Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2017年02月23日 23時33分32秒 | Weblog

https://twitter.com/Linkiesta/status/712967220498866177 …



2017年02月23日 22時11分26秒 | Weblog

Jun / Джюн

フェイスブック「ユーザー離れ」鮮明 投稿数が3分の2に | フォーブス ジャパン
http://forbesjapan.com/articles/detail/15333/1/1/1 …




投稿しても いいね、してくれない、にもかかわらず、他人には いいね しているのを発見したから、そいつとは付き合わないことにしたと言っている人がいたなああ。




2017年02月23日 21時52分21秒 | Weblog

Kazuto Suzuki




At its core, to be treated with dignity means being considered worthy of respect. Certain situations bring out a clear, conscious sense of our own dignity: when we receive praise or promotions at work, when we see our children succeed, when we see a volunteer effort pay off and change our neighborhood for the better. We feel a sense of dignity when our own lives produce value for ourselves and others. Put simply, to feel dignified, one must be needed by others.

The War on Poverty did not fail because it did not raise the daily caloric consumption of Tom Fletcher (it did). It failed because it did nothing significant to make him and Americans like him needed and thus help them gain a sense of dignity. It also got the U.S. government into the business of treating people left behind by economic change as liabilities to manage rather than as human assets to develop.

The dignity deficit that has resulted is particularly acute among working-class men, most of whom are white and live in rural and exurban parts of the United States. In his recent book Men Without Work, the political economist (and American Enterprise Institute scholar) Nicholas Eberstadt shows that the percentage of working-age men outside the labor force—that is, neither working nor seeking work—has more than tripled since 1965, rising from 3.3 percent to 11.6 percent. And men without a high school degree are more than twice as likely to be part of this “un-working” class.

These men are withdrawing not only from the labor force but from other social institutions as well. Two-thirds of them are unmarried. And Eberstadt found that despite their lack of work obligations, these men are no more likely to spend time volunteering, participating in religious activities, or caring for family members than men with full-time employment.

That sort of isolation and idleness correlates with severe pathologies in rural areas where drug abuse and suicide have become far more common in recent years.

To be sure, rural and exurban whites who possess few in-demand skills and little education are hardly the only vulnerable group in the United States today. But the evidence is undeniable that this community is suffering an acute dignity crisis. Left behind every bit as much as the urban poor, millions of working-class whites have languished while elites have largely ignored them or treated them with contempt.

Americans from all walks of life voted for Trump. But exit polls unambiguously showed that a crucial central pillar of his support came from modern-day Tom Fletchers: Trump beat Hillary Clinton among white men without a college degree by nearly 50 percentage points. Tellingly, among counties where Trump outperformed the 2012 GOP candidate Mitt Romney, the margins were greatest in those places with the highest rates of drug use, alcohol abuse, and suicide.

Many analysts and policy experts saw Trump’s campaign as a series of sideshows and unserious proposals that, even if implemented, would not actually improve things for his working-class supporters. For example, academic research clearly shows that trade protectionism—a major theme of Trump’s campaign—is more likely to destroy jobs than create them. Yet Trump won regardless, because he was the first major-party nominee in decades who even appeared to care about the dignity of these working-class voters whose lives are falling apart.


If its goal is to instill dignity, the U.S. government does not need to find more innovative ways to “help” people; rather, it must find better ways to make them more necessary. The question for leaders, no matter where they sit on the political spectrum, must be, Does this policy make people more or less needed—in their families, their communities, and the broader economy?

The single most important part of a “neededness agenda” is putting more people to work. The unemployment rate is relatively low today, at around 4.7 percent, after peaking at around ten percent in 2010, in the wake of the financial crisis. But the unemployment rate can be a misleading metric, since it does not take into account people who are no longer even looking for work.

This demonstrates that commonsense limits on welfare can increase people’s incentives to seek employment without crushing them or their families.

But conservatives have failed to get their proposals enacted, in no small part because they have made the wrong arguments for them. Why reform taxes? “To boost earnings and GDP.” Why require work for welfare? “To make those lazy welfare queens work!” Such rhetoric has made good policies sound out of touch and inhumane. The most compelling reason for tax reform and further welfare reform is to create more opportunities for people at the periphery of society.

But they should also experiment with reducing minimum wages to help people trapped in long-term unemployment, making these vulnerable people more attractive to hire. Governments would then supply those workers with direct wage subsidies to increase their take-home income. For example, Michael Strain of the American Enterprise Institute has proposed that the federal government let employers hire long-term unemployed people at $4 per hour and then itself transfer an additional $4 per hour to each of these workers.

it’s reasonable to conclude that illegal immigration tends to moderately reduce wages in low-skill industries, whereas the legal immigration of high-skilled individuals has a positive effect on the overall economy and job creation. Congress and the Trump administration should therefore prioritize the enforcement of existing immigration laws, not through mass deportations but by targeting low-wage employers who hire and exploit illegal immigrants. But they should also significantly loosen the current quotas that limit the number of high-skilled immigrants who can enter the United States.

Making people more necessary will also require improving human capital through better education



 人間には必要なのは尊厳であり、それは、自分が必要とされている感覚、褒められたり、昇進したり、何かの役に立ったり、何か価値のあることをしている、という感覚である、と。 トランプは、尊厳が満たされていない白人の支持を得たのだ、と。











I pray for, stand by, and share joys and sorrows with the people

2017年02月23日 16時32分32秒 | Weblog


“I would like to continue to pray for,
             always stand by, and
             share joys and sorrows with        the people,”


No territorial gains were to be sought by Russia and Korea

2017年02月23日 16時12分26秒 | Weblog


restore /hand over で区別しているわけですね。


The Three Great
Allies are fighting this war to restrain and punish the aggression of Japan. They covet no gain for themselves and have no thought of territorial expansion.

Atlantic Charter

no territorial gains were to be sought by the United States or the United Kingdom

Acceptance by Inter-Allied Council and by United Nations[edit]
The Allied nations and leading organizations quickly and widely endorsed the Charter.[13] At the subsequent meeting of the Inter-Allied Council in London on 24 September 1941, the governments in exile of Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and Yugoslavia, as well as the Soviet Union, and representatives of the Free French Forces, unanimously adopted adherence to the common principles of policy set forth in the Atlantic Charter



2017年02月23日 15時29分46秒 | Weblog
「ニュース女子」問題、検証番組を要求 MX番組審議会



War is political, human, and uncertain

2017年02月23日 14時54分14秒 | Weblog
Kazuto Suzuki@KS_1013

マクマスター安保担当大統領補佐官が2013年にNYTに寄稿した記事。War is political, war is human, and war is uncertainときれいに整理して現代戦争の特徴を示している。

Kazuto SuzukiさんがKazuto Suzukiをリツイートしました
しかも、これらの分析を踏まえて、戦争を政治から切り離す概念を疑え、社会的、経済的、歴史的要素を無視してはならない、複雑で不確実な状況において、政治的、人間的な要素をくみ取って行動すべき、とまとめている。クラウゼヴィッツやトゥキュディデスなども出てきてインテリ度の高さを感じる。Kazuto Suzukiさんが追加

The Pipe Dream of Easy War
By H. R. McMASTERJULY 20, 2013

We engaged in such thinking in the years before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001; many accepted the conceit that lightning victories could be achieved by small numbers of technologically sophisticated American forces capable of launching precision strikes against enemy targets from safe distances.

These defense theories, associated with the belief that new technology had ushered in a whole new era of war, were then applied to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; in both, they clouded our understanding of the conflicts and delayed the development of effective strategies.

Potential adversaries, they suggested, would not dare to threaten vital American interests.

Over time, American forces learned that an appreciation of the fears, interests and sense of honor among Afghanistan’s and Iraq’s citizens was critical to breaking cycles of violence and helping to move their communities toward making political accommodations that isolated extremists

The hard-learned lesson: Defense concepts must consider social, economic and historical factors that constitute the human dimension of war.

What we learned: American forces must cope with the political and human dynamics of war in complex, uncertain environments. Wars like those in Afghanistan and Iraq cannot be waged remotely.

Budget pressures and persistent fascination with technology have led some to declare an end to war as we know it. While emerging technologies are essential for military effectiveness, concepts that rely only on those technologies, including precision strikes, raids or other means of targeting enemies, confuse military activity with progress toward larger wartime goals. We must not equate military capabilities with strategy. Achieving our aims in war will demand forces who can reassure allies and protect populations, as well as identify and defeat elusive enemies.











2017年02月23日 14時43分38秒 | Weblog
Kazuto Suzuki





"The Jewish question" is incomprehensible for the outsiders.

2017年02月23日 14時19分05秒 | Weblog





2017年02月23日 14時03分12秒 | Weblog








Anna Fifield's sources are idiot ?

2017年02月23日 13時17分44秒 | Weblog

H.S. KimさんがAnna Fifieldをリツイートしました

WP東京支局長「ソースによると金正男は炭疽症で死んだ」と呟きまた炎上。無知のくせ知ったかぶるから炎上を繰り返す。日本語話せないのに誤った日本情報を世界に拡散し続ける。一番笑ったのはこれ→https://twitter.com/annafifield/status/602335804950585344 …