

BBC まだ残る汚染に悩む北京

2008-07-28 | Weblog
Page last updated at 11:43 GMT, Monday, 28 July 2008 12:43 UK

Lingering pollution worries China

By Michael Bristow BBC News, Beijing

Air pollution remains a very visible problem in Beijing

1: China has admitted it could introduce further emergency measures to cut air pollution during the Olympic Games.

2: One expert said that could mean taking 90% of Beijing's private cars off the streets at particularly bad times.

3: Figures show pollution levels have been relatively high over recent days - on some days thick smog is severely reducing visibility.

4: The BBC found one pollutant at the Olympic Village was three times higher than the recommended level on Monday.

5: China has already introduced a series of measures to curb air pollution, including taking half the city's cars off the roads.

6: Polluting factories surrounding Beijing have also been told to close.

7: But an article in the state-run China Daily gave details of the further, stricter measures that could be introduced.

8: "More vehicles could go off the roads, and all construction sites and some more factories in Beijing and its neighbouring areas could be closed temporarily," a front-page article said.

9: This was confirmed by Professor Zhu Tong, of Peking University, who advises the Beijing government about air pollution.
これは、北京政府に空気汚染についてアドバイスしている北京大学のZhu Tong教授が確証したものだ。

10: He confirmed that 90% of the city's private cars could be taken off the roads under these stricter controls.

11: Any emergency measures would be introduced 48 hours in advance of very bad pollution, he said.

12:"There is a chance... that we cannot meet the air quality standards so stricter measures are needed," said Prof Zhu.
「機会はあります…私達は空気の質の基準を満たしていないので、もっと厳しい手段が必要です、」とProf Zhu氏は言った。

13: He maintained that the current measures had reduced pollution, but not by enough to guarantee good air quality every day.

14: China promised to clean up its air pollution for this summer's games, but figures show it still does not meet the toughest World Health Organization standards.

15: Small particles in the air - PM10 - are a particular worry. WHO guidelines say 50 micrograms per cubic metre is the standard to aim for, but Beijing rarely hits that target.

16: At the Olympic Village on Monday, the BBC found the PM10 level was at least 145, while at the BBC office it was 134.
BBCによると、月曜日のオリンピック村ではPM10 レベルは少なくとも145だった。一方、BBCの事務所は134だった。

17: Separately on Monday, Greenpeace published its assessment of China's efforts to clean up Beijing for the Olympic Games.

18: It says, that overall the attempt to get rid of pollution has created a "positive legacy" for the city and should be commended.

19: "Greenpeace found that Beijing achieved, and in some cases surpassed, original environmental goals," the report says.

20: But it said in other areas, including air quality, Beijing had not met targets, and has had to bring in short-term measures.

21: "Beijing could have adopted clean production measures more widely across the municipality to speed up the improvement of air quality," the report says.


