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読書 その三十一 二度目のパリ

2011年02月01日 10時36分39秒 | 読書 (国吉康雄、回顧展カタログの翻訳)
居ました。 今回彼は、現代パリの絵画により近くで触れる事になりました。 彼は、パスキン

見ることが出来ます。 パスキンを通してクニヨシはパリの画家達に会いました、その中で彼は主にスーティンを覚えています;しかしフランス語を話せないため彼は誰ともよく知り合う事がありませんでした。 画廊で彼は特にユトリロ、スーティンそしてピカソに感動させられました。 

サーカス。 彼は以前に少しリソグラフをやっています、ジンク板で;しかしここでは石板の

した。 彼はそれ以来ヨーロッパに行っていません。

In the spring of 1928 came a second European visit, again for about ten
months, almost entirely in Paris. This time he came in closer contact with con-
temporary Parisian painting. He saw much of Pascin, whom he had already got
to know in America when he lived next door in one of Field's houses. This gifted
cosmopolite, sensual, neurotic and tragic, had a magnetic influence on all who
knew him, and one can see something of Pascin in Kuniyoshi's work for several
years to come. Through Pascin he met a number of Parisian artists of whom he
remembers chiefly Soutine; but not speaking French he did not get to know any
of them well. In the galleries he was particularly impressed by Utrillo, Soutine
and Picasso. In his own work he concentrated entirely on lithographs - scenes
of Paris night life, the rue Blondel, the circus. He had made some lithographs
before, on zinc plates; but now he drew on the stone, realizing the possibilities of
the medium much more fully. (He has since done a number of lithographs from
time to time, though never as many as this Paris series.) Pascin tried to persuade
him to stay in Paris winter climate and his lack of French, life became dreary
and he was glad to get back to America in early 1929. He has not been to Europe

Julius Pascin - Julius Mordecai Pincas (March 31, 1885 - June 5, 1930) Bulgarian.
下:"Hermine in Bed" パスキンが、病気の彼の妻を描いたもの。

Chaim Soutine - (January 13, 1893 Belarus, Russia - Aug.9, 1943), Jewish Painter.
下:The Landscape "View of Ceret" 1919-1920.

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