Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Indiscriminate air attacks on Naha

2014年10月10日 18時28分58秒 | Weblog
沖縄空襲、悲劇の始まりだった 70年前の10月10日



Today marks 70 years since the U.S. military launched the large scale indiscriminate air raid on Naha on 10 October 1944, leaving 330 civilian killed.

朝日をいくら叩いても米政府の慰安婦の認識微動だにかわらず www

2014年10月10日 18時12分56秒 | Weblog
Could Japan Still Revise Comfort Women Statement?
Statements from within the ruling LDP suggest that the Kono Statement may not be the final word.

By Clint Richards
October 09, 2014

To provide slightly more context, four American experts that helped to draft a 2007 U.S. congressional resolution saying that Japan “should formally acknowledge, apologize, and accept historical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner for its Imperial Armed Forces’ coercion of young women into sexual slavery,” have weighed in after the Asahi retraction. Their response in The Nelson Report said that the Yoshida testimony did not influence the issue from the U.S. perspective, saying the facts “will refute the view of the Japanese history revisionists and the Abe Administration that the Yoshida memoir, as reported by the Asahi Shimbun, colored all understanding of the comfort women tragedy,” adding “we are further troubled that the Abe Administration appears to adhere to this view.”




Ten per cent of female University of Oregon students 'have been raped but never reported it

2014年10月10日 15時33分04秒 | Weblog
Ten percent of female University of Oregon students raped: survey
PORTLAND Ore. Wed Oct 1, 2014 10:09pm EDT

(Reuters) - About 10 percent of female University of Oregon students surveyed have been raped while attending the school and the vast majority of those sexual assault cases were never reported to campus officials, school researchers found.

The findings come after the school faced criticism over its handling of an alleged rape involving three basketball players that preceded the resignation of former university president Michael Gottfredson.

University researchers said 35 percent of students - and 14 percent of men - had at least one forcible sexual encounter and about 90 percent of students assaulted never told of the violence.

Ten per cent of female University of Oregon students 'have been raped but never reported it' - and the school's leaders are 'not surprised'
Survey found 10% female students raped, 90% of them did not report it
A third had at least one forcible sexual encounter, researchers said
School 'not surprised' by figures following alleged rape by 3 basketballers
PUBLISHED: 12:51 GMT, 2 October 2014 | UPDATED: 13:20 GMT, 2 October 2014


In U.S. 90 percent of female restaurant workers report being bothered by sexual harassment

2014年10月10日 14時50分18秒 | Weblog
AlterNet / By Alyssa Figueroa comments_image 68 COMMENTS
‘As A Waitress, I Brush Off Sexual Harassment Because I Just Want My Tip’
New research finds that 90 percent of female restaurant workers report being bothered by sexual harassment from customers.

October 7, 2014

The report states that women make up 52 percent of the restaurant industry’s 11 million workers. About two-thirds of these female workers are tipped workers, who often earn a sub-minimum wage and rely on customers for the rest of their wages.

The report writes that this creates “an environment in which a majority female workforce must please and curry favor with customers to earn a living. Depending on customers’ tips for wages discourages workers who might otherwise stand up for their rights and report unwanted sexual behaviors.”

The groups spoke to one New York server who explained why workers deal with inappropriate customer behavior.

“There is a lot of sexual harassment [but] you just kind of brush it off,” she said. “I just want my tip, I don’t want anything to mess up my tip.”

Sixty percent of women and transgender restaurant workers said sexual harassment was an uncomfortable aspect of work life, while 46 percent of men felt the same. Yet, women workers who earn the sub-minimum wage of $2.13 an hour are twice as likely to experience sexual harassment than those in states that pay the same minimum wage to all workers. They were also three times more likely to be told by management “to alter their appearance and wear ‘sexier,’ more revealing clothing.”

Management was one place where restaurant workers, men and women, reported high-levels of sexual harassment. Sixty-six percent of workers said they experienced sexual harassment from restaurant management―80 percent experienced it from co-workers, and 78 percent from customers.

A female server in Houston explained the behavior she witnessed from her management:

“[They] wouldn’t hire someone over thirty. … [They] would say, ‘I want this many servers, none of them fat, none of them ugly, I want them all to be 5’3.”

“Not only do women working in the industry tend to occupy jobs that are considered lower-status … but they are also distanced socially from men co-workers through practices such as revealing uniforms, … the expectation of flirting and sexual joking as part of their job, and the perception that the work women carry out is less skilled or valuable.”

Compared to the harassment they faced with management and co-workers, women felt most uncomfortable with sexual harassment from customers. The report found that 90 percent of women reported being bothered by customer behavior. The report stated: “Two-thirds of women reported sexual teasing, jokes, remarks, or questions from customers, compared to only forty percent of men. Twice as many women received pressure for dates, and half-again as many women as men were deliberately touched or pinched by customers.

“The entire system of allowing employers to pay a sub-minimum wage to tipped workers and forcing women to depend on the largesse of customer tips, appears to create an environment where women are undervalued not only by customers, but also by management, as well as by their co-workers.”

Tipped workers received the same minimum wage as other workers until 1966, when Congress allowed employees to pay them 50 percent of the minimum wage. They then bumped it up to $2.13 in 1991, and it has remained there ever since



New York City finally launches campaign to end sexual harassment on the subway

2014年10月10日 14時43分10秒 | Weblog
New York City launches campaign to end sexual harassment on the subway

Following international cues, NYC sets up new website, puts surveillance cameras on subways to combat assault
October 6, 2014 5:00PM ET
by Saila Huusko

地下鉄でのセクハラ、痴漢対策に監視カメラを導入する、と アメリカ

Shelby Chestnut of The Anti-Violence Project, an LGBT advocacy organization involved in pushing for the initiative, said the organization often hears stories of harassment on the MTA, particularly from gay men and transgender women.




Exotic foreigners on freak show in America

2014年10月10日 14時13分51秒 | Weblog

America won control of the Philippines and began sizing up the natives in her new territory, classifying them according to how 'civilized' or 'savage' they were. The Igorrotes, with their keen sense of humor, near nudity, head hunting and dog eating, quickly captured the imagination of the earliest American visitors to the Philippines.
Hunt, who had served in the medical corps, was made lieutenant governor of Bontoc and became a trusted friend of the tribespeople.
In 1904, the American government spent $1.5million taking thirteen hundred Filipinos from a dozen different tribes to the St. Louis Exposition.
Their motivation was political; by exhibiting the naive, 'savage' tribespeople, the government hoped to drum up widespread support for their policies in the Philippines by demonstrating that the people of the Islands were far from ready for self-government.


Hunt hired a young Filipino named Julio Balinag to act as his recruiter, assistant and translator. He agreed to pay him $25 a month. Balinag was ambitious and educated and had been in the original group who had gone to St. Louis. He had fallen in love with America on his first visit and dreamed of building a future in the Promised Land for himself and his wife, Maria.


Day after day, visitors came to Luna Park in their thousands, and often tens of thousands, to see the Filipino 'wild men and women' up close. They watched wide-eyed as the scantily-clad tribespeople sang, danced, and held elaborate dog feasts.
At home, the tribespeople only ate dog on special occasions, like weddings and after a successful head hunting foray. But at Coney the dog feasts were so popular that the Igorrotes were made to eat the canine flesh every day.
The tribe's culture and rituals were distorted in other ways too. Under instructions from Hunt, the Igorrotes performed burial rituals, and war dances, when no-one had died or gone to war. Couples who had no intention of spending their lives together were persuaded to take part in mock weddings, complete with elaborate feasts. The men held sham battles, and described their head hunting expeditions.


アメリカン・ホラー・ストーリー 見世物小屋 という番組で、世界一背の低いインドの女性が出演

"Stand up and be counted, go with the Ku Klux Klan."

2014年10月10日 06時24分31秒 | Weblog

SATURDAY, OCT 4, 2014 04:37 AM +0900
Chilling: West Virginia police lieutenant suspended over Ku Klux Klan video
After racially insensitive video emerges, Charleston WV police lieutenant placed on leave



Ku Klux Klan song + lyrics

In U.S. Police pepper-spray black teenager in his own home

2014年10月10日 06時24分31秒 | Weblog
WEDNESDAY, OCT 8, 2014 11:15 PM +0900
Black teenager pepper-sprayed by police in his own home
You can't spin this to be an instance of anything other than racial prejudice

Cops pepper sprayed black teen inside his white foster family's home after assuming he was a burglar
Neighbors in Fuquay Varina, North Carolina called cops after seeing DeShawn Currie, 18, enter his family's home through an unlocked door
When officers entered the home, they refused to believe the teen lived there - and demanded to know why he didn't appear in any family photos
DeShawn has been with the family for about a year; they recently moved to the neighborhood and do not yet know all their neighbors
When the teen became angry, officers pepper sprayed him
PUBLISHED: 16:55 GMT, 8 October 2014 | UPDATED: 12:15 GMT, 9 October 2014


"We have 9/11's every day in the Muslim lands."

2014年10月10日 06時15分32秒 | Weblog
ByCLARISSA WARDCBS NEWSOctober 8, 2014, 8:03 PM
American militant in Syria: "I was just a normal kid"

The Somali American had dropped out of college to study Islam in the Middle East. He told us he was moved by the plight of the Syrian people, under attack by their own government -- so he decided to join the fight.

"There is no threat from us if we don't get hit," said Zubayr.

Ward: "That sounds a lot like something Osama Bin Laden once said."

Zubayr: "It's the case, we look up to the sheikh."

Ward: "You look up to Bin Laden?"

Zubayr: "Of course."

Ward: "You can understand that that's really hard for Americans to hear."

Zubayr: "Why?"

Ward: "Because of 9/11."

Zubayr: "We have 9/11's every day in the Muslim lands."




2014年10月10日 05時40分13秒 | Weblog
SATURDAY, OCT 4, 2014 07:58 AM +0900
Horror movies were my therapy
As a kid, I was forced to watch gory slasher films that terrified me. But now I'm grateful for what they taught me

But strangely enough, if I’ve gained anything from blood-curdling terror, it’s been a deep sense of comfort. When I watch or read a work of horror, it’s not because I want to feel bad. Whether it lines up with the goals of those in the industry or not, I watch horror movies to feel good. According to studies performed at the Rockefeller University in New York, horror fans fall into the category of “thrill seekers,” compared with those who enjoy skydiving, base-jumping, or flirting with death in any semi-safe form. The study also concluded that horror films can raise both blood pressure and cortisol levels, and, most disturbingly, unlock repressed memories.

In his famous essay “The American Nightmare: Horror in the 70s,” the late film critic Robin Wood wrote the following: “The true subject of the horror genre is the struggle for recognition of all that our civilization repressed or represses.” In other words, whether you’re talking about the classic horror films of the 1930s or the modern variety, horror exists primarily to defy social conventions. And not just social conventions, but narrative conventions. Not to say that successful art doesn’t ever challenge the status quo, or that it exists primarily to cater to the mainstream. But that conventional works rely on pre-established norms.

Horror films, on the other hand, seem to be more concerned with examining, and then widening, the cracks in polite society, playing on paranoia when the barn is on fire. This is particularly true in modern horror, which deals with late 20th and early 21st century social dilemmas such as wealth inequality, sexism, immigration and terrorism. You begin with a family as normal as any other in pop-cultural representation, a symbol of the American middle class, possibly with children, and, as opposed to examining their lives, deconstructing them in the manner of John Cheever or Jonathan Franzen, you breach the home, you defile it, you tear it to pieces. You leave it bloody and dying on the ground without asking questions, and decide whether the victims are worthy of survival.

So when a dog is killed, then, as usually happens early on in a great number of modern horror films, the notion of stable society is breached. The family unit is endangered. Societal norms, heights of human achievement in this new age of civilization, have been rendered ineffective, and crumble before the primeval forces of an evil that seethes beneath us all.

A writer like Flaubert in ‘Madame Bovary’ writes about extraordinary people in ordinary circumstances. I write about ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.”

Horror as a genre seems to think that the stable world you’re presented with is false, and the one depicted in horror films–caustic, chaotic, dangerous–is a refreshing balm for the brain. Not because you enjoy watching violence―particularly for someone like me, who cringes at the sight of actual blood–but because fear reveals more about the world we live in then we’d like to admit.

On some level, whether we acknowledge it or not, it’s possible that we all expect society to crumble, and realize that we’re living on shaky ground. And if that’s the case, modern horror tests those eerie frontiers, hoping, perhaps, that we’ll be able to use it as a tool to fight against our downfall. To survive. How many times have you heard people screaming at the screen during a scary movie? How many times have you done so yourself? How many times have you yelled, “Don’t go in there! Don’t open that door!” All as if to say that, if we were to find ourselves in the same situation as the characters on screen, faced with a killer standing behind a shower curtain or a monster lurking in the dark, we would have known better. That we wouldn’t have gone down that dark alley. That when the threat came for us, we would have defeated it.

Over time, I’ve come to realize that, if anything, horror has been a beneficial force in my life. It’s helped me tackle my fears, or at least face them head-on. In observing different ways in which the end can come, I’ve begun to feel connected to my humanity in ways I might not have been before. I find that a world in which no one is safe is more similar to the one I know. To me, horror tells the stories of ordinary people with bills to pay and families to raise and vices to fight. Ordinary people that, the more in tune with adversity they are, the better chance they’ll have of survival. Horror takes on our societal fears head-on, in grotesque and questionable ways.

Instead of attempting to beat around the bush, horror goes right for the jugular. It wonders what happens when humankind is pushed to its limits. It’s the genre of immediacy. More than just offering an audience a thrill-ride, raising the heart rate and dredging up fear, it helps those who have been hurt by this world to survive.







2014年10月10日 04時24分45秒 | Weblog
2014.10.9 05:03
前支局長起訴 一言でいえば異様である 言論自由の原点を忘れるな





産経前支局長 韓国ならではの「政治的」起訴
2014年10月10日 01時24分







社説:産経記者起訴 韓国の法治感覚を憂う
毎日新聞 2014年10月10日 02時31分







産経記者起訴 韓国は報道の自由守れ




2014年10月10日 03時57分37秒 | Weblog

Thursday 9 October 2014
The Nobel Peace Prize should not be awarded to the people of Japan
They might have overseen 67 years of peace, but their nomination obscures a much more hawkish reality




This selective amnesia finds its most alarming expression in the language of today’s neo-conservatives, such as Abe, who flatly deny some of Japan’s worst crimes - such as the mass rape of Korean, Chinese and Philippine women.


 記者が馬鹿で、日本でなにが論争になっているか、無知 ということもあるでしょうけど、しかし、日本の側の情報発信の仕方も間違っている。










2014年10月10日 02時30分45秒 | Weblog
What is the definition of a chosen family?

Answer A chosen family generally refers to friends who care a lot about each other. In this day of oftentimes fractious bio-families many adults and young adults develop a group(s) of friends who can provide the same love and support. Chosen family can also be used to refer to adoptive relationships.

Salon.com / By Brittney Cooper comments_image 83 COMMENTS
The American Family Is a Myth: Why Our National Moral Panic Must Stop
As a kid, I thought I'd be married with three kids by now. But now I see "family" as something totally different.

October 1, 2014

In the midst of this, I find myself frowning at a recent New York Times story that declares that marriage is disappearing. More than 40 percent of new mothers are unmarried. And the rate of white single-parent households now equals the rate of black single-parent households in 1965 when Daniel Patrick Moynihan issued an infamous report declaring black communities to be caught in “a tangle of pathology.” To solve the problem of emasculated men and domineering women, he proposed creating pipelines for African-American men to get good jobs, in order to assume their rightful place at the head of black families.

Isabel Sawhill, echoing Moynihan, writes, “The decline in marriage and the growth of childbearing outside of marriage is partly a result of the limited economic prospects of those at the bottom. We should provide more education and job opportunities for unskilled men in particular, but the evidence that these policies will restore stable families is sketchy.”

She tries to steer a middle ground between a liberal agenda that proposes new ways for governments to support families – for instance, the paid maternity leave the Obama administration now supports ― and a conservative agenda that sees the decline of marriage as a cultural and moral problem. Frankly, I find these episodic moral panics, even the ones that appear in Sawhill’s subdued and pragmatic tones, to be tiresome, repetitive and lacking in creativity.

He was right, it seems. And what 50 years ago we understood to be a pathology in black families, is now framed as an invitation to rethink our ethics around parenting and families.

It seems to me that the decline of marriage means not that we need to parent more responsibly but rather that we should build families more creatively.

Culturally, marriage has become the most readily accessible, mass-marketed Tupperware container in which we hold and transport notions of love, family and aspiration. Those of us reaching for other kinds of containers often come up short.

What increasing rates of divorce and increasing choices to not marry tell us is that microwaveable marriages no longer feel automatically healthy or worth it. Folks want real substantive, sustainable and creative relationships

Though I am not “poly” as some of my folks might say, I do take some pages from the playbook of poly folks, queer folks and black folks, namely that I think very expansively about chosen family and kinship networks. The challenge is that even though we toss around terms like chosen family, we still don’t feel ultimate responsibility to each other. Unlike marriages or formal partnerships, where couples make housing, living and financial decisions together, we still have not created societal structures and language around helping groups of friends who have opted to become chosen family to do the same.




” U.S. Spawned a Fundamentalist Frankenstein in the Mideast”

2014年10月10日 02時18分13秒 | Weblog
By C.J. Polychroniou comments_image COMMENTS
Chomsky: U.S. Spawned a Fundamentalist Frankenstein in the Mideast
More than four decades of the esteemed academic's writings are available in a new anthology, Masters of Mankind: Essays and Lectures, 1969-2013.


Like Britain before it, the US has tended to support radical Islam and to oppose secular nationalism, which both imperial states have regarded as more threatening to their goals of domination and control When secular options are crushed, religious extremism often fills the vacuum. Furthermore, the primary US ally over the years, Saudi Arabia, is the most radical Islamist state in the world and also a missionary state, which uses its vast oil resources to promulgate its extremist Wahabi/Salafi doctrines by establishing schools, mosques, and in other ways, and has also been the primary source for the funding of radical Islamist groups, along with Gulf Emirates - all US allies.

The US committed major war crimes in Iraq, but the acts of violence committed these day against civilians in the country, particularly against children and people from various ethnic and religious communities, is also simply appalling. Given that Iraq exhibited its longest stretch of political stability under Saddam Hussein, what didactic lessons should one draw from today's extremely messy situation in that part of the world?

The most elementary lesson is that it is wise to adhere to civilized norms and international law. The criminal violence of rogue states like the US and UK is not guaranteed to have catastrophic consequences, but we can hardly claim to be surprised when it does.

In addition to some Western nations, Arab states have also offered military support to US attacks against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Is this a case of one form of Islamic fundamentalism (Saudi Arabia, for example) exhibiting fear for another form of Islamic fundamentalism (ISIS)?

As the New York Times accurately reported, the support is "tepid." The regimes surely fear ISIS, but it apparently continues to draw financial support from wealthy donors in Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, and its ideological roots, as I mentioned, are in Saudi radical Islamic extremism, which has not abated.

At one point, Israeli weapons seemed to be running low, and the US kindly supplied Israel with more advanced weapons, which enabled it to carry the onslaught further. These weapons were taken from the stocks that the US pre-positions in Israel, for eventual use by US forces, one of many indications of the very close military connections that go back many years. Intelligence interactions are even better established. Israel is also a favored location for US investors, not just in its advanced military economy. There is a huge voting bloc of evangelical Christians that is fanatically pro-Israel. There is also an effective Israel lobby, which is often pushing an open door - and which quickly backs down when it confronts US power, not surprisingly.

Doesn't Russia have a legitimate concern over Ukraine's potential alliance with NATO?

"The US is at the root of the current Ukraine crisis."

A very legitimate concern, over the expansion of NATO generally. This is so obvious that it is even the topic of the lead article in the current issue of the major establishment journal, Foreign Affairs, by international relations scholar John Mearsheimer. He observes that the US is at the root of the current Ukraine crisis.

Do you think, then, that it's a matter of time before nuclear weapons fall into the hands of terrorist groups?

"Nuclear weapons are already in the hands of terrorist groups: state terrorists."

Nuclear weapons are already in the hands of terrorist groups: state terrorists, the US primary among them. It's conceivable that weapons of mass destruction might also fall into the hands of "retail terrorists," greatly enhancing the enormous dangers to survival.





