May The Force Be With Me

Whatever you do, wherever you are...


2005-08-10 21:58:05 | film
I have no idea what it is like to be in love with somebody. Am I ever going to be in love with someone someday? Am I still too young still for that?  I have this great people around me caring about me, sometimes protecting me and even exchanging a hard time on each other... Friendship is one form of love, I believe...

This poor mad dog painter, Modigliani, has lived his life with full of love, I guess. He was loved by his wife, friends and even by his enemies. Since he is so naice and awkward in a way, sometimes he gives a big hard time on those people but they never left him and always supported him. He was surrounded by love but he was too blind to know that he was always loved. Well, maybe that is why he lived his life madly passionately.

It was another surprise that the 'art' was such a big movement in this period of time and those famous painter were there at the same time and same place. Picasso and Modigliani were enemies but at the same time they were good friends and ribals ever. They admired Renoir. The story ends with this impressive line saying that Picasso was lying on the bed just before he breath his last whisperring the name of Modigliani...It was such a beautiful story...I just liked the way he lived and without any doubt he made a great artist...