


2008-04-13 17:22:23 | Weblog



Robert Thurman(President of Tibet House U.S. and professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist studies at Columbia University)
教授が4/10にBusinessWeek誌に寄稿した「A New Path for China with the Dalai Lama」から


Allow Tibetans to Manage Tibet

Do they think the price is too high? They call the western half of Tibet the "Tibet Autonomous Region," and the eastern half the 11 "Tibet Autonomous Prefectures" (plus a few "Tibet Autonomous Counties"). They simply have to let them be reunited as one single Tibetan Autonomous Region, and allow them to be truly autonomous, which means free of any oppression; they only have to remove their colonists and their occupation troops and armed police, and let the Tibetans have their own basic law and democratic government, run their own economy, and preserve their own environment (which needs a lot of restoration after half a century of reckless exploitation and dramatic mismanagement).


