文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Diplomatic boycott: Japan also clarifies

2021年12月05日 22時51分37秒 | 全般

The following is from an article by Professor Bema Gyalpo of Takushoku University that appeared in yesterday's Sankei Shimbun titled "Diplomatic boycott: Japan also clarifies" about the pros and cons of the Beijing Olympics, which still makes no mention of human rights.
It is a must-read for the Japanese people and people around the world.
The emphasis in the text is mine.
At first, only Tibetan and Uyghur support organizations opposed to the Beijing Winter Olympics, but now, 180 human rights groups and organizations worldwide are appealing to their governments and the international community to show their opposition somehow.
Such a movement has further accelerated by the emergence of the issue of the safety of tennis player Peng Shuang, who confessed that she was forced to have sexual relations with a former member of China's supreme leadership.
It is really not good for Japan's image that only Japan does not have an apparent attitude. 
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe often referred to freedom, democracy, and human rights as universal values. If they are universal values, we must speak out no matter what kind of country we are dealing with. 
On the 9th and 10th of this month, it will hold a summit on democracy under the auspices of the U.S. government.
Prime Minister Kishida needs to show an apparent attitude to attend with confidence.
Although he has even appointed an assistant to the prime minister for international human rights affairs, it does not appear that the prime minister has made any clear statements at this point.
Rather than blaming only the government, I would like to ask the same question of those who call themselves human rights groups and liberals, as well as the media.
Strangely, celebrities, the sports world, and female Diet members of the opposition parties are silent on the issue of Ms. Peng, who made a fuss as if she were the head of an ogre by broadly interpreting the comments about women made by former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, who was the chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympics and Paralympics.
Japan "reflects" on things like the "Nanjing Massacre," which may or may not have actually happened, but can it take a bystander's attitude toward the current genocide in Xinjiang and the cultural genocide which is equivalent to stealing the soul of a people by banning languages in Tibet, Southern Mongolia, and Uyghur?
Government policies reflect public opinion, especially in a democratic society.
I would also like to appeal to the common sense of the Japanese people.


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/12/5, 17:55

2021年12月05日 17時53分58秒 | 全般


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/12/5, 14:05


The truth is just the opposite of what they think.






They may believe that, but their reporting is misleading the public.


Es ist an der Zeit, dass das japanische Volk den unermesslichen Schaden erkennt


Men jeg vet at verdiene jeg tilegnet meg i Kina var grunnleggende feil


Chegou a hora de o povo japonês perceber os danos incomensuráveis


È giunto il momento per il popolo giapponese di rendersi conto del danno incommensurabile





2021年12月05日 17時38分31秒 | 全般





2021年12月05日 17時36分06秒 | 全般






2021年12月05日 17時31分37秒 | 全般





2021年12月05日 17時28分12秒 | 全般




They may believe that, but their reporting is misleading the public.

2021年12月05日 17時23分34秒 | 全般

The following is a rough draft, but it is the truth.
TV Tokyo is a subsidiary of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
It is an obvious fact that the Nikkei, like the Asahi and other newspapers, are favored by the Chinese government.
The other night, Foreign Minister Hayashi appeared live on WBS, the news program of TV Tokyo.
He did not utter a single word about China in response to all the questions.
Although he pretended to be cautious, it is no exaggeration to say that his answer was 100% about his concern for China.
As he was the chairman of the Japan-China Parliamentary Friendship League, it was probably a perfectly natural response.
What I am going to point out in this paper, probably for the first time in the world, is something different.
But it is also the source of the mistake that he made.
In other words, it is a crucial point that I am making for the first time in Japan.
At first glance, WBS pretended that they were asking questions from a critical point of view about China.
They may believe that, but their reporting is misleading the public.
They always make it sound like Japan is between the US and China.
The graphs (and figures) they use as the basis for their misleading statements are a form of guided interrogation that misleads the public.
China now accounts for over 20% of Japan's trade volume, surpassing the US as the largest trading partner.
Therefore, Japan needs to be cautious when dealing with China.
It is the typical way of saying that the Nikkei and other media are given preferential treatment for their reporting activities in China.
It is also the wrong rationale for the indecisive, or in other words, China-disciplined, stances of Prime Minister Kishida, who has a reputation for being pro-China, and Foreign Minister Hayashi, who is one of the heads of a panda hugger.
Initially, Foreign Minister Hayashi should have said, "Under the current circumstances, Japan has no choice but to consider a diplomatic boycott, just like the West.
If Japan were to respond to China in that way, in the true sense of the word, and if China were to behave in the way it did toward Australia, then Japan would be forced to consider a diplomatic boycott, just like the West.
What TV Tokyo, Prime Minister Kishida, and the pro-China and panda hugger members of the LDP are concerned about or afraid of is what will happen if trade with China is cut off, and they are obsessed with kindergarten-age foolishness.
Either they are obsessed themselves or obsessed with such stupid ideas due to Chinese manipulation.
Perhaps it is both.
The truth is just the opposite of what they think.
They are utterly oblivious that Japan is still practically the world's second-largest economy and technological power.
It is safe to say that China's manipulation has made them forget this.
For China, Japan is not a country like Korea.
They may even have forgotten that Japan is not a country like Korea, nor is it one of the poor Asian countries China profoundly despises.
They have fallen for China's manipulations to the extent that they have lost sight of the simple truth that China will be troubled if trade and exchange with Japan ceases.
Japan would not be troubled at all even if it stopped having relations with China.
Of course, some things will cause trouble momentarily, but these are things that Japan will eventually be able to replace using its technological and research capabilities.
China is in great trouble.
It is no exaggeration to say that it will lead to a crisis of national existence and the collapse of the system in every possible way.
To use a simple example of tourism, most Japanese people sincerely believe that they will never again have to see the nightmarish sight of Chinese people coming to Japan in large numbers.
The only people who do not understand this are former Prime Minister Suga, who relied on Nikai, and Hashimoto, who seems to have mistakenly thought that filling Shinsaibashi with Chinese people was the revival of Osaka.
In every sense of the word, the majority of the Japanese people think, "No more China and the Chinese."
They are the only ones who do not understand this.
The Chinese and Koreans, anti-Japanese and lacking public spirit, do not come to Japan.
They have deteriorated to the point that they have lost sight of the fact that this is the normal state of Japan.
The fact that workers also exist in Japan is evident in the laborious work of Nobuyuki Kaji, Professor Emeritus of Osaka University, a truly great scholar who studied at Kyoto University, which I introduced recently.
 Local universities no longer have the status of universities.
High schools and universities are so stupid that they give scholarships to Chinese students to secure the number of students.
The collapse of these schools would be a good day for Japan.
In other words, the stupid way people with an average score of 5 are forced to enter high school or university will disappear.
They are only incompetent in their studies, not in life at all.
They have a love of fish, the love of the sea, the love of fishing, the love of home, the love of family, the love of the industry, the love of craftsmanship, the love of life.
Love for industry, passion for crafts, love for people who strive and seek to make perfect crafts.
They are people who have a genuine love of fruit, love of produce, love of agriculture, and love of nature.
They do not need to study calculus or languages.
What they need is the study of fisheries, agriculture, and industry.
Their fake studies have only spoiled their actual usefulness to Japan.
As Mr. Nobuyuki Kaji pointed out, unnecessary withdrawal, refusal of children to go to school, or insidious bullying, all of these evils that are the result of today's deceptive education system in Japan will be dissipated.
Everything that will come to Japan due to cutting off relations with China is a good omen.
They all forget that Japan had not needed China since Michizane Sugawara advised and decided to abolish the envoys to China.
China will overthrow the government even if it only closes the way to steal technology from Japan.


Everything that will come to Japan due to cutting off relations with China is a good omen.

2021年12月05日 17時18分32秒 | 全般

The following is a rough draft, but it is the truth.
Local universities no longer have the status of universities.
High schools and universities are so stupid that they give scholarships to Chinese students to secure the number of students.
The collapse of these schools would be a good day for Japan.
In other words, the stupid way people with an average score of 5 are forced to enter high school or university will disappear.
They are only incompetent in their studies, not in life at all.
They have a love of fish, the love of the sea, the love of fishing, the love of home, the love of family, the love of the industry, the love of craftsmanship, the love of life.
Love for industry, passion for crafts, love for people who strive and seek to make perfect crafts.
They are people who have a genuine love of fruit, love of produce, love of agriculture, and love of nature.
They do not need to study calculus or languages.
What they need is the study of fisheries, agriculture, and industry.
Their fake studies have only spoiled their actual usefulness to Japan.
As Mr. Nobuyuki Kaji pointed out, unnecessary withdrawal, refusal of children to go to school, or insidious bullying, all of these evils that are the result of today's deceptive education system in Japan will be dissipated.
Everything that will come to Japan due to cutting off relations with China is a good omen.
They all forget that Japan had not needed China since Michizane Sugawara advised and decided to abolish the envoys to China.
China will overthrow the government even if it only closes the way to steal technology from Japan.


2021年12月05日 17時04分38秒 | 全般



The truth is just the opposite of what they think.

2021年12月05日 16時37分28秒 | 全般

TV Tokyo is a subsidiary of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
It is an obvious fact that the Nikkei, like the Asahi and other newspapers, are favored by the Chinese government.
The other night, Foreign Minister Hayashi appeared live on WBS, the news program of TV Tokyo.
He did not utter a single word about China in response to all the questions.
Although he pretended to be cautious, it is no exaggeration to say that his answer was 100% about his concern for China.
As he was the chairman of the Japan-China Parliamentary Friendship League, it was probably a perfectly natural response.
What I am going to point out in this paper, probably for the first time in the world, is something different.
But it is also the source of the mistake that he made.
In other words, it is a crucial point that I am making for the first time in Japan.
At first glance, WBS pretended that they were asking questions from a critical point of view about China.
They may believe that, but their reporting is misleading the public.
They always make it sound like Japan is between the US and China.
The graphs (and figures) they use as the basis for their misleading statements are a form of guided interrogation that misleads the public.
China now accounts for over 20% of Japan's trade volume, surpassing the US as the largest trading partner.
Therefore, Japan needs to be cautious when dealing with China.
It is the typical way of saying that the Nikkei and other media are given preferential treatment for their reporting activities in China.
It is also the wrong rationale for the indecisive, or in other words, China-disciplined, stances of Prime Minister Kishida, who has a reputation for being pro-China, and Foreign Minister Hayashi, who is one of the heads of a panda hugger.
Initially, Foreign Minister Hayashi should have said, "Under the current circumstances, Japan has no choice but to consider a diplomatic boycott, just like the West.
If Japan were to respond to China in that way, in the true sense of the word, and if China were to behave in the way it did toward Australia, then Japan would be forced to consider a diplomatic boycott, just like the West.
What TV Tokyo, Prime Minister Kishida, and the pro-China and panda hugger members of the LDP are concerned about or afraid of is what will happen if trade with China is cut off, and they are obsessed with kindergarten-age foolishness.
Either they are obsessed themselves or obsessed with such stupid ideas due to Chinese manipulation.
Perhaps it is both.
The truth is just the opposite of what they think.
They are utterly oblivious that Japan is still practically the world's second-largest economy and technological power.
It is safe to say that China's manipulation has made them forget this.
For China, Japan is not a country like Korea.
They may even have forgotten that Japan is not a country like Korea, nor is it one of the poor Asian countries China profoundly despises.
They have fallen for China's manipulations to the extent that they have lost sight of the simple truth that China will be troubled if trade and exchange with Japan ceases.
Japan would not be troubled at all even if it stopped having relations with China.
Of course, some things will cause trouble momentarily, but these are things that Japan will eventually be able to replace using its technological and research capabilities.
China is in great trouble.
It is no exaggeration to say that it will lead to a crisis of national existence and the collapse of the system in every possible way.
To use a simple example of tourism, most Japanese people sincerely believe that they will never again have to see the nightmarish sight of Chinese people coming to Japan in large numbers.
The only people who do not understand this are former Prime Minister Suga, who relied on Nikai, and Hashimoto, who seems to have mistakenly thought that filling Shinsaibashi with Chinese people was the revival of Osaka.
In every sense of the word, the majority of the Japanese people think, "No more China and the Chinese."
They are the only ones who do not understand this.
The Chinese and Koreans, anti-Japanese and lacking public spirit, do not come to Japan.
They have deteriorated to the point that they have lost sight of the fact that this is the normal state of Japan.
The fact that workers also exist in Japan is evident in the laborious work of Nobuyuki Kaji, Professor Emeritus of Osaka University, a truly great scholar who studied at Kyoto University, which I introduced recently.

Tiden er inne for det japanske folket til å innse den umåtelige skaden

2021年12月05日 16時19分49秒 | 全般

Siden denne spalten dukket opp i juli 2010, har jeg grundig kritisert dårskapen og ondskapen til Asahi Shimbun og andre såkalte kulturfigurer. De har gjentatte ganger oppfordret til å «lære av Tyskland».
Som et resultat av dette har jeg sett svært få mennesker si slikt tull.
Men nå er tiden inne for å lære av Tyskland på en eller annen måte.
Følgende er fra en minimal artikkel i Nihon Keizai Shimbun 3. desember.
Abonnenter bør også vite at sannheten ligger på disse bittesmå, ubemerkete stedene.
(Uthevingen i teksten er min, bortsett fra overskriften.)
USAs utenriksminister oppfordrer Tyskland til ikke å bidra til nedrustning i henhold til atomforbudsavtalen
(Washington: Ryo Nakamura)
USAs utenriksminister James Blinken, som er på besøk i Europa, sa på en pressekonferanse onsdag at en atomvåpenkonvensjon «ikke ville bidra i det hele tatt til å nå målet (om atomnedrustning).
Han oppfordret den påtroppende tyske regjeringen, som forventes å delta som observatør på partskonferansen til atomvåpenkonvensjonen, til å samarbeide om atompolitikk.
I desember har de tyske sosialdemokratene, de grønne og frie demokrater, som skal danne en ny tysk regjering, inkludert observatørdeltakelse i konferansen for partene til atomvåpenkonvensjonen i sin koalisjonsavtale.
Tyskland er den første av de syv G7-nasjonene som kunngjør sin deltakelse som observatør.
Den amerikanske administrasjonen er på vakt mot en rekke europeiske nasjoner, som starter med Tyskland, som blir med som observatører.
Mr. Blinken ønsket velkommen at Tysklands kommende regjering har indikert at den har til hensikt å opprettholde et rammeverk for å dele atomvåpenoperasjoner med USA.
Dette rammeverket har en rolle i å avskrekke Russland og er en bærebjelke i USAs atomparaply for Europa.
*Med andre ord, Tyskland har lært oss at Japan ikke vil være i stand til å avskrekke Kina med mindre det umiddelbart etablerer et rammeverk for å dele driften av atomvåpen med USA.
I likhet med det amerikanske presidentsystemet, bør det å få kansleren til å delta på dietten stoppes umiddelbart.
I Tyskland deltar Merkel, eller kansleren, i parlamentet bare noen få dager i året.
Det er ikke et enkelt land i G7, dvs. i den industrialiserte verden, hvor statsministeren sitter i parlamentet i lange perioder som Japan.
Av en eller annen grunn har ikke Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc., informert offentligheten om dette åpenbare faktum.
Tiden er inne for det japanske folket til å innse den umåtelige skaden denne holdningen har gjort for Japans nasjonale interesser.
Det ville være svært upraktisk for Asahi Shimbun og dets sympatisører, de såkalte kulturpersonlighetene og opposisjonspartiene hvis Japan lærte av Tyskland og gjorde det samme.
De er med andre ord ikke redde for å skade den nasjonale interessen for å skille seg ut.
De lot aldri Tyskland lære av dem å angripe statsministeren med deres partiske rapportering og om nødvendig styrte regjeringen.
Leserne vil se at jeg har truffet spikeren på hodet når jeg sa at de ikke er bedre enn hoodlum.

Det är dags för det japanska folket att inse den omätliga skadan

2021年12月05日 16時19分13秒 | 全般

Sedan denna kolumn dök upp i juli 2010 har jag grundligt kritiserat Asahi Shimbuns dårskap och elakhet och andra så kallade kulturpersonligheter. De har upprepade gånger uppmanat till att "lära av Tyskland".
Som ett resultat har jag sett väldigt få människor säga sådana dumheter.
Men nu är det dags för oss att lära av Tyskland på något sätt.
Följande är från en minimal artikel i Nihon Keizai Shimbun den 3 december.
Prenumeranter bör också veta att sanningen ligger på dessa små, obemärkta platser.
(Betoningen i texten är min, förutom rubriken.)
USA:s utrikesminister uppmanar Tyskland att inte bidra till nedrustning enligt kärnvapenförbudsfördraget
(Washington: Ryo Nakamura)
USA:s utrikesminister James Blinken, som besöker Europa, sa vid en presskonferens på onsdagen att en kärnvapenkonvention "inte alls skulle bidra till att uppnå målet (om kärnvapennedrustning).
Han uppmanade den tillträdande tyska regeringen, som förväntas delta som observatör vid konferensen för parterna till kärnvapenkonventionen, att samarbeta kring kärnkraftspolitiken.
I december har de tyska socialdemokraterna, gröna och fria demokrater, som kommer att bilda en ny tysk regering, inkluderat observatörsdeltagande i konferensen för parterna till kärnvapenkonventionen i sitt koalitionsavtal.
Tyskland är det första av de sju G7-länderna att tillkännage sitt deltagande som observatör.
Den amerikanska administrationen är försiktig med en rad europeiska nationer, som börjar med Tyskland, som går med som observatörer.
Herr Blinken välkomnade att Tysklands tillträdande regering har indikerat att den avser att upprätthålla ett ramverk för att dela kärnvapenoperationer med USA.
Detta ramverk har en roll i att avskräcka Ryssland och är en pelare i USA:s kärnkraftsparaply för Europa.
*Med andra ord, Tyskland har lärt oss att Japan inte kommer att kunna avskräcka Kina om det inte omedelbart upprättar ett ramverk för att dela driften av kärnvapen med USA.
Liksom USA:s presidentsystem bör det omedelbart stoppas att låta kanslern delta i dieten.
I Tyskland deltar Merkel, eller kanslern, i parlamentet bara några dagar om året.
Det finns inget enskilt land i G7, det vill säga i den industrialiserade världen, där premiärministern sitter i parlamentet under långa perioder som Japan.
Av någon anledning har Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc., inte informerat allmänheten om detta uppenbara faktum.
Det är dags för det japanska folket att inse den omätliga skadan denna attityd har åsamkat Japans nationella intressen.
Det skulle vara mycket obekvämt för Asahi Shimbun och dess sympatisörer, de så kallade kulturpersonligheterna och oppositionspartierna om Japan lärde sig av Tyskland och gjorde detsamma.
De är med andra ord inte rädda för att skada riksintresset för att få sig att sticka ut.
De lät aldrig Tyskland lära sig av dem att attackera premiärministern med sin partiska rapportering och, om nödvändigt, störta regeringen.
Läsare kommer att se att jag har slagit huvudet på spiken när jag säger att de inte är bättre än hoodlum.


2021年12月05日 16時17分11秒 | 全般

12 月,將組成德國新政府的德國社會民主黨、綠黨和自由民主黨已將觀察員參與核武器公約締約方會議納入其聯盟協議。
在 G7 中,即在工業化世界中,沒有一個國家像日本那樣長期在議會中擔任首相。
出於某種原因,朝日新聞、NHK 等沒有將這一顯而易見的事實告知公眾。


2021年12月05日 16時15分13秒 | 全般

12 月,将组成德国新政府的德国社会民主党、绿党和自由民主党已将观察员参与核武器公约缔约方会议纳入其联盟协议。
在 G7 中,即在工业化世界中,没有一个国家像日本那样长期在议会中担任首相。
出于某种原因,朝日新闻、NHK 等没有将这一显而易见的事实告知公众。

일본 국민이 헤아릴 수 없는 피해를 깨달을 때가 왔다

2021年12月05日 16時11分26秒 | 全般

2010년 7월 이 칼럼이 나온 이후로 나는 아사히신문을 비롯한 이른바 문화계 인사들의 어리석음과 비열함을 철저히 비판해왔다. 그들은 "독일에서 배울 것"을 거듭 촉구했습니다.
결과적으로 그런 말도 안되는 소리를 하는 사람은 거의 보지 못했습니다.
하지만 이제는 어떻게든 독일에서 배워야 할 때입니다.
다음은 12월 3일자 일본경제신문에 실린 최소한의 기사입니다.
가입자는 또한 이 작고 눈에 띄지 않는 곳에 진실이 있음을 알아야 합니다.
(제목을 제외하고 텍스트의 강조는 필자의 것입니다.)
미 국무장관, 독일이 핵금지조약에 따른 군축에 기여하지 말 것을 촉구
(워싱턴: 료 나카무라)
유럽을 방문 중인 제임스 블링켄 미 국무장관은 10일 기자회견에서 “핵무기협약은 (핵군축) 목표 달성에 전혀 기여하지 않을 것”이라고 말했다.
그는 핵무기 협약 당사국 총회에 옵서버로 참가할 것으로 예상되는 차기 독일 정부가 핵 정책에 대해 협력할 것을 촉구했습니다.
12월에 새로운 독일 정부를 구성하게 될 독일 사회민주당, 녹색당, 자유민주당은 연합 협정에 핵무기 협약 당사국 회의에 참관인 참여를 포함했습니다.
독일은 G7 7개국 중 처음으로 옵저버 참가를 선언했다.
미 행정부는 독일을 시작으로 유럽 국가들이 옵저버로 합류하는 것을 경계하고 있다.
Blinken씨는 독일의 새 정부가 미국과 핵무기 작전을 공유하기 위한 틀을 유지할 의사가 있음을 시사한 것을 환영했습니다.
이 프레임워크는 러시아를 억제하는 역할을 하며 유럽을 위한 미국 핵우산의 기둥입니다.
*즉, 미국과 핵무기 운용을 공유하는 틀을 즉시 마련하지 않으면 일본이 중국을 제지할 수 없다는 것을 독일이 가르쳐준 것이다.
미국 대통령제와 마찬가지로 총리를 국회에 출석시키는 것은 즉각 중단돼야 한다.
독일에서는 메르켈 총리 또는 수상이 1년에 단 며칠만 의회에 참석합니다.
G7 국가, 즉 산업화된 세계에서 일본처럼 총리가 장기 집권하는 국가는 단 한 곳도 없습니다.
어째서인지 아사히신문, NHK 등은 이 뻔한 사실을 대중에게 알리지 않고 있다.
이러한 태도가 일본의 국익에 끼친 헤아릴 수 없는 피해를 일본 국민이 깨달아야 할 때입니다.
일본이 독일에서 배워서 그렇게 했다면 아사히신문과 그 동조자, 이른바 문화계 인사들, 야당이 매우 불편했을 것이다.
즉, 자신을 돋보이게 하기 위해 국익을 훼손하는 것을 두려워하지 않는다.
그들은 독일이 편향된 보도로 총리를 공격하고 필요한 경우 정부를 전복하는 법을 배우도록 허용하지 않습니다.
독자들은 그들이 깡패보다 나을 것이 없다고 말할 때 내가 머리에 못을 박았다는 것을 알게 될 것입니다.