Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

The most innovative countries in the world in one map

2017年02月17日 20時09分10秒 | Weblog

1977-2015年の累積特許取得数 http://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-most-innovative-countries-in-the-world-in-one-map-2017-02-15 … カリフォルニア1州だけで日本以外の国より特許が多い。

France's colonisation of Algeria was 'crime against humanity'

2017年02月17日 19時30分25秒 | Weblog

via mozu

In a TV interview in Algiers this week, the centrist said French actions in Algeria, which achieved independence in 1962 after eight years of war, were "genuinely barbaric, and constitute a part of our past that we have to confront by apologising".

His visit also included a stop at the Martyrs' Memorial in Algiers, saying he wanted to promote a "reconciliation of memories" between the two countries.

The violent history between France and Algeria is still a source of tension between the two countries and within French political circles.

Political parties in Algeria have long denounced the refusal of the French authorities to recognise and apologize for the crimes committed by colonial France in Algeria. And French governments over the years have often been accused of being in denial about the violence of its colonial rule, which reached a peak during the Algerian war of independence that ended in 1962.





Welcome culture

2017年02月17日 19時21分19秒 | Weblog





驚愕安倍晋三記念学校 タダ同然で

2017年02月17日 19時15分30秒 | Weblog




People embrace conspiracy beliefs as a way to cope with perceived threats to control

2017年02月17日 14時32分26秒 | Weblog



Why More Democrats Are Now Embracing Conspiracy Theories http://nyti.ms/2lVECew @UpshotNYTさんから 選挙以来民主党支持者のほうが陰謀論を信じやすくなっているという調査結果

But the shift in vulnerability to conspiracy theories may have deeper psychological roots. Research suggests that people embrace conspiracy beliefs as a way to cope with perceived threats to control. In particular, Joseph E. Uscinski and Joseph M. Parent at the University of Miami have argued that conspiracy theory beliefs increase in response to group threats, including among losers of elections. These beliefs can help rally groups and coordinate action in response to a decline in status or power.


Trump's approval rating hits 55%

2017年02月17日 13時57分26秒 | Weblog



UPDATE Karlie Kloss did not have to apologize

2017年02月17日 02時23分27秒 | Weblog
The Huffington Post | 執筆者: ハフィントンポスト編集部
投稿日: 2017年02月16日 17時53分 JST 更新: 2017年02月16日 19時12分 JST

1)She does not look like Geisha.

2)It looks like oriental style but the way she dresses is not degrading for Japanese people.

3)Some Japanese might find it beautiful, others might find it so-so, but few if any will find it offensive.
Japanese are honored when their traditional wear is inspirational for non-Japanese.

4)Just as it's okay for Asians to wear jeans, it is not offensive for white women to wear Japanese clothes.

5)It's NOT okay when you try to mock people with a specific ethnicity by poorly copying their appearances in a degrading manner

6)For your reference,

This was offensive for some Japanese. Perhaps because it contradicted the values of elegance, modesty, and grace which Japanese people believe are embodied in traditional kimono style.

It's easy to understand this is offensive, no?

CIA was elected by nobody

2017年02月17日 02時04分54秒 | Weblog




