

BBC オリンピック記者団へウエブサイトの規制

2008-07-30 | Weblog
Page last updated at 09:25 GMT, Wednesday, 30 July 2008 10:25 UK

Web curbs for Olympic journalists

The press will be accommodated in a high-tech facility in Beijing

1: Chinese officials say foreign journalists covering the Beijing Olympic Games will not have completely uncensored access to the internet.

2: A top spokesman said sites relating to spiritual movement Falun Gong would be blocked. Another said other unspecified sites would also be unavailable.

3:* China enforces tough internet controls, but said when it bid for the Games that journalists would be free to report.

4: Journalists have complained they cannot access some news or human rights sites.

5: A senior International Olympic Committee (IOC) member confirmed that while journalists would have free range to cover the Games, the IOC was aware some sites would be blocked.

6: More than 20,000 foreign media personnel are due in the Chinese capital to cover the Olympic Games, which begin on 8 August. Many are already moving into the press and broadcast centres in Beijing.

7: On Tuesday, they were reportedly unable to access the website of Amnesty International as it released a critical report on China's human rights record.

8: Some international news pages and sites that dealt with issues such as Tibet were also inaccessible, reports from Beijing said.

9: Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao confirmed that websites relating to the Falun Gong spiritual movement were blocked.
中国の外務省のLiu Jianchao報道官は、法輪功宗教団体の関連サイトは閉鎖されていると言った。

10: "As to sites related to Falun Gong, I think you know that Falun Gong is a cult that has been banned according to law, and we will adhere to our position," he told a news conference on Tuesday.

11:* He suggested that part of the problem with other sites could lie with the sites themselves.

12: "There are some problems with a lot of websites themselves that makes it not easy to view them in China," he said. "Our attitude is to ensure that foreign journalists have regular access to information in China during the Olympic Games."

13: But on Wednesday, a spokesman for the Olympic organising committee told the French news agency AFP that other - unspecified - sites were blocked.

14: Sun Weide declined to provide more details when asked by the BBC.
BBCに尋ねられて、Sun Weideはそれ以上の詳細は語らなかった。

15:* "During the Olympic Games we will provide reporters with sufficient and convenient internet access so the Olympic Games will not be affected," he said.

16: In an interview with the South China Morning Post, IOC press commission chairman Kevan Gosper apologised for inadvertently misleading journalists over unfettered internet access.

17: "I'm not backing off what I said. There will be full, open and free internet access during Games time to allow journalists to report on the Olympics," he told the daily.
「自分が言ったことを取り消しているのではありません。 大会中は報道陣がオリンピックの報道ができるように、いつでも自由にインターネットにアクセスできるでしょう、」と彼はデイリーに語った。

18: "But I have also been advised that some of the IOC officials had negotiated with the Chinese that some sensitive sites would be blocked."
The move was disappointing, he said.



@:このところ、北京オリンピックが近づくにつれて、中国の話題が多くなっています。今日はインターネットの制限に報道陣が不満をもっている記事です。 IOCの態度が少し気になりますが、中国が大会期間中記者団が求める条件を守るように説得できるでしょうか。