文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The truth is just the opposite of what they think.

2021年12月05日 16時37分28秒 | 全般

TV Tokyo is a subsidiary of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
It is an obvious fact that the Nikkei, like the Asahi and other newspapers, are favored by the Chinese government.
The other night, Foreign Minister Hayashi appeared live on WBS, the news program of TV Tokyo.
He did not utter a single word about China in response to all the questions.
Although he pretended to be cautious, it is no exaggeration to say that his answer was 100% about his concern for China.
As he was the chairman of the Japan-China Parliamentary Friendship League, it was probably a perfectly natural response.
What I am going to point out in this paper, probably for the first time in the world, is something different.
But it is also the source of the mistake that he made.
In other words, it is a crucial point that I am making for the first time in Japan.
At first glance, WBS pretended that they were asking questions from a critical point of view about China.
They may believe that, but their reporting is misleading the public.
They always make it sound like Japan is between the US and China.
The graphs (and figures) they use as the basis for their misleading statements are a form of guided interrogation that misleads the public.
China now accounts for over 20% of Japan's trade volume, surpassing the US as the largest trading partner.
Therefore, Japan needs to be cautious when dealing with China.
It is the typical way of saying that the Nikkei and other media are given preferential treatment for their reporting activities in China.
It is also the wrong rationale for the indecisive, or in other words, China-disciplined, stances of Prime Minister Kishida, who has a reputation for being pro-China, and Foreign Minister Hayashi, who is one of the heads of a panda hugger.
Initially, Foreign Minister Hayashi should have said, "Under the current circumstances, Japan has no choice but to consider a diplomatic boycott, just like the West.
If Japan were to respond to China in that way, in the true sense of the word, and if China were to behave in the way it did toward Australia, then Japan would be forced to consider a diplomatic boycott, just like the West.
What TV Tokyo, Prime Minister Kishida, and the pro-China and panda hugger members of the LDP are concerned about or afraid of is what will happen if trade with China is cut off, and they are obsessed with kindergarten-age foolishness.
Either they are obsessed themselves or obsessed with such stupid ideas due to Chinese manipulation.
Perhaps it is both.
The truth is just the opposite of what they think.
They are utterly oblivious that Japan is still practically the world's second-largest economy and technological power.
It is safe to say that China's manipulation has made them forget this.
For China, Japan is not a country like Korea.
They may even have forgotten that Japan is not a country like Korea, nor is it one of the poor Asian countries China profoundly despises.
They have fallen for China's manipulations to the extent that they have lost sight of the simple truth that China will be troubled if trade and exchange with Japan ceases.
Japan would not be troubled at all even if it stopped having relations with China.
Of course, some things will cause trouble momentarily, but these are things that Japan will eventually be able to replace using its technological and research capabilities.
China is in great trouble.
It is no exaggeration to say that it will lead to a crisis of national existence and the collapse of the system in every possible way.
To use a simple example of tourism, most Japanese people sincerely believe that they will never again have to see the nightmarish sight of Chinese people coming to Japan in large numbers.
The only people who do not understand this are former Prime Minister Suga, who relied on Nikai, and Hashimoto, who seems to have mistakenly thought that filling Shinsaibashi with Chinese people was the revival of Osaka.
In every sense of the word, the majority of the Japanese people think, "No more China and the Chinese."
They are the only ones who do not understand this.
The Chinese and Koreans, anti-Japanese and lacking public spirit, do not come to Japan.
They have deteriorated to the point that they have lost sight of the fact that this is the normal state of Japan.
The fact that workers also exist in Japan is evident in the laborious work of Nobuyuki Kaji, Professor Emeritus of Osaka University, a truly great scholar who studied at Kyoto University, which I introduced recently.
