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画家のツブヤキ 042 ポスター2 Poster-2

2014年03月06日 14時20分53秒 | 画家のツブヤキ

今までのドラウトが信じられないほど最近では毎日雨の日が続いている。 降ったりやんだりが続いているが、時には激しく降るときもある。 下の池もいっぱいになってコルバートからオーバーフローの水が流れ始めた。

4月の展覧会のポスターもやっと出来た。 係りの人が忙しく連絡がうまくいかなくて細かい日取りと時間が、なかなか決まらなくて思った以上に時間がかかってしまった。

YowYez aka James Hagami and his wife Sonoko are showing their latest art works at the Willits Center for the Arts from April 5 to 27. The Exhibit is titled “Contemporary Mendocino”.

It was 19 years ago in 1995 that they last exhibited their work locally at the Mendocino County Museum on Commercial Street, just east of the Willits Center for the Arts.

James creates the landscapes of his own universe in abstract form. He uses simple elements like circles, triangles, and squares in free formation. His art is like Jazz improvisation with structured colors in new dimension.

James studied art in Dayton, Ohio. Sonoko was educated in Tokyo. She uses her experiences to create her fantasy world with vivid colors and dynamic layouts. She makes powerful images that children love to experience.

Now almost two decades ago their exhibition at the County Museum was titled “Country Living”. Today the two artists reimagine their vision of rural life as “Contemporary Mendocino”.

The opening party is Saturday, April 5, from 7:00 to 9:00PM. Bring your friends; we are celebrating the 101 years of Marcel Duchamp’s “ready-mades”.

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