文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I had read the following phrases in one restaurant but burst out laughing ...

2024年09月08日 19時06分28秒 | 全般

People subscribing to the following books should have some phrases that burst out laughing without thinking whether they are laughing several times or not.
I had read the following phrases in one restaurant but burst out laughing ... Hiroshi Furuta is so wonderful.
Since I was young, I've been watching North Korean films all the time for research, but I regret it now.
I would like to know if I could spend my life more meaningfully (laugh).
Despite talks, Sihanouk, the Prime Minister of Cambodia, Head of State, and King, was a hobby for movie production.
When he was in North Korea, he was told that he could use soldiers freely, so he made a movie in which he played a Japanese officer.
Sihanouk is also a starring writer and starring himself.
Its content praised the Japanese Imperial Army, but Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il watched 'It's a pretty nice movie' (laugh).
It is a story I heard from Mr. Hideaki Kase.
Kim Jong Il's maiden work is a book called Movie Arts.
He led the propaganda agitating department and renewed the art of North Korea.
He also made films of movies from black and white to color.
There was also a case that kidnapped Korean famous film director Shin Sang-ok and his wife, actress Choi Eun-hee.
Two people, their circumstances (abduction · fleeing North Korea) 'Echo from the dark - North Korea's inside information' (Bunshun bunko) is also written.
However, thanks to that, the quality of the North Korean film has improved (laugh).
But they do not know modern rationality, so many strange scenes emerge.
A villain turns into a reasonable person in a moment ('Hong Gildong jeon' 1986), and suddenly, the boss is shown in the house and advises ('Beyond the Trial' in 1983).
They do not do the door knock.
When I stayed at the hotel in the North, the 'Do not disturb' tag on the doorknob was 'Do not knock.'
I need to learn more about foreign countries. Smile - provoking (laugh).
If you change viewpoints, it is a terrible story because a country that lacks modern rationality and does not know well about foreign countries has nuclear weapons.
But, watching nothing but worth worrying about North Korean movies, there were about five cardboard boxes.
But if I do not see it, I cannot understand everyday aspects of North Korea that is surprising 'Yuck!',
They carry Rodong Sinmun to the train and drop off at the station,
There is a tradition of the Japanese shopping race remaining at the sports festival of people's schools.
Since hydraulic and ironworks plants will also emerge, it is essential as a social science.
If I tell all the disciples of Radio Press that it is already good before I retire, he says, 'I watch every day' happily.
Later, when I asked, 'What are you doing on Sunday?' he gladly answered, 'I am watching a North Korean movie.'
Otaku is the best for communicating expertise (laugh).
It is not bad even if such a kind of North Otaku is in Japan.
So, 'What I am telling you is for your own good. Remember that the North is bad. Otherwise, you will go into society; nobody thinks you are a good guy.' I must teach it.
Otaku is hard to live.
Marriage is also tricky because he watches North Korean movies on Sunday (laugh).
*Note 1 Purgasari Monster film produced by North Korea in 1985.
The director was abducted Shin Sang-ok.
The Toho special effects team, which worked on the 'Godzilla series,' was invited to take special responsibility for special-effects movies in which monsters appeared in period dramas.



