Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Is Reality negotiable?

2017年02月21日 19時39分55秒 | Weblog

トランプ誕生の原因についての議論は活発だけど、デリダの脱構築のせいにした議論は初めて読んだw https://www.wsj.com/articles/do-we-still-want-the-west-1487635725 …

The United States has elected as president a man who has repeatedly voiced his disdain for NATO, the World Trade Organization and other institutions of the Western-led world order. He publicly calls the press “an enemy of the American people” and conjures conspiracy theories about voter fraud whose only purpose is to lend credence to his claim that the system is rigged. He is our first post-rational president, whose approach to questions of fact recalls the deconstructionism of the late Jacques Derrida: There are no truths; reality is negotiable.


トランプの手法は、recalls the deconstructionism デリダの脱構築を彷彿とさせる、ということだろうーーそれはその通りだと思うし、以前、私も指摘したことがある。

デリダは真実はない、と言っているわけではないが、ポストモダンが、実用性や有意義な物語のほうを重視して、真実や実在の概念をどうでもいいか、少なくとも、乗り越えようとしていたのはたしかで、post modern, post-truth, reality well lostは一蓮托生のものだろう。


There was a time when the West knew what it was about. It did so because it thought about itself—often in freshman Western Civ classes. It understood that its moral foundations had been laid in Jerusalem; its philosophical ones in Athens; its legal ones in Rome. It treated with reverence concepts of reason and revelation, freedom and responsibility, whose contradictions it learned to harmonize and harness over time. It believed in the excellence of its music and literature, and in the superiority of its political ideals. It was not ashamed of its prosperity. If it was arrogant and sinful, as all civilizations are, it also had a tradition of remorse and doubt to temper its edges and broaden its horizons. It cultivated the virtue of skepticism while avoiding the temptation of cynicism.

And it believed all of this was worth defending—in classrooms and newspapers and statehouses and battlefields.

We’ve since raised generations to believe none of this, only to be shocked by the rise of anti-Western politics. If you want children to learn the values of a civilization that can immunize them from a Trump, a Le Pen or a Lavrov, you can start by teaching it.



2017年02月21日 13時34分34秒 | Weblog




2017年02月21日 13時12分16秒 | Weblog

すぐできる、自分を魅力的に見せる6つの方法 http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/scientific-ways-to-instantly-make-yourself-more-attractive-a7588266.html … ★グループで過ごす(チアリーダー効果。外見の悪い人ほど効果大) ★閉店間際の店に滞留(絵になる) ★笑顔を増やす ★赤い服を着る ★(女性限定)声を高くする ★質の高いユーモアを心がける

Hang out in groups

You look better with your friends than you do on your own, psychological scientists have found. The phenomenon known as the "cheerleader effect" happens because the human brain tends to average the faces of people in a group rather than seeing them as individual subjects. This benefits people with less attractive physical features.



Instill a sense of patriotism amongst students

2017年02月21日 04時36分34秒 | Weblog
Mighty Jack

Mighty Jackさんがbuveryをリツイートしました
かつ、多くの州で教師と生徒にはそれを拒否する権利が与えられている。Mighty Jackさんが追加
buvery @buvery
RT @Mightyjack1: 学校での国旗・国歌の扱い
イギリス: 学校行事では掲揚せず歌わない。
カナダ: 国旗も国歌も学校と特定の関係が見られ無い。…

Why Do We Say the Pledge of Allegiance in School?

In America, one of the key cornerstones of an educational day can be saying the pledge of allegiance in school. For many, it is one of the main tasks which is completed at the beginning of the day.

So - the main reason that the pledge of allegiance is said in schools is to instill a sense of patriotism amongst students.


Do all American children recite the Pledge of Allegiance daily at school?
8 Answers
Katie Bremer
Katie Bremer, grew up in America
Updated Apr 8, 2013

But a lot of them do. About half of the US states require the pledge to be recited. Now, kids can opt out, but social pressure and occasional threats from teachers encourage them not to. This is case-by-case and depends on the school, the student, and the teacher; legally no one is required to recite the pledge.

Ian Remsen, Academic knowledge-seeker, amateur fool looking to go pro
Written Jul 4, 2015
Yes, for the vast majority of students. You can choose not to, and no one's forcing you to, but you're generally seen as 'edgy' by students and 'disrespectful' by teachers. What you can't do is get up and leave the room, or disrupt the proceedings.



2017年02月21日 04時24分46秒 | Weblog





ここらへんはわからないでもないのだが、 法案に「賛成」が46%というのはわからんな。


”I am very angry at the media. They are so rude, they are so ignorant.”

2017年02月21日 04時05分13秒 | Weblog



“I’m very pleased with what he is doing. I think he’s a true American. He has shown he can make money, I hope he can make peace,” said Joyce Boyner, 75, who was taking an evening walk.

“And I am very angry at the media. They are so rude, they are so ignorant. They way they argue with him, and think they know better than him.”

“Damn right he is shaking it up. He’s not Democrat, he’s not Republican,” he said. “That is why people voted for him.”

