストランでのみ使える

How many are there in your family?  あなたは何人家族?
- Including me five. 私を含めて5人です

without ~抜きで   with ~付きで

May I please have some water without ice?

May I please have Denny's breakfast without bacon.

May I have wheat toast with margarine instead of butter.

* margarine の発音に注意


For the party is there enough beer?

For the party are there enough chairs?

Yes, there are enough.  はい、足りてます

Yes, there are just enough. はい、ちょうど足りています

Yes, there are barely enough. はい、ぎりぎり足りています

* just enough/ barely enough は質問のときには使えない

On my way here on the train I had barely enough time to do my homework.

more than enough 十二分にある(必要以上にある)

Do we have enough time to have coffee before our departure?

Sure, we have more than enough.

Is this rope long enough?  ロープは十分な長さがありますか?
Yes, it's more than long enough. はい、十二分にあります(はい、かなり余裕があります)


go on a cruise ヨット、客船で周遊する/ クルーズをする
go on a business trip  出張旅行に行く
go on an airplane 飛行機旅行

I went on a cruise to Hokkaido. 私は北海道へ船旅をしました

air sick  (形容詞)飛行機に酔った
airsickness  (名詞) 飛行機酔い
motion sickness  (名詞)乗り物酔い
dramamine (商標名:ドラマミン)アメリカの酔い止めの薬(日本で「トラベルミン」といえば酔い止めと分かるように、アメリカではドラマミンといえば酔い止め)

Do you have jet lag?  時差ぼけですか?
Do you still have jet lag? まだ時差ぼけ?

* jet lag は a jet lag/ the jet lag にはならない

To avoid jet lag you shouldn't eat anything one day before your departure.
You don't say!  本当ですか?


How cute!   かわいいー
Boy or girl?   男の子?女の子?
Girl.   女の子です
How old is she?  いくつですか?
She is 4 months.  4ヶ月です
What is her name?   お名前は?
Her name is Mary.  マリーです
That's a pretty name.Hello, Mary.  かわいい名前ですね。こんにちは、マリーちゃん
(Mary is starting to cry)  マリーちゃん泣きだす
Don't cry, there there. Peek-a-boo. I see you.


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