文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Top 10 real-time searches 2021/12/6, 23:48

2021年12月06日 23時48分45秒 | 全般


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/12/6, 18:37


It must not think that it can protect the nation and its people with naive thinking


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/12/6, 20:48




To begin with, how does China analyze Japanese politicians?




Japan can no longer afford to do "mobocracy."








Japan can no longer afford to do "mobocracy."

2021年12月06日 22時34分04秒 | 全般

The following is from a large paper is published at the beginning of the book, Hyakuta Naoki's (I dare to ask with an extensive flaming preparedness!) "The Politics of Popular Foolishness" in the monthly magazine Hanada. 
It is a must-read article for the Japanese people and people worldwide.
Preamble omitted.
Enjoying the Privilege of Being a Member of Congress 
There is a term called "noblesse oblige.
The term "noblesse oblige" refers to a basic sense of morality in Western societies that people of high status have social responsibilities and duties that must fulfill accordingly.
In the United Kingdom, where the aristocracy and class society remains strong, this noblesse oblige is widespread among the upper class.
It is said that there is a tendency to think, "I was born into a privileged class of aristocrats, and that is why I have a great responsibility."
The idea is that one enjoys privilege as well as responsibility.
However, most Diet members in Japan today enjoy only the privilege of being a member of the Diet and do not fulfill any of their responsibilities.
Too many of them are helpless. 
In the past, our predecessors who graduated from the Military Academy and Tokyo Imperial University had the spirit of noblesse oblige.
There was an awareness that "I was born as an elite and will live with that responsibility."
Nobusuke Kishi, a man with a strong heart 
For example, Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi graduated from the former Daiichi High School and Tokyo Imperial University and joined the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce. 
He joined the Hideki Tojo cabinet as Minister of Commerce and Industry. In July 1944, during the war, after the fall of Saipan, Kishi demanded peace from Tojo, saying, "If things continue as they are, it will repeat the bombing of the mainland.
In response, Tojo urged him to resign. 
Kishi adamantly refused, saying, "I will never resign."
Ryoji Shikata, an aide to Tojo, threatened to "arrest you in the event of an emergency" and "in some cases, kill him" while the captain of the Tokyo military police rushed to Kishi's house and rang his sword, but Kishi did not move. On the contrary, he thundered Shikata and turned it back.
As a result, Tojo's cabinet fell due to disagreement.
It can see that he was genuinely risking his life in politics.
Furthermore, during the 60th Security Treaty, more than 100,000 demonstrators surrounded the Prime Minister's office after the war.
Ken Ogura, the superintendent of police, said, "It is already dangerous here. If a mob breaks into the building, the prime minister's life is in danger. Please move to another place." 
Prime Minister Kishi said, "If this is dangerous, where is it safe? The official residence is the prime minister's main enclosure. If it is a die in battle, men's long-cherished desire."
An anecdote is that he exchanged brandy with his younger brother Eisaku Sato, saying, "We should die here."
He was politicizing with the determination that "this security legislation is vital for Japan. I can be killed for that."
I wonder if even one politician in Japan today has such determination.
Is there a politician who has the determination, spirit, and ability to execute the constitutional amendment for Japan even if I become a fire doll?
Constitutional amendment if a few politicians are determined to make amendments for Japan, whether they are bashed by the media and messed up or dropped in the next election. It should have been able to propose.
But no one has done so.
All they do is talk about revising the Constitution. 
They talk about revising the Constitution, but no one does it. Why is that?
If they take the initiative to do so, they will be attacked by the opposition parties and the media, and there is a high possibility that they will be voted out of office in the next election.
In other words, from the point of view of the lawmakers, it would not be worth losing their seats for the sake of constitutional revision.
Enjoying only the privilege of being a member of parliament, "I am a member of parliament chosen by the people, so I have a responsibility to amend the constitution" has come to this day as negligence.
I have to say that Shinzo Abe, the grandson of Kishi, did not have that many guts.
Mr. Abe's popularity is one of the reasons why the LDP won a significant victory in the second Abe administration in the six national elections. Still, one of the primary reasons for its popularity is "Mr. Abe will amend the Constitution. So let's support" I think that many people had the feeling.
However, even though he won many elections, he did not initiate the constitutional revision.
Since the ruling party had secured a two-thirds majority, they could have done it if they wanted to.
Excuses such as "the opposition parties refused to discuss the issue" or "the Constitutional Review Commission was not held" do not hold water.
I think many of his supporters were disappointed.
If we add the seats of the ruling party and the Japan Restoration Association, which has a positive attitude toward constitutional reform, we have secured two-thirds of the seats in the House of Representatives.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has also said that he will definitely revise the Constitution.
I hope that the prime minister will follow through on his promise this time.
If the Diet fails to initiate another round of constitutional reform, the people will lose interest in the LDP.
And there is no telling when or if we will see the birth of another nightmare Democratic Party of Japan administration.
Today, the security environment surrounding Japan, including the threat from China, is far more severe than it was in 2009.
If another government like that of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) comes to power, it will surely be the end of Japan.
It is why I have made many outrages in preparation for a big flame.
Japan can no longer afford to do "mobocracy."



2021年12月06日 21時35分54秒 | 全般






2021年12月06日 21時22分05秒 | 全般



2021年12月06日 21時18分00秒 | 全般



2021年12月06日 21時14分16秒 | 全般


It must not think that it can protect the nation and its people with naive thinking

2021年12月06日 21時06分36秒 | 全般

The following is from a regular column by Yoshiko Sakurai that appeared on the front page of today's Sankei Shimbun.
This article also proves that she is a national treasure defined by Saicho, the supreme national treasure.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
The emphasis in the text except for the headline is mine.
Hopeful Peace-Oriented Departure
As the confrontation between the U.S. and China overvalues becomes more apparent, the room for compromise between the two countries is narrowing.
In the November/December issue of Foreign Affairs, John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago, warned that after years of the U.S. turning a blind eye to the reality of China, the conflict between the two countries has reached an inevitable point and humanity is on the verge of escalating to nuclear war.
The U.S.-China conflict is that serious.
To prevent a nuclear war, which must never happen, we must look at reality with unprecedented determination and think responsibly.
Mr. Mearsheimer wrote that the only way to avoid the danger of nuclear war is for the United States to deploy a formidable military force in East Asia to deter China.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's vague idea of a nuclear-free world will not protect Japan and its neighbors.
So how can we overcome this crisis?
The U.S. has come up with an apparent change in strategy.
One of the phenomena will be the Democracy Summit held on December 9 and 10.
About 110 countries and regions will be invited to a two-day online conference where (1) each country will confirm the reality of its democracy, and (2) a year from now; they will fill in the gaps and take joint action. 
The U.S. reiterates that one country alone cannot face the threat of China and that cooperation with allies and countries that share its values is necessary.
It is one practical, albeit unreliable, example.
In its Global Posture Review (GPR), a guideline for deploying U.S. forces, the Biden administration indicated a policy of shifting its center of gravity to the Indo-Pacific region with China in mind but decided not to make a large-scale reallocation of troops.
Again, the U.S.'s modest strategic review has discouraged other countries.
It is time for the entire world to actively cooperate in fending off the Chinese threat while relying on the U.S.
In response to the U.S. democracy summit, China released its "Democracy in China" report on December 4.
Running through the report is a forceful assertion of the legitimacy of Chinese-style democracy as "democracy for the people in all processes."
The 24-page report begins with the self-praise that China had made "outstanding achievements since 2012," when Mr. Xi Jinping became the head of the Communist Party of China.
It is a phrase used as a pillow in almost every document to promote the personal adoration of Mr. Xi. 
Xi's absolute dictatorship is far from democratic, but China says it is.
Chinese democracy" means that the people are the masters of the state.
The people have the right to vote, run for office, criticize the government, and have freedom of speech, press, assembly, association, demonstration, and religion.
For that matter, the free speech space in Hong Kong disappeared in a flash. As a result, Hong Kong's elections have become a formality.
Freedom and democratic elections are absolutely unacceptable to the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, which is a mass of vested interests.
China raises the banner of democracy but feels no resistance to the undemocratic use of force.
This system of governance must be applied to the governed countries when China extends its influence to other countries.
The Fumio Kishida administration must keep this in mind when conducting diplomacy with China.
It must not think that it can protect the nation and its people with naive thinking. 
Mr. Xi's ambition is frightening, but is he also afraid of criticism from the international community?
Following the release of "Democracy in China" on the 5th, he released "The State of Democracy in the United States," He slashed democracy in the United States.
It pointed out the evils of U.S. society, such as racism, uneven distribution of wealth, control of the media by significant capital, and freedom of speech in name only. 
While China's points are valid to an end, they fail to acknowledge that China has similar problems that are as serious or more serious than those in the U.S. 
In the battle of values between the U.S. and China, our country has a heavy responsibility to human society.
First, as the world's third-largest economy, Japan must show the world that it can defend itself on its own and support and cooperate with the United States.
For example, Japan should deploy medium-range missiles manufactured with its own technology, rather than U.S. medium-range missiles, on the first island chain. China considers its primary strategy for seizing Taiwan, the Senkakus, and Okinawa.
Second, we must develop a national vision based on Japanese culture and values, which are different from those of the United States and, of course, the exact opposite of those of China.
It means saying what needs to be told without being outdone by China.
To say what we should say to China without not living up to our position.
For example, U.S. President Biden said on November 18 that he was "considering a diplomatic boycott" of the Beijing Olympics.
The same is true for the U.K. and other European countries.
Our country should be the first to say so.
We have trouble creating an assistant to the prime minister for international human rights affairs and appointing Gen Nakatani, the former defense minister.
The prime minister should instruct Mr. Nakatani to send a clear message.
As soon as Mr. Nakatani assumed the post of assistant minister, he became a man who did not speak out on human rights issues in China, but if he did not speak out, he should be removed.
Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi's silence on the Taiwan issue has also deepened suspicion among the Japanese people and the international community.
China, by contrast, is eager to defend Hayashi.
To begin with, how does China analyze Japanese politicians?
On September 5, the editor-in-chief of the Huanghua Times, an affiliate of the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, said, "At best, Japanese politicians are people who are satisfied with verbal attacks on China. They will never have the courage to take aggressive action in security matters," he posted on SNS.
While demonizing Japanese politicians in this way, they also praise Mr. Hayashi.
Regarding Mr. Hayashi's resignation from the Japan-China Parliamentary Friendship League presidency when he became foreign minister, the World Economic Forum published on November 19 an article by Dr. Shigang Tan, director of the Northeast Asia Research Institute at the Heilongjiang Institute of Social Sciences. The report criticized Mr. Hayashi's resignation as president of the Japan-China Parliamentary Union as "an attempt to kill one person and make an example of many others," and called the "Chinese-influenced faction (including Mr. Hayashi) a clear force that can stop conservative thinking in Japan.
It is likely that the "intellectuals," who are not afraid to speak out against China, see this as serving China's national interests above all else. 
Now is the time to fight in every sense of the word.
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, "The Taiwan crisis is a Japanese crisis and a crisis for the Japan-U.S. alliance."
"If China invades Taiwan, it will have terrifying consequences for many. The United States is determined to be involved in Taiwan," said U.S. Secretary of State Blinken.
We must send a clear message to China to not misunderstand us.
Judging from the LDP pledges, the prime minister probably intends to move away from a peace orientation based on Kochi-kai's wishful thinking.
If this is the case, he should show it through swift action.



2021年12月06日 21時00分20秒 | 全般


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/12/6, 20:48

2021年12月06日 20時48分15秒 | 全般


Diplomatic Boycott of the Beijing Olympics, Growing 'Total Non-Participation'.








To begin with, how does China analyze Japanese politicians?




Top 10 real-time searches 2021/12/6, 18:37


베이징올림픽 외교적 불참, '전면 불참' 늘어…




To say what we should say to China without not living up to our position


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/12/6, 18:37

2021年12月06日 18時36分38秒 | 全般


Diplomatic Boycott of the Beijing Olympics, Growing 'Total Non-Participation'.


Top 10 real-time searches 2021/12/6, 13:25




Don't listen to the Social Democrats! 


If the number of idiots who only watch TV increases, Japan will be finished!






To begin with, how does China analyze Japanese politicians?






To begin with, how does China analyze Japanese politicians?

2021年12月06日 17時41分21秒 | 全般

The following is from a regular column by Yoshiko Sakurai that appeared on the front page of today's Sankei Shimbun.
This article also proves that she is a national treasure defined by Saicho, the supreme national treasure.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
The emphasis in the text except for the headline is mine.
Hopeful Peace-Oriented Departure
As the confrontation between the U.S. and China overvalues becomes more apparent, the room for compromise between the two countries is narrowing.
In the November/December issue of Foreign Affairs, John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago, warned that after years of the U.S. turning a blind eye to the reality of China, the conflict between the two countries has reached an inevitable point and humanity is on the verge of escalating to nuclear war.
The U.S.-China conflict is that serious.
To prevent a nuclear war, which must never happen, we must look at reality with unprecedented determination and think responsibly.
Mr. Mearsheimer wrote that the only way to avoid the danger of nuclear war is for the United States to deploy a formidable military force in East Asia to deter China.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's vague idea of a nuclear-free world will not protect Japan and its neighbors.
So how can we overcome this crisis?
The U.S. has come up with an apparent change in strategy.
One of the phenomena will be the Democracy Summit held on December 9 and 10.
About 110 countries and regions will be invited to a two-day online conference where (1) each country will confirm the reality of its democracy, and (2) a year from now; they will fill in the gaps and take joint action. 
The U.S. reiterates that one country alone cannot face the threat of China and that cooperation with allies and countries that share its values is necessary.
It is one practical, albeit unreliable, example.
In its Global Posture Review (GPR), a guideline for deploying U.S. forces, the Biden administration indicated a policy of shifting its center of gravity to the Indo-Pacific region with China in mind but decided not to make a large-scale reallocation of troops.
Again, the U.S.'s modest strategic review has discouraged other countries.
It is time for the entire world to actively cooperate in fending off the Chinese threat while relying on the U.S.
In response to the U.S. democracy summit, China released its "Democracy in China" report on December 4.
Running through the report is a forceful assertion of the legitimacy of Chinese-style democracy as "democracy for the people in all processes."
The 24-page report begins with the self-praise that China had made "outstanding achievements since 2012," when Mr. Xi Jinping became the head of the Communist Party of China.
It is a phrase used as a pillow in almost every document to promote the personal adoration of Mr. Xi. 
Xi's absolute dictatorship is far from democratic, but China says it is.
Chinese democracy" means that the people are the masters of the state.
The people have the right to vote, run for office, criticize the government, and have freedom of speech, press, assembly, association, demonstration, and religion.
For that matter, the free speech space in Hong Kong disappeared in a flash. As a result, Hong Kong's elections have become a formality.
Freedom and democratic elections are absolutely unacceptable to the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, which is a mass of vested interests.
China raises the banner of democracy but feels no resistance to the undemocratic use of force.
This system of governance must be applied to the governed countries when China extends its influence to other countries.
The Fumio Kishida administration must keep this in mind when conducting diplomacy with China.
It must not think that it can protect the nation and its people with naive thinking. 
Mr. Xi's ambition is frightening, but is he also afraid of criticism from the international community?
Following the release of "Democracy in China" on the 5th, he released "The State of Democracy in the United States," He slashed democracy in the United States.
It pointed out the evils of U.S. society, such as racism, uneven distribution of wealth, control of the media by significant capital, and freedom of speech in name only. 
While China's points are valid to an end, they fail to acknowledge that China has similar problems that are as serious or more serious than those in the U.S. 
In the battle of values between the U.S. and China, our country has a heavy responsibility to human society.
First, as the world's third-largest economy, Japan must show the world that it can defend itself on its own and support and cooperate with the United States.
For example, Japan should deploy medium-range missiles manufactured with its own technology, rather than U.S. medium-range missiles, on the first island chain. China considers its primary strategy for seizing Taiwan, the Senkakus, and Okinawa.
Second, we must develop a national vision based on Japanese culture and values, which are different from those of the United States and, of course, the exact opposite of those of China.
It means saying what needs to be told without being outdone by China.
To say what we should say to China without not living up to our position.
For example, U.S. President Biden said on November 18 that he was "considering a diplomatic boycott" of the Beijing Olympics.
The same is true for the U.K. and other European countries.
Our country should be the first to say so.
We have trouble creating an assistant to the prime minister for international human rights affairs and appointing Gen Nakatani, the former defense minister.
The prime minister should instruct Mr. Nakatani to send a clear message.
As soon as Mr. Nakatani assumed the post of assistant minister, he became a man who did not speak out on human rights issues in China, but if he did not speak out, he should be removed.
Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi's silence on the Taiwan issue has also deepened suspicion among the Japanese people and the international community.
China, by contrast, is eager to defend Mr. Hayashi.
To begin with, how does China analyze Japanese politicians?
On September 5, the editor-in-chief of the Huanghua Times, an affiliate of the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, said, "At best, Japanese politicians are people who are satisfied with verbal attacks on China. They will never have the courage to take aggressive action in security matters," he posted on SNS.
While demonizing Japanese politicians in this way, they also praise Mr. Hayashi.
Regarding Mr. Hayashi's resignation from the Japan-China Parliamentary Friendship League presidency when he became foreign minister, the World Economic Forum published on November 19 an article by Dr. Shigang Tan, director of the Northeast Asia Research Institute at the Heilongjiang Institute of Social Sciences. The report criticized Mr. Hayashi's resignation as president of the Japan-China Parliamentary Union as "an attempt to kill one person and make an example of many others," and called the "Chinese-influenced faction (including Mr. Hayashi) a clear force that can stop conservative thinking in Japan.
It is likely that the "intellectuals," who are not afraid to speak out against China, see this as serving China's national interests above all else. 
Now is the time to fight in every sense of the word.
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, "The Taiwan crisis is a Japanese crisis and a crisis for the Japan-U.S. alliance."
"If China invades Taiwan, it will have terrifying consequences for many. The United States is determined to be involved in Taiwan," said U.S. Secretary of State Blinken.
We must send a clear message to China to not misunderstand us.
Judging from the LDP pledges, the prime minister probably intends to move away from a peace orientation based on Kochi-kai's wishful thinking.
If this is the case, he should show it through swift action.


To say what we should say to China without not living up to our position

2021年12月06日 17時34分54秒 | 全般

The following is from a regular column by Yoshiko Sakurai that appeared on the front page of today's Sankei Shimbun.
This article also proves that she is a national treasure defined by Saicho, the supreme national treasure.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
The emphasis in the text except for the headline is mine.
Hopeful Peace-Oriented Departure
As the confrontation between the U.S. and China overvalues becomes more apparent, the room for compromise between the two countries is narrowing.
In the November/December issue of Foreign Affairs, John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago, warned that after years of the U.S. turning a blind eye to the reality of China, the conflict between the two countries has reached an inevitable point and humanity is on the verge of escalating to nuclear war.
The U.S.-China conflict is that serious.
To prevent a nuclear war, which must never happen, we must look at reality with unprecedented determination and think responsibly.
Mr. Mearsheimer wrote that the only way to avoid the danger of nuclear war is for the United States to deploy a formidable military force in East Asia to deter China.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's vague idea of a nuclear-free world will not protect Japan and its neighbors.
So how can we overcome this crisis?
The U.S. has come up with an apparent change in strategy.
One of the phenomena will be the Democracy Summit held on December 9 and 10.
About 110 countries and regions will be invited to a two-day online conference where (1) each country will confirm the reality of its democracy, and (2) a year from now; they will fill in the gaps and take joint action. 
The U.S. reiterates that one country alone cannot face the threat of China and that cooperation with allies and countries that share its values is necessary.
It is one practical, albeit unreliable, example.
In its Global Posture Review (GPR), a guideline for deploying U.S. forces, the Biden administration indicated a policy of shifting its center of gravity to the Indo-Pacific region with China in mind but decided not to make a large-scale reallocation of troops.
Again, the U.S.'s modest strategic review has discouraged other countries.
It is time for the entire world to actively cooperate in fending off the Chinese threat while relying on the U.S.
In response to the U.S. democracy summit, China released its "Democracy in China" report on December 4.
Running through the report is a forceful assertion of the legitimacy of Chinese-style democracy as "democracy for the people in all processes."
The 24-page report begins with the self-praise that China had made "outstanding achievements since 2012," when Mr. Xi Jinping became the head of the Communist Party of China.
It is a phrase used as a pillow in almost every document to promote the personal adoration of Mr. Xi. 
Xi's absolute dictatorship is far from democratic, but China says it is.
Chinese democracy" means that the people are the masters of the state.
The people have the right to vote, run for office, criticize the government, and have freedom of speech, press, assembly, association, demonstration, and religion.
For that matter, the free speech space in Hong Kong disappeared in a flash. As a result, Hong Kong's elections have become a formality.
Freedom and democratic elections are absolutely unacceptable to the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, which is a mass of vested interests.
China raises the banner of democracy but feels no resistance to the undemocratic use of force.
This system of governance must be applied to the governed countries when China extends its influence to other countries.
The Fumio Kishida administration must keep this in mind when conducting diplomacy with China.
It must not think that it can protect the nation and its people with naive thinking. 
Mr. Xi's ambition is frightening, but is he also afraid of criticism from the international community?
Following the release of "Democracy in China" on the 5th, he released "The State of Democracy in the United States," He slashed democracy in the United States.
It pointed out the evils of U.S. society, such as racism, uneven distribution of wealth, control of the media by significant capital, and freedom of speech in name only. 
While China's points are valid to an end, they fail to acknowledge that China has similar problems that are as serious or more serious than those in the U.S. 
In the battle of values between the U.S. and China, our country has a heavy responsibility to human society.
First, as the world's third-largest economy, Japan must show the world that it can defend itself on its own and support and cooperate with the United States.
For example, Japan should deploy medium-range missiles manufactured with its own technology, rather than U.S. medium-range missiles, on the first island chain. China considers its primary strategy for seizing Taiwan, the Senkakus, and Okinawa.
Second, we must develop a national vision based on Japanese culture and values, which are different from those of the United States and, of course, the exact opposite of those of China.
It means saying what needs to be told without being outdone by China.
To say what we should say to China without not living up to our position.
For example, U.S. President Biden said on November 18 that he was "considering a diplomatic boycott" of the Beijing Olympics.
The same is true for the U.K. and other European countries.
Our country should be the first to say so.
We have trouble creating an assistant to the prime minister for international human rights affairs and appointing Gen Nakatani, the former defense minister.
The prime minister should instruct Mr. Nakatani to send a clear message.
As soon as Mr. Nakatani assumed the post of assistant minister, he became a man who did not speak out on human rights issues in China, but if he did not speak out, he should be removed.
Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi's silence on the Taiwan issue has also deepened suspicion among the Japanese people and the international community.
China, by contrast, is eager to defend Mr. Hayashi.
To begin with, how does China analyze Japanese politicians?
On September 5, the editor-in-chief of the Huanghua Times, an affiliate of the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, said, "At best, Japanese politicians are people who are satisfied with verbal attacks on China. They will never have the courage to take aggressive action in security matters," he posted on SNS.
While demonizing Japanese politicians in this way, they also praise Mr. Hayashi.
Regarding Mr. Hayashi's resignation from the Japan-China Parliamentary Friendship League presidency when he became foreign minister, the World Economic Forum published on November 19 an article by Dr. Shigang Tan, director of the Northeast Asia Research Institute at the Heilongjiang Institute of Social Sciences. The report criticized Mr. Hayashi's resignation as president of the Japan-China Parliamentary Union as "an attempt to kill one person and make an example of many others," and called the "Chinese-influenced faction (including Mr. Hayashi) a clear force that can stop conservative thinking in Japan.
It is likely that the "intellectuals," who are not afraid to speak out against China, see this as serving China's national interests above all else. 
Now is the time to fight in every sense of the word.
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, "The Taiwan crisis is a Japanese crisis and a crisis for the Japan-U.S. alliance."
"If China invades Taiwan, it will have terrifying consequences for many. The United States is determined to be involved in Taiwan," said U.S. Secretary of State Blinken.
We must send a clear message to China to not misunderstand us.
Judging from the LDP pledges, the prime minister probably intends to move away from a peace orientation based on Kochi-kai's wishful thinking.
If this is the case, he should show it through swift action.


Hopeful Peace-Oriented Departure

2021年12月06日 17時28分31秒 | 全般

The following is from a regular column by Yoshiko Sakurai that appeared on the front page of today's Sankei Shimbun.
This article also proves that she is a national treasure defined by Saicho, the supreme national treasure.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
The emphasis in the text except for the headline is mine.
Hopeful Peace-Oriented Departure
As the confrontation between the U.S. and China overvalues becomes more apparent, the room for compromise between the two countries is narrowing.
In the November/December issue of Foreign Affairs, John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago, warned that after years of the U.S. turning a blind eye to the reality of China, the conflict between the two countries has reached an inevitable point and humanity is on the verge of escalating to nuclear war.
The U.S.-China conflict is that serious.
To prevent a nuclear war, which must never happen, we must look at reality with unprecedented determination and think responsibly.
Mr. Mearsheimer wrote that the only way to avoid the danger of nuclear war is for the United States to deploy a formidable military force in East Asia to deter China.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's vague idea of a nuclear-free world will not protect Japan and its neighbors.
So how can we overcome this crisis?
The U.S. has come up with an apparent change in strategy.
One of the phenomena will be the Democracy Summit held on December 9 and 10.
About 110 countries and regions will be invited to a two-day online conference where (1) each country will confirm the reality of its democracy, and (2) a year from now; they will fill in the gaps and take joint action. 
The U.S. reiterates that one country alone cannot face the threat of China and that cooperation with allies and countries that share its values is necessary.
It is one practical, albeit unreliable, example.
In its Global Posture Review (GPR), a guideline for deploying U.S. forces, the Biden administration indicated a policy of shifting its center of gravity to the Indo-Pacific region with China in mind but decided not to make a large-scale reallocation of troops.
Again, the U.S.'s modest strategic review has discouraged other countries.
It is time for the entire world to actively cooperate in fending off the Chinese threat while relying on the U.S.
In response to the U.S. democracy summit, China released its "Democracy in China" report on December 4.
Running through the report is a forceful assertion of the legitimacy of Chinese-style democracy as "democracy for the people in all processes."
The 24-page report begins with the self-praise that China had made "outstanding achievements since 2012," when Mr. Xi Jinping became the head of the Communist Party of China.
It is a phrase used as a pillow in almost every document to promote the personal adoration of Mr. Xi. 
Xi's absolute dictatorship is far from democratic, but China says it is.
Chinese democracy" means that the people are the masters of the state.
The people have the right to vote, run for office, criticize the government, and have freedom of speech, press, assembly, association, demonstration, and religion.
For that matter, the free speech space in Hong Kong disappeared in a flash. As a result, Hong Kong's elections have become a formality.
Freedom and democratic elections are absolutely unacceptable to the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, which is a mass of vested interests.
China raises the banner of democracy but feels no resistance to the undemocratic use of force.
This system of governance must be applied to the governed countries when China extends its influence to other countries.
The Fumio Kishida administration must keep this in mind when conducting diplomacy with China.
It must not think that it can protect the nation and its people with naive thinking. 
Mr. Xi's ambition is frightening, but is he also afraid of criticism from the international community?
Following the release of "Democracy in China" on the 5th, he released "The State of Democracy in the United States," He slashed democracy in the United States.
It pointed out the evils of U.S. society, such as racism, uneven distribution of wealth, control of the media by significant capital, and freedom of speech in name only. 
While China's points are valid to an end, they fail to acknowledge that China has similar problems that are as serious or more serious than those in the U.S. 
In the battle of values between the U.S. and China, our country has a heavy responsibility to human society.
First, as the world's third-largest economy, Japan must show the world that it can defend itself on its own and support and cooperate with the United States.
For example, Japan should deploy medium-range missiles manufactured with its own technology, rather than U.S. medium-range missiles, on the first island chain. China considers its primary strategy for seizing Taiwan, the Senkakus, and Okinawa.
Second, we must develop a national vision based on Japanese culture and values, which are different from those of the United States and, of course, the exact opposite of those of China.
It means saying what needs to be told without being outdone by China.
To say what we should say to China without not living up to our position.
For example, U.S. President Biden said on November 18 that he was "considering a diplomatic boycott" of the Beijing Olympics.
The same is true for the U.K. and other European countries.
Our country should be the first to say so.
We have trouble creating an assistant to the prime minister for international human rights affairs and appointing Gen Nakatani, the former defense minister.
The prime minister should instruct Mr. Nakatani to send a clear message.
As soon as Mr. Nakatani assumed the post of assistant minister, he became a man who did not speak out on human rights issues in China, but if he did not speak out, he should be removed.
Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi's silence on the Taiwan issue has also deepened suspicion among the Japanese people and the international community.
China, by contrast, is eager to defend Hayashi.
To begin with, how does China analyze Japanese politicians?
On September 5, the editor-in-chief of the Huanghua Times, an affiliate of the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, said, "At best, Japanese politicians are people who are satisfied with verbal attacks on China. They will never have the courage to take aggressive action in security matters," he posted on SNS.
While demonizing Japanese politicians in this way, they also praise Mr. Hayashi.
Regarding Mr. Hayashi's resignation from the Japan-China Parliamentary Friendship League presidency when he became foreign minister, the World Economic Forum published on November 19 an article by Dr. Shigang Tan, director of the Northeast Asia Research Institute at the Heilongjiang Institute of Social Sciences. The report criticized Mr. Hayashi's resignation as president of the Japan-China Parliamentary Union as "an attempt to kill one person and make an example of many others," and called the "Chinese-influenced faction (including Mr. Hayashi) a clear force that can stop conservative thinking in Japan.
It is likely that the "intellectuals," who are not afraid to speak out against China, see this as serving China's national interests above all else. 
Now is the time to fight in every sense of the word.
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, "The Taiwan crisis is a Japanese crisis and a crisis for the Japan-U.S. alliance."
"If China invades Taiwan, it will have terrifying consequences for many. The United States is determined to be involved in Taiwan," said U.S. Secretary of State Blinken.
We must send a clear message to China to not misunderstand us.
Judging from the LDP pledges, the prime minister probably intends to move away from a peace orientation based on Kochi-kai's wishful thinking.
If this is the case, he should show it through swift action.


If this is the case, he should show it through swift action.

2021年12月06日 17時25分51秒 | 全般

The following is from a regular column by Yoshiko Sakurai that appeared on the front page of today's Sankei Shimbun.
This article also proves that she is a national treasure defined by Saicho, the supreme national treasure.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
The emphasis in the text except for the headline is mine.
Hopeful Peace-Oriented Departure
As the confrontation between the U.S. and China overvalues becomes more apparent, the room for compromise between the two countries is narrowing.
In the November/December issue of Foreign Affairs, John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago, warned that after years of the U.S. turning a blind eye to the reality of China, the conflict between the two countries has reached an inevitable point and humanity is on the verge of escalating to nuclear war.
The U.S.-China conflict is that serious.
To prevent a nuclear war, which must never happen, we must look at reality with unprecedented determination and think responsibly.
Mr. Mearsheimer wrote that the only way to avoid the danger of nuclear war is for the United States to deploy a formidable military force in East Asia to deter China.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's vague idea of a nuclear-free world will not protect Japan and its neighbors.
So how can we overcome this crisis?
The U.S. has come up with an apparent change in strategy.
One of the phenomena will be the Democracy Summit held on December 9 and 10.
About 110 countries and regions will be invited to a two-day online conference where (1) each country will confirm the reality of its democracy, and (2) a year from now; they will fill in the gaps and take joint action. 
The U.S. reiterates that one country alone cannot face the threat of China and that cooperation with allies and countries that share its values is necessary.
It is one practical, albeit unreliable, example.
In its Global Posture Review (GPR), a guideline for deploying U.S. forces, the Biden administration indicated a policy of shifting its center of gravity to the Indo-Pacific region with China in mind but decided not to make a large-scale reallocation of troops.
Again, the U.S.'s modest strategic review has discouraged other countries.
It is time for the entire world to actively cooperate in fending off the Chinese threat while relying on the U.S.
In response to the U.S. democracy summit, China released its "Democracy in China" report on December 4.
Running through the report is a forceful assertion of the legitimacy of Chinese-style democracy as "democracy for the people in all processes."
The 24-page report begins with the self-praise that China had made "outstanding achievements since 2012," when Mr. Xi Jinping became the head of the Communist Party of China.
It is a phrase used as a pillow in almost every document to promote the personal adoration of Mr. Xi. 
Xi's absolute dictatorship is far from democratic, but China says it is.
Chinese democracy" means that the people are the masters of the state.
The people have the right to vote, run for office, criticize the government, and have freedom of speech, press, assembly, association, demonstration, and religion.
For that matter, the free speech space in Hong Kong disappeared in a flash. As a result, Hong Kong's elections have become a formality.
Freedom and democratic elections are absolutely unacceptable to the one-party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, which is a mass of vested interests.
China raises the banner of democracy but feels no resistance to the undemocratic use of force.
This system of governance must be applied to the governed countries when China extends its influence to other countries.
The Fumio Kishida administration must keep this in mind when conducting diplomacy with China.
It must not think that it can protect the nation and its people with naive thinking. 
Mr. Xi's ambition is frightening, but is he also afraid of criticism from the international community?
Following the release of "Democracy in China" on the 5th, he released "The State of Democracy in the United States," He slashed democracy in the United States.
It pointed out the evils of U.S. society, such as racism, uneven distribution of wealth, control of the media by significant capital, and freedom of speech in name only. 
While China's points are valid to an end, they fail to acknowledge that China has similar problems that are as serious or more serious than those in the U.S. 
In the battle of values between the U.S. and China, our country has a heavy responsibility to human society.
First, as the world's third-largest economy, Japan must show the world that it can defend itself on its own and support and cooperate with the United States.
For example, Japan should deploy medium-range missiles manufactured with its own technology, rather than U.S. medium-range missiles, on the first island chain. China considers its primary strategy for seizing Taiwan, the Senkakus, and Okinawa.
Second, we must develop a national vision based on Japanese culture and values, which are different from those of the United States and, of course, the exact opposite of those of China.
It means saying what needs to be told without being outdone by China.
To say what we should say to China without not living up to our position.
For example, U.S. President Biden said on November 18 that he was "considering a diplomatic boycott" of the Beijing Olympics.
The same is true for the U.K. and other European countries.
Our country should be the first to say so.
We have trouble creating an assistant to the prime minister for international human rights affairs and appointing Gen Nakatani, the former defense minister.
The prime minister should instruct Mr. Nakatani to send a clear message.
As soon as Mr. Nakatani assumed the post of assistant minister, he became a man who did not speak out on human rights issues in China, but if he did not speak out, he should be removed.
Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi's silence on the Taiwan issue has also deepened suspicion among the Japanese people and the international community.
China, by contrast, is eager to defend Hayashi.
To begin with, how does China analyze Japanese politicians?
On September 5, the editor-in-chief of the Huanghua Times, an affiliate of the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, said, "At best, Japanese politicians are people who are satisfied with verbal attacks on China. They will never have the courage to take aggressive action in security matters," he posted on SNS.
While demonizing Japanese politicians in this way, they also praise Mr. Hayashi.
Regarding Mr. Hayashi's resignation from the Japan-China Parliamentary Friendship League presidency when he became foreign minister, the World Economic Forum published on November 19 an article by Dr. Shigang Tan, director of the Northeast Asia Research Institute at the Heilongjiang Institute of Social Sciences. The report criticized Mr. Hayashi's resignation as president of the Japan-China Parliamentary Union as "an attempt to kill one person and make an example of many others," and called the "Chinese-influenced faction (including Mr. Hayashi) a clear force that can stop conservative thinking in Japan.
It is likely that the "intellectuals," who are not afraid to speak out against China, see this as serving China's national interests above all else. 
Now is the time to fight in every sense of the word.
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said, "The Taiwan crisis is a Japanese crisis and a crisis for the Japan-U.S. alliance."
"If China invades Taiwan, it will have terrifying consequences for many. The United States is determined to be involved in Taiwan," said U.S. Secretary of State Blinken.
We must send a clear message to China to not misunderstand us.
Judging from the LDP pledges, the prime minister probably intends to move away from a peace orientation based on Kochi-kai's wishful thinking.
If this is the case, he should show it through swift action.

Diplomatisk boikott av OL i Beijing, økende "total ikke-deltakelse".

2021年12月06日 17時07分01秒 | 全般

Følgende er fra en artikkel i dagens Sankei Shimbun med tittelen "Diplomatisk boikott av OL i Beijing, økende 'Total Non-Participation'."
Vekten i teksten er min, bortsett fra overskriften.
forente stater
Den 18. november sa USAs president Biden at han vurderer en "diplomatisk boikott" av vinter-OL i Beijing.
Mye tidligere var det oppfordringer i amerikanske politiske kretser om en diplomatisk boikott for å protestere mot Kinas menneskerettighetsbrudd i Xinjiang og dets nedbryting av demokrater i Hong Kong.
Den republikanske senatoren Romney foreslo en diplomatisk boikott i New York Times 16. mars.
Romney sa: "Av hensyn til idrettsutøverne som har brukt livet på trening, støtter jeg ikke en 'total boikott' som ikke sender et idrettslag, slik tilfellet var i Moskva-OL i 1980," men oppfordret Biden-administrasjonen å invitere "kinesiske dissidenter, religiøse ledere og etniske minoriteter" til USA for å vise sin protest mot menneskerettighetsbrudd.
Mr. Bidens beslutning om å vurdere en diplomatisk boikott, som han inntil nylig har vært forsiktig med, antas å ha vært foranlediget av bekymringer rundt saken til den kvinnelige tennisspilleren Peng Shu. Sistnevntes oppholdssted var midlertidig ukjent etter at hun tilsto å ha blitt tvunget til et seksuelt forhold av den tidligere kinesiske visepremieren Zhang Gaoli.
Adam Taylor, en reporter for Washington Post, påpekte i en elektronisk artikkel 23. november at en diplomatisk boikott "kan virke halvhjertet" for menneskerettighetsgrupper og republikanske hardliner mens Peng Shuai "gjør en bisarr opptreden" i en video som ble lagt ut på Twitter av sjefredaktøren i den People's Daily-tilknyttede avisen People's Daily.
I en opptreden i det konservative Fox News-programmet 22. april spurte Cotton: "Hvis det kinesiske kommunistpartiet skal ta idrettsutøverne deres, få dem til å forsvinne og sette dem inn i en video som viser gisler, hvordan kommer amerikanske idrettsutøvere til å bli behandlet?" Han spør.
Lignende bekymringer har blitt reist i Canada.
Landets statsminister Justin Trudeau ble fortalt i et møte med Mr. Biden at han vurderte en diplomatisk boikott.
Eric Morse, en tidligere kanadisk diplomat som var involvert i boikotten av OL i Moskva, skrev i en artikkel for Globe and Mail 23. april at "Kina vil ta en diplomatisk boikott som en "provokasjon" og gjengjelde uten grenser, " og uttrykte støtte til en total boikott.
Han advarte om at å sende idrettsutøvere til lekene etter en diplomatisk boikott ville være som å "kaste en idrettsutøver i munnen på en krigsulv.
Han påpekte at en halvhjertet diplomatisk boikott kan føre til at Kina, som føler at dets rykte er blitt svekket, tar de kanadiske idrettsutøverne som gisler på en eller annen måte som gjengjeldelse.
(Yusuke Hirata, New York)