


Next time my treat.

2012-04-29 20:46:50 | 英語・今日のレッスン


A and B look good together.
A and B go good together.

【of ~の言い方】復習
I like the color of your top. あなたの上半身の服の色が好き

The beginning of the movie was interesting but the ending was disappointing.


How much is mine?   私の分はいくら?

My treat. / It's on me.   わたしのおごりですよ

Thank you(for treating me)  ありがとう

Next time my treat.    次回は私がおごりますね

I'm looking forward to next time.  次回を楽しみにしています


Have you seen this movie, haven't you?
→Yes, I have.

Can you read this book can't you?
→Yes,I can.


We should ask him.  彼に聞いた方がいい

We should have asked him.   聞いたほうがよかった

We have to ask him.    彼に聞かなければならない

We had to ask him.     彼に聞かなければならなかった

【Have you had ~】復習

Have you had lunch?  お昼を食べましたか?

Have you had a nap today?  今日昼寝しましたか?

Have you had a call from Mr.Sato?  佐藤さんから電話がありましたか?

Have you had this kind of food?   こんな食べ物を食べましたか?

Have you had time to 動詞~? ~する時間がありましたか?
Have you had time to water for the plants?   植物に水をやる時間がありましたか?

【A is not as 形容詞 as B  AはBほど~でない】復習

A is not as heavy as B.  AはBほど重くない

This is not as difficult as I expected.  これは私が思ったほど難しくない

【痛み の 形容詞は?】復習


My arm is sore.  私の腕は痛い
To cut finger is painful.  切れた指が痛い(怪我した指が痛い)
A sunbarn is painful.  やけどは痛い

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