文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

How long will Japan have to play this foolish game?  

2021年12月29日 23時18分51秒 | 全般

The following is an article by Dr. Taishi Sugiyama, Senior Director of the Canon Institute for Global Studies, which appeared in the Sankei Shimbun's Sound Arguments on November 26 under the title "National Interests Lost at U.N. Climate Conference.
It is a must-read for the Japanese people and people around the world.

The theory that "if developed countries take the lead in decarbonization and put pressure on China, China will do the same" is still just a fairy tale.
At COP26 (the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), China did not give an inch, and only the self-destruction of the developed countries was confirmed.
It ended in a complete victory for China. 
At the climate summit hosted by the U.S. this spring, the G7 (Group of Seven industrialized nations) countries across the board declared that they would "halve C0₂ and other greenhouse gases by 2030 and achieve zero emissions (decarbonization) by 2050. 
At the end of last year, Japan also declared that it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50 years.
Japan also declared a 46% reduction by 30 years, following its declaration of zero emissions by 50 years at the end of last year.
On the other hand, China did not change its plan to continue to increase CO2 and other emissions by 30 years.
The Chinese government has not changed its plan to continue increasing CO2. 
It could not break this composition even at this COP26.
Not only that but the targets declared by each country have been upgraded and confirmed in the international treaty called the Paris Agreement.
The 30-year target is so reckless that the developed countries cannot meet it anyway.
China will be highly critical of it and will gain a diplomatic advantage.
In addition, developed countries will significantly increase their use of solar power and electric vehicles, but they will import more from China, benefit China.
The developed economies will bear a heavy burden.
China will not stop laughing at the self-destruction of its enemies.
The major media are writing about the Glasgow Climate Accord at COP26 as if it is the result of raising the temperature rise target to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
However, the phrase "pursue efforts" to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius was initially in the Paris Agreement.
China has made no concessions.
The decarbonization period was "by or around," but the word "at that time" was to keep China's target year of 2060 unchanged.
US Biden traitorous negotiations
A phased "reduction" of coal-fired power generation was also agreed upon, but this does not force any change in China's plan for the next 30 years.
In fact, the word "reduction" was first used in the U.S.-China Glasgow Joint Declaration, which was released during COP26.
China's current 14th Five-Year Plan calls for a 10% increase in C0₂ emissions by 2025.
This increase alone is equivalent to Japan's annual emissions.
However, in the 15th Five-Year Plan, the share of coal-fired power generation is expected to decrease.
It is because the number of non-coal-fired power plants will increase.
In other words, the "reduction" agreement is merely an endorsement of China's thinking.
In exchange, the U.S., in the Joint Declaration, makes the outrageous promise of "100% zero-emissions electricity by 2035.
There is no way the U.S. can decarbonize electricity by 2035.
China will use this phrase to accuse the U.S. and gain a diplomatic advantage in the future.
If the U.S. really tries to achieve this goal, it will be its own destruction.
The U.S.-China agreement is short and easy to read, but it says that the U.S. will cooperate with China on everything.
China has not promised anything other than a "reduction" of coal.
So what was the point of this agreement? 
Both wanted to send a message that "cooperation is important" regarding climate change.
The Biden administration's conciliatory stance toward China is clearly visible.
It wants to use climate change as an excuse to maintain economic relations.
However, it is highly doubtful that this will contribute to the genuine national interest of the United States.
On the other hand, this is an excellent opportunity for China to break the siege on China.
So the interests of the two administrations are aligned.
Nevertheless, the Democratic Party of the United States (DPJ) administration's traitorous negotiating style is still the same as ever, as it makes promises to China that it cannot keep. 
A Time Bomb Set for Itself 
Under the Glasgow Agreement, the progress of C02 reduction toward 2030 will be followed up every year by the proposal of developed countries obsessed with decarbonization.
However, the goals of the developed countries are all overblown, and there is no chance of achieving Japan's 46% reduction (compared to 2013), the U.K.'s 68% reduction (compared to 1990), or the U.S. E's 50% reduction (compared to 2005).
If we really try, our economy will collapse and lose our energy security.
In addition, developed countries have pledged enormous aid of over 10 trillion yen per year.
Even though the latest IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report has not observed any intensification of disasters caused by C02, it is an act of sheer madness.
The world is in the midst of an energy crisis, and the developed countries have been neglecting stable and inexpensive energy supply in their efforts to decarbonize.
Japan is one of them, and other countries are scrambling to cope with the economic burden by providing temporary subsidies.
Inflation is also a growing concern.
Under these circumstances, no country can afford to have its parliament pass a carbon tax or regulation that entails a massive decarbonization burden.
Thus, next year at COP27, the disagreements will become apparent, and the developed countries will find themselves in an increasingly moral quagmire.
And they will be forced to make even more absurd C0₂ reductions and provide enormous aid.
How long will Japan have to play this foolish game?  


US Biden traitorous negotiations

2021年12月29日 23時17分11秒 | 全般

The following is an article by Dr. Taishi Sugiyama, Senior Director of the Canon Institute for Global Studies, which appeared in the Sankei Shimbun's Sound Arguments on November 26 under the title "National Interests Lost at U.N. Climate Conference.
It is a must-read for the Japanese people and people around the world.

The theory that "if developed countries take the lead in decarbonization and put pressure on China, China will do the same" is still just a fairy tale.
At COP26 (the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), China did not give an inch, and only the self-destruction of the developed countries was confirmed.
It ended in a complete victory for China. 
At the climate summit hosted by the U.S. this spring, the G7 (Group of Seven industrialized nations) countries across the board declared that they would "halve C0₂ and other greenhouse gases by 2030 and achieve zero emissions (decarbonization) by 2050. 
At the end of last year, Japan also declared that it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50 years.
Japan also declared a 46% reduction by 30 years, following its declaration of zero emissions by 50 years at the end of last year.
On the other hand, China did not change its plan to continue to increase CO2 and other emissions by 30 years.
The Chinese government has not changed its plan to continue increasing CO2. 
It could not break this composition even at this COP26.
Not only that but the targets declared by each country have been upgraded and confirmed in the international treaty called the Paris Agreement.
The 30-year target is so reckless that the developed countries cannot meet it anyway.
China will be highly critical of it and will gain a diplomatic advantage.
In addition, developed countries will significantly increase their use of solar power and electric vehicles, but they will import more from China, benefit China.
The developed economies will bear a heavy burden.
China will not stop laughing at the self-destruction of its enemies.
The major media are writing about the Glasgow Climate Accord at COP26 as if it is the result of raising the temperature rise target to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
However, the phrase "pursue efforts" to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius was initially in the Paris Agreement.
China has made no concessions.
The decarbonization period was "by or around," but the word "at that time" was to keep China's target year of 2060 unchanged.
US Biden traitorous negotiations
A phased "reduction" of coal-fired power generation was also agreed upon, but this does not force any change in China's plan for the next 30 years.
In fact, the word "reduction" was first used in the U.S.-China Glasgow Joint Declaration, which was released during COP26.
China's current 14th Five-Year Plan calls for a 10% increase in C0₂ emissions by 2025.
This increase alone is equivalent to Japan's annual emissions.
However, in the 15th Five-Year Plan, the share of coal-fired power generation is expected to decrease.
It is because the number of non-coal-fired power plants will increase.
In other words, the "reduction" agreement is merely an endorsement of China's thinking.
In exchange, the U.S., in the Joint Declaration, makes the outrageous promise of "100% zero-emissions electricity by 2035.
There is no way the U.S. can decarbonize electricity by 2035.
China will use this phrase to accuse the U.S. and gain a diplomatic advantage in the future.
If the U.S. really tries to achieve this goal, it will be its own destruction.
The U.S.-China agreement is short and easy to read, but it says that the U.S. will cooperate with China on everything.
China has not promised anything other than a "reduction" of coal.
So what was the point of this agreement? 
Both wanted to send a message that "cooperation is important" regarding climate change.
The Biden administration's conciliatory stance toward China is clearly visible.
It wants to use climate change as an excuse to maintain economic relations.
However, it is highly doubtful that this will contribute to the genuine national interest of the United States.
On the other hand, this is an excellent opportunity for China to break the siege on China.
So the interests of the two administrations are aligned.
Nevertheless, the Democratic Party of the United States (DPJ) administration's traitorous negotiating style is still the same as ever, as it makes promises to China that it cannot keep. 
A Time Bomb Set for Itself 
Under the Glasgow Agreement, the progress of C02 reduction toward 2030 will be followed up every year by the proposal of developed countries obsessed with decarbonization.
However, the goals of the developed countries are all overblown, and there is no chance of achieving Japan's 46% reduction (compared to 2013), the U.K.'s 68% reduction (compared to 1990), or the U.S. E's 50% reduction (compared to 2005).
If we really try, our economy will collapse and lose our energy security.
In addition, developed countries have pledged enormous aid of over 10 trillion yen per year.
Even though the latest IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report has not observed any intensification of disasters caused by C02, it is an act of sheer madness.
The world is in the midst of an energy crisis, and the developed countries have been neglecting stable and inexpensive energy supply in their efforts to decarbonize.
Japan is one of them, and other countries are scrambling to cope with the economic burden by providing temporary subsidies.
Inflation is also a growing concern.
Under these circumstances, no country can afford to have its parliament pass a carbon tax or regulation that entails a massive decarbonization burden.
Thus, next year at COP27, the disagreements will become apparent, and the developed countries will find themselves in an increasingly moral quagmire.
And they will be forced to make even more absurd C0₂ reductions and provide enormous aid.
How long will Japan have to play this foolish game?  


National Interests Lost at U.N. Climate Conference

2021年12月29日 23時15分12秒 | 全般

The following is an article by Dr. Taishi Sugiyama, Senior Director of the Canon Institute for Global Studies, which appeared in the Sankei Shimbun's Sound Arguments on November 26 under the title "National Interests Lost at U.N. Climate Conference.
It is a must-read for the Japanese people and people around the world.

The theory that "if developed countries take the lead in decarbonization and put pressure on China, China will do the same" is still just a fairy tale.
At COP26 (the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), China did not give an inch, and only the self-destruction of the developed countries was confirmed.
It ended in a complete victory for China. 
At the climate summit hosted by the U.S. this spring, the G7 (Group of Seven industrialized nations) countries across the board declared that they would "halve C0₂ and other greenhouse gases by 2030 and achieve zero emissions (decarbonization) by 2050. 
At the end of last year, Japan also declared that it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50 years.
Japan also declared a 46% reduction by 30 years, following its declaration of zero emissions by 50 years at the end of last year.
On the other hand, China did not change its plan to continue to increase CO2 and other emissions by 30 years.
The Chinese government has not changed its plan to continue increasing CO2. 
It could not break this composition even at this COP26.
Not only that but the targets declared by each country have been upgraded and confirmed in the international treaty called the Paris Agreement.
The 30-year target is so reckless that the developed countries cannot meet it anyway.
China will be highly critical of it and will gain a diplomatic advantage.
In addition, developed countries will significantly increase their use of solar power and electric vehicles, but they will import more from China, benefit China.
The developed economies will bear a heavy burden.
China will not stop laughing at the self-destruction of its enemies.
The major media are writing about the Glasgow Climate Accord at COP26 as if it is the result of raising the temperature rise target to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
However, the phrase "pursue efforts" to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius was initially in the Paris Agreement.
China has made no concessions.
The decarbonization period was "by or around," but the word "at that time" was to keep China's target year of 2060 unchanged.
US Biden traitorous negotiations
A phased "reduction" of coal-fired power generation was also agreed upon, but this does not force any change in China's plan for the next 30 years.
In fact, the word "reduction" was first used in the U.S.-China Glasgow Joint Declaration, which was released during COP26.
China's current 14th Five-Year Plan calls for a 10% increase in C0₂ emissions by 2025.
This increase alone is equivalent to Japan's annual emissions.
However, in the 15th Five-Year Plan, the share of coal-fired power generation is expected to decrease.
It is because the number of non-coal-fired power plants will increase.
In other words, the "reduction" agreement is merely an endorsement of China's thinking.
In exchange, the U.S., in the Joint Declaration, makes the outrageous promise of "100% zero-emissions electricity by 2035.
There is no way the U.S. can decarbonize electricity by 2035.
China will use this phrase to accuse the U.S. and gain a diplomatic advantage in the future.
If the U.S. really tries to achieve this goal, it will be its own destruction.
The U.S.-China agreement is short and easy to read, but it says that the U.S. will cooperate with China on everything.
China has not promised anything other than a "reduction" of coal.
So what was the point of this agreement? 
Both wanted to send a message that "cooperation is important" regarding climate change.
The Biden administration's conciliatory stance toward China is clearly visible.
It wants to use climate change as an excuse to maintain economic relations.
However, it is highly doubtful that this will contribute to the genuine national interest of the United States.
On the other hand, this is an excellent opportunity for China to break the siege on China.
So the interests of the two administrations are aligned.
Nevertheless, the Democratic Party of the United States (DPJ) administration's traitorous negotiating style is still the same as ever, as it makes promises to China that it cannot keep. 
A Time Bomb Set for Itself 
Under the Glasgow Agreement, the progress of C02 reduction toward 2030 will be followed up every year by the proposal of developed countries obsessed with decarbonization.
However, the goals of the developed countries are all overblown, and there is no chance of achieving Japan's 46% reduction (compared to 2013), the U.K.'s 68% reduction (compared to 1990), or the U.S. E's 50% reduction (compared to 2005).
If we really try, our economy will collapse and lose our energy security.
In addition, developed countries have pledged enormous aid of over 10 trillion yen per year.
Even though the latest IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report has not observed any intensification of disasters caused by C02, it is an act of sheer madness.
The world is in the midst of an energy crisis, and the developed countries have been neglecting stable and inexpensive energy supply in their efforts to decarbonize.
Japan is one of them, and other countries are scrambling to cope with the economic burden by providing temporary subsidies.
Inflation is also a growing concern.
Under these circumstances, no country can afford to have its parliament pass a carbon tax or regulation that entails a massive decarbonization burden.
Thus, next year at COP27, the disagreements will become apparent, and the developed countries will find themselves in an increasingly moral quagmire.
And they will be forced to make even more absurd C0₂ reductions and provide enormous aid.
How long will Japan have to play this foolish game?  



2021年12月29日 22時44分59秒 | 全般


脱炭素の年限は「今世紀の半ばまたはその頃(by or around)」となったが、「その頃」という文言は中国の2060年という目標年を変えないためだった。 
(すぎやま たいし)


2021年12月29日 22時42分27秒 | 全般


脱炭素の年限は「今世紀の半ばまたはその頃(by or around)」となったが、「その頃」という文言は中国の2060年という目標年を変えないためだった。 
石炭火力発電の段階的「削減」も合意されたが、これも中国の30年までの計画に何ら変更を迫るわけではない。実はこの「削減」という文言は、COP26会期中に発表された「米中グラスゴー共同宣言」で先に用いられたものだ。中国は現行第14次5ヵ年計画で25年までにC0₂排出を1割増やす。この増加分だけで日本の年間排出量に匹敵する。だがその後の第15次5ヵ年計画では石炭火力発電の割合は低下するとみられている。石炭火力以外の発電所が増加するからだ。中国はそのほうが全体としてのバランスが良くなる、つまり「削減」という合意も中国の考えの追認にすぎない。引き換えに、共同宣言で米国は「2035年までに100%ゼロ排出の電力を実現する」という、とんでもない約束をしている。電力の35年脱炭素など、米国にできるわけがない。中国は今後、この文言を持ち出して米国を非難し外交上優位に立つだろう。本当に達成しようとすれば米国の自滅になることも間違いない。なおこの米中合意、短いので簡単に読めるが、ひたすら何々に協力します、といったことばかり書き連ねてある。中国は石炭の「削減」以外、何一つ約束していない。ではこの合意はいったい何だったのか? 双方とも気候変動については「協力が重要だ」というメッセージを出したかったのだ。バイデン政権の対中融和的な姿勢がよく見える。気候変動を口実に、経済関係を維持したい。だが米国の真の国益に資するかは大いに疑問だ。他方、中国としては対中包囲網を崩す格好の機会になった。両政権の利害が一致したわけだ。それにしても、できもしない約束を中国相手にしてしまうあたり米民主党政権の売国的な交渉ぶりは相変わらずだ。 
(すぎやま たいし)

Top 10 real-time searches 2021/12/29, 22:24

2021年12月29日 22時24分43秒 | 全般





Anyone can come up with the idea that "Well, then we should move our factories to China."


the spirit of the Liberal Democratic Party, which Takaichi had briefly shown them


Il pianeta si sta davvero riscaldando ed è pericoloso?


Der Beginn eines ruhigen dritten Weltkriegs


le début d'une troisième guerre mondiale tranquille








Der Beginn eines ruhigen dritten Weltkriegs

2021年12月29日 20時01分34秒 | 全般

Herr Mutsuo Mabuchi ist ein Mann, der mit dem Verstand geboren wurde, an der Universität Kyoto zu studieren, und er ist unser Senior.
Sie alle, die die von mir erwähnten monatlichen Zeitschriften abonniert haben, wissen, dass Herr Mabuchi ein echter Intellektueller und ein wahrer Patriot ist.
Ich denke jedoch, dass viele Menschen, einschließlich mir selbst, das Gefühl haben, dass sie dem "tiefen Zustand", der Perspektive, zu der er in seinem Leben gelangt ist, etwas zurückhaltend gegenüberstehen.
Abonnenten seines neuesten Buches, das am 1. November 2021 unter dem Titel "Die Wahrheit über die Welt im Jahr 2022: Der Beginn eines ruhigen dritten Weltkriegs" veröffentlicht wurde, wie es vom ehemaligen Botschafter in der Ukraine, Mutsuo Mabuchi, gelesen wurde, sollten alle von dem oben genannten Gefühl der "Zurückhaltung" befreit werden.
Gleichzeitig sollten sie Herrn Mabuchi eine große Wertschätzung entgegenbringen.
Dieses Buch ist ein Muss für Japaner und Menschen weltweit.
Japanische Staatsbürger, die lesen können, müssen sofort zum nächsten Buchladen gehen, um es zu abonnieren.
Ich werde mein Bestes tun, um den Rest der Welt darüber zu informieren.
Erwärmt sich der Planet wirklich und ist das gefährlich?
Nach dem Pariser Abkommen von 2015 können Entwicklungsländer so viel Kohlendioxid ausstoßen, wie sie wollen.
Entwicklungsländer sollten mehr Kohlendioxid ausstoßen, da die Industrieländer durch den Kauf von Kohlendioxid-Emissionsrechten von Entwicklungsländern ihrer Verpflichtung zur Reduzierung der Kohlendioxidemissionen nachgekommen sind.
Mit dieser Struktur kann das Ziel zur Reduzierung der Kohlendioxidemissionen bis 2050 nicht erreicht werden.
Bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA im Jahr 2000 war Al Gore (Anmerkung 1) mit seiner Kampagne gegen die globale Erwärmungskrise erfolglos, aber sie etablierte einen großen Plan, um Geld zu verdienen.
Es ist Emissionshandel, und es ist ein Geschäft.
Außerdem wird China als Entwicklungsland behandelt und wird bis etwa 2060 keinen Beschränkungen unterliegen.
Jeder kann auf die Idee kommen: "Nun, dann sollten wir unsere Fabriken nach China verlegen."
Es ist unrealistisch, in der aktuellen Situation noch über solche Dinge zu sprechen.
Wenn die aktuelle Situation anhält, wird die Durchschnittstemperatur um 1,5 Grad Celsius steigen, aber eine Erhöhung um 1,5 Grad Celsius wird wenig bewirken.
Ist es notwendig, dass wir unser Leben opfern, um es zu unterdrücken?
Manche Menschen werden in der Hitzewelle sterben, andere in der Kältewelle.
Wie auch immer man es betrachtet, es gibt gute und schlechte Dinge.
Wir müssen nicht überdenken, was wir nicht kontrollieren können. Das sagen manche Leute.
Es mag bis zu einem gewissen Grad notwendig sein, aber wir können die Natur nicht vollständig selbst kontrollieren.
Auch wenn wir Kohlendioxid unterdrücken, hat das nichts mit der Erderwärmung durch die Aktivierung von unterirdischem Magma zu tun.
Von den 1960er bis in die 1970er Jahre wurden viele Bücher veröffentlicht, in denen behauptet wurde, "die Erde kühlt ab".
Einige von ihnen sagten, dass landwirtschaftliche Produkte zurückgehen und die Menschen verhungern würden, weil es kälter werde.
Ehe man sich versieht, ist dies die Theorie über die Gefahren der globalen Erwärmung geworden.
Junkichi Nemoto, der als Prognostiker bei der Japan Meteorological Agency arbeitete, veröffentlichte 1973 ein Buch mit dem Titel „The Cooling Earth“ (Ienohikari Kyokai) und ein Buch mit dem Titel „The Hotter Earth: Global Warming Meant Fear of anormal Weather“ (Nesco) im Jahr 1989.
Es ist möglich, dass eine Person, die in den 1970er Jahren ein Buch schrieb, in dem es hieß, die Sowjetunion sei eine Bedrohung, in den 1990er Jahren ein Buch schrieb, in dem es hieß, die Sowjetunion sei nach ihrem Zusammenbruch keine Bedrohung mehr.
Doch wie kann sich die globale Umwelt in etwa 20 Jahren verändern?
Ich sehe nicht, dass viele Leute darauf hinweisen.
Dieser Artikel wird fortgesetzt.


le début d'une troisième guerre mondiale tranquille

2021年12月29日 19時55分56秒 | 全般

M. Mutsuo Mabuchi est un homme né avec le cerveau pour étudier à l'Université de Kyoto et est notre aîné.
Tous ceux d'entre vous qui sont abonnés aux magazines mensuels que j'ai mentionnés savent que M. Mabuchi est un véritable intellectuel et un véritable patriote.
Cependant, je pense que beaucoup de gens, y compris moi-même, ont estimé qu'il était un peu réticent à propos de "l'état profond", la perspective à laquelle il est arrivé dans sa vie.
Les abonnés à son dernier livre, paru le 1er novembre 2021, sous le titre « La vérité sur le monde en 2022 : le début d'une troisième guerre mondiale tranquille », lu par l'ancien ambassadeur d'Ukraine, Mutsuo Mabuchi, devraient que tous soient débarrassés du sens ci-dessus de « réticence ».
En même temps, ils devraient avoir une grande appréciation pour M. Mabuchi.
Ce livre est une lecture incontournable pour les Japonais et les peuples du monde entier.
Les citoyens japonais sachant lire doivent se rendre dans la librairie la plus proche pour s'y abonner dès maintenant.
Je ferai de mon mieux pour que le reste du monde le sache.
La planète se réchauffe-t-elle vraiment et est-ce dangereux ?
En vertu de l'Accord de Paris adopté en 2015, les pays en développement peuvent émettre autant de dioxyde de carbone qu'ils le souhaitent.
Les pays en développement devraient émettre plus de dioxyde de carbone car en achetant des droits d'émission de dioxyde de carbone aux pays en développement, les pays développés auront rempli leur obligation de réduire les émissions de dioxyde de carbone.
Avec cette structure en place, il n'y a aucun moyen d'atteindre l'objectif de réduction des émissions de dioxyde de carbone d'ici 2050.
Lors de l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2000, Al Gore (Note 1) a échoué dans sa campagne contre la crise du réchauffement climatique, mais il a mis en place un grand plan pour gagner de l'argent.
C'est l'échange de droits d'émission, et c'est une entreprise.
De plus, la Chine est traitée comme un pays en développement et ne sera soumise à aucune restriction avant 2060 environ.
N'importe qui peut proposer l'idée que « Eh bien, alors nous devrions déplacer nos usines en Chine ».
Il est irréaliste de continuer à parler de telles choses dans la situation actuelle.
Si la situation actuelle persiste, la température moyenne augmentera de 1,5 degré Celsius, mais une augmentation de 1,5 degré Celsius fera peu de différence.
Est-il nécessaire que nous sacrifiions nos vies pour le supprimer ?
Certaines personnes mourront pendant la canicule, d'autres dans la vague de froid.
Quel que soit le point de vue, il y a de bonnes et de mauvaises choses.
Nous n'avons pas besoin de trop penser à ce que nous ne pouvons pas contrôler. C'est ce que certains disent.
Cela peut être nécessaire dans une certaine mesure, mais nous ne pouvons pas contrôler entièrement la nature par nous-mêmes.
Même si nous supprimons le dioxyde de carbone, cela n'a rien à voir avec le réchauffement de la terre dû à l'activation du magma souterrain.
Des années 1960 aux années 1970, il a publié de nombreux livres pour dire que « la terre se refroidit ».
Certains d'entre eux ont dit que les produits agricoles diminueraient et que les humains mourraient de faim parce qu'il faisait plus froid.
Avant de vous en rendre compte, c'est devenu la théorie des dangers du réchauffement climatique.
Junkichi Nemoto, qui travaillait comme prévisionniste à l'Agence météorologique japonaise, a publié un livre intitulé "The Cooling Earth" (Ienohikari Kyokai) en 1973, et un livre intitulé "The Hotter Earth: Global Warming Meant Fear of Abnormal Weather" (Nesco) en 1989.
Il est possible qu'une personne qui a écrit un livre dans les années 1970 disant que l'Union soviétique était une menace écrive un livre dans les années 1990 disant que l'Union soviétique n'était pas une menace après son effondrement.
Cependant, comment l'environnement mondial peut-il changer dans une vingtaine d'années ?
Je ne vois pas beaucoup de gens le signaler.
Cet article continue.



Top 10 real-time searches 2021/12/29, 19:28

2021年12月29日 19時28分23秒 | 全般


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/12/29, 12:14





Anyone can come up with the idea that "Well, then we should move our factories to China."










Il pianeta si sta davvero riscaldando ed è pericoloso?




the spirit of the Liberal Democratic Party, which Takaichi had briefly shown them

2021年12月29日 18時45分42秒 | 全般

The following is from a feature article in the January issue of WiLL, a monthly magazine, published on November 26, titled "Irreverent Komeito! They crushed Sanae Takaichi's defense budget GDP of 2%
It is from a unique conversation between Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, and Rui Abiru, an editorial writer for the Sankei Shimbun, one of the best journalists in the world.
It is a must-read for the Japanese people and people worldwide.
Constitutional revision, condemnation resolution against China, 2% defense spending quota
The Komeito, a drag on the LDP, is necessary, isn't it!
The emphasis in the text except for the headline is mine.
The following is a continuation of "The LDP had Takaichi.
The Limits of Kochukai Politics
Both the newspapers and NHK missed the story a lot. One of the main reasons for their omission was probably their dislike of the Communist Party, but they also couldn't see the people's will.
The voters wanted to hang on to the spirit of the Liberal Democratic Party, which Takaichi had briefly shown them.
That was the will of the people. 
That is why I thought that the Kishida administration, which won the general election, would continue to push Takaichi to the forefront, but I was wrong.
Looking at the lineup of the second Kishida cabinet, I feel uneasy.
Takaichi is still in the party's inner circle.
Toshimitsu Motegi has been appointed to replace Akira Amari as secretary-general.
The pro-China Yoshimasa Hayashi filled the vacant post of foreign minister.
These appointments do not have the crispness and freshness of Takaichi.
I'm sure many voters tilted their heads and thought, "Oh, it's just the "LDP that can't take a stand" coming back.
I feel the same uneasiness.
Foreign Minister Hayashi is a cautious person, so I don't think he will say or do anything so extreme that people will say, "Look, he's pro-China.
However, he has served as the chairman of the Japan-China Friendship Diet for two consecutive generations. He has expressed his support for China's "One Belt, One Road" plan, a vast economic zone, and for Xi Jinping's visit to Japan as a state guest.
Rather than Mr. Hayashi himself, I wonder if Prime Minister Kishida is in any way responsible for appointing Mr. Hayashi.
The appointment of Hayashi as a foreign minister could be seen as lacking in international common sense.
It will have an impact on Japan-US relations and Japan-Taiwan relations.
Prime Minister Kishida says, "Minister Hayashi has studied in the U.S. and is a knowledgeable American," but there is no doubt that he is also a "knowledgeable Chinese.
How does this look to the United States, showing a willingness to fight totalitarian forces such as China and Russia?
And how will China react to this?
The year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and China. Is there a concern that Xi Jinping's visit to Japan as a state guest may resurface?
However, Xi Jinping has refrained from traveling out of Japan due to the corona disaster, and there are rumors that he is afraid of being assassinated.
In addition, Japanese public sentiment is unlikely to be in a welcoming mood now that China's problems are erupting worldwide.
The Kishida administration could be over in a flash if it goes ahead with the visit, so the possibility of a state visit to Japan is unlikely.
According to a joint survey conducted by Asahi and the Taniguchi Laboratory of the University of Tokyo, "many of the candidates of each party in the lower house election do not feel friendly toward China" (Asahi Shimbun, October 29, 2021).
In a general survey, 90.9% of respondents said their impression of China was "not good" (Japan-China Joint Public Opinion Survey, released October 20, 2021), higher than Korea.
Meanwhile, the Beijing Winter Olympics are scheduled to be held in February 2022. A major decision will have to be made as to whether or not government officials will boycott attendance at the opening ceremony.
Perhaps as a quid pro quo for Hayashi's appointment, former Defense Minister Gen Nakatani has been appointed as assistant minister for human rights.
Mr. Nakatani has been working diligently on human rights issues, including establishing the Non-partisan Diet Members' League for Human Rights Diplomacy.
On the other hand, in July, former Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono was invited as a lecturer at the LDP Central Graduate School of Politics, where Mr. Nakatani himself served as the director.
Mr. Kono is the head of the pro-China faction, the creator of the Kono Statement, and the one who sent a congratulatory telegram to the Chinese Communist Party on its 100th anniversary, the party responsible for suppressing human rights.
In 2015, Hajime Funada, the ruling party's top secretary (Liberal Democratic Party) for the Constitutional Review Committee of the House of Representatives, recommended Yasuo Hasebe of Waseda University as a witness to the Constitutional Review Committee.
Hasebe, a constitutional scholar under the tutelage of Asahi, became a big problem within the LDP when he declared that the exercise of the right of collective self-defense was unconstitutional.
Nakatani is doing the same thing.
Mr. Nakatani calls himself a "liberal," but he is not very wise regarding the current situation.
When I wrote in my Sankei column "Kyokugen Gomen" (November 11) that "Mr. Nakatani may need an assistant in charge of historical awareness issues," I received a message directly from Mr. Nakatani in an e-mail from a fellow reporter to the effect of "I will keep this in mind" (laughs).
You don't know how serious they are. I don't think Hayashi and Nakatani will take a strong stand against China.
That concern continues to smolder. A veteran politician said, "We can see the limits of the politics of the Kochi Kai.
This article continues.



2021年12月29日 17時34分36秒 | 全般

Mutsuo Mabuchi 先生是一個天生就有在京都大學學習的頭腦的人,並且是我們的學長。
他的新書於 2021 年 11 月 1 日出版,書名為“2022 年世界的真相:安靜的第三次世界大戰的開始”,如前駐烏克蘭大使 Mutsuo Mabuchi 所讀,訂閱者應該上面的“沉默”感統統被清除。
根據 2015 年通過的《巴黎協定》,發展中國家可以排放任意數量的二氧化碳。
此外,中國被視為發展中國家,直到 2060 年左右才會受到任何限制。
從 1960 年代到 1970 年代,它出版了許多書籍說“地球正在冷卻”。
在日本氣象廳擔任預報員的根本純吉於 1973 年出版了一本名為《冷卻地球》(Ienohikari Kyokai)的書,以及一本名為《更熱的地球:全球變暖意味著對異常天氣的恐懼》(Nesco)的書1989 年。