Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2014年10月01日 21時03分11秒 | Weblog
2014年10月01日 20時41分


政府の悪口を書くものはただではおかない、という ジャーナリストに対する警告であろう。





2014年10月01日 05時15分32秒 | Weblog

Change.orgは個人情報を厳重に扱います。賛同することで、 利用規約とプライバシーポリシーに合意したとみなされ、アカウント作成とメルマガ登録が行われます。
【緊急】すべての大学人へ: 帝塚山学院大において朝日OB教授を自主退職に追い込んだ爆弾テロ予告の首謀者を断固として許さず、いま暴力に脅かされているひとびとを見捨てず、学問と言論の自由を脅かすあらゆる暴力に決して屈さず、立場を超えて結束し互いを守りながら共闘してください。

暴力に抵抗する大学人を支持する市民 一同



”White Christians think they experience more discrimination than blacks, Hispanics, Muslims" 

2014年10月01日 04時02分26秒 | Weblog
AlterNet / By Valerie Tarico comments_image 639 COMMENTS
Why Right-Wing Christians Think They're America's Most Persecuted
The roots of this absurd belief can be traced back to ancient times.


September 25, 2014 |

A recent Pew study found that white American evangelical Christians think they experience more discrimination than blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, atheists or Jews.


Christianity is the majority religion in the U.S. Many kinds of legally ensconced religious privileges are on the rise including the right to woo converts in public grade schools, speculate in real estate tax-free, repair religious facilities with public dollars, or opt out of civil rights laws and civic responsibilities that otherwise apply to all. By contrast atheists are less electable than even philanderers, weed smokers or gays; Hispanics and Muslims are being told to leave; Jews get accused of everything from secret economic cabals to destroying America’s military; and unarmed black youth continue to die at the hands of vigilantes.

Given the reality of other people’s lives, a widespread evangelical perception of their group as mass victims reveals a lack of empathy that should give thoughtful believers reason to cringe. And indeed, Alan Nobel, managing editor of Christ and Pop Culture, and a professor at Oklahoma Baptist University, wrote a thoughtful, pained analysis this summer of what he called "evangelical persecution complex." Nobel contrasted the privileged position of American Christians with the real and serious persecution Christian minorities experience under ISIS, for example, and he examined the ways in which victimization can become a part of Christian identity and culture to the detriment of Christians and outsiders alike. What he neglected to spell out clearly was the extent to which the Bible itself sets up this problem.

Christianity, born in the harsh desert cultures of the Middle East, got its start by defining itself in opposition to both Judaism and the surrounding pagan religions of the Roman empire. Consequently, from the get-go teachings emerged that helped believers deal with the inevitable conflict by both predicting and glorifying suffering at the hands of outsiders. Indeed, persecution was framed as making believers more righteous, more like their suffering savior. Long before the Catholic Church made saints out of martyrs, a myriad of texts encouraged believers to embrace suffering or persecution, or even to bring it on.


As any squabbling pair of siblings can tell you, claiming to be a victim is powerful stuff, even if you actually struck first. He started it! yells one kid. No, she started it! yells the other. Parental resolve waivers in the face of uncertainty, and both kids get an exasperated lecture.

When I was in college, I had a friend who grew up in a rough, low-income neighborhood. One day we were talking about car accidents and he said, “My father told me that if you ever get in an accident, you should immediately get out and start yelling at the other driver. Even if it was your fault, it will put them on the defensive and keep them from making wild claims. And maybe the police will believe you.” Amoral, perhaps but brilliant.

If claiming to be a victim is powerful, believing you are a victim is far more so, again regardless of the actual facts―which, at any rate, we all are prone to interpret through a self-serving lens. Have you ever noticed that when your friends tell you about conflict with co-workers or lovers, you almost always feel like they were wronged? What are the odds, really? Seeing ourselves and our tribe as innocent victims draws sympathy and support and protects self- esteem.

But at a price.

Because when we cultivate the sense that we have been wronged, we can’t see the wrong that we ourselves are doing. We also give up our power to make things better. If people keep being mean to us through no fault of our own, we’re helpless as well as victims, at least in our own minds. You can’t fix what you can’t see.

In the case of Christianity, the theology of persecution serves to give the faithful hope. It inspires persistence in the face of hardship, including the many hardships that life brings all of us through no fault of our own. But it has also blinded generations of believers to the possibility that sometimes the hardships they face are due not to their faith or outsiders hating Jesus, but to the fact that they hit first. And sometimes the bewildering hostility they perceive may simply be something the theology of persecution has set them up to expect, whether it is there or not.







田原総一朗2014年08月27日 13:54「朝日叩き」が安易な「ナショナリズム」につながるのは気持ち悪い~田原総一朗インタビュー






”Blown up in the media to become a problem that really doesn't exist”

2014年10月01日 03時31分47秒 | Weblog

European Activists Say They Don't Want Any U.S. 'Chlorine Chicken'
September 30, 2014 3:37 AM ET

But the chlorine isn't really a public health concern, says Scott Russell, a professor of poultry processing at the University of Georgia. "Most of these concerns about chemical use and those kinds of things are blown up in the media to become a problem that really doesn't exist," he says.

American processors use about a cap full of chlorine per gallon, or 50 parts per million, in a water tank that chills the chicken carcasses. That chlorine, he explains, is used to disinfect the poultry. He says it gets washed off and poses no health threat to consumers.

But the EU takes a different approach ― it operates on the precautionary principle, a kind of abundance of caution when it comes to any substance that enters your body.

"In Europe, their efforts to control foodborne illness is all in the live bird. For example, the grandparent stock, the breeder stock that makes the egg of the chicken we eat eventually ― all of those flocks of chicken are tested regularly for salmonella," Russell says. If any of these chickens test positive, farmers have to get rid of the entire flock.

With this method, Europeans have reduced salmonella in their chicken to just 2 percent, Russell says, but the process took 20 years.

Over 120 countries accept the U.S. processing method, says James Sumner, the president of the U.S.A. Poultry and Egg Export Council. It's cheaper, he says, and Europe doesn't want U.S. competition. "If the truth were to be known, that's the real reason they don't want us there, and chlorine is a convenient excuse," he says.



 Blown up in the media to become a problem that really doesn't exist 実際には存在しない問題をメデァアが大げさにいう、という表現は面白いのですが、しかし、これ、アメリカのメディアがいつもやっていること。






2014年10月01日 02時32分14秒 | Weblog










From the available testimonies of former comfort women, it is strongly believed that kidnapping and abduction were not widely used methods of procurement. page 44




2014年10月01日 02時18分36秒 | Weblog





2014年10月01日 01時54分49秒 | Weblog


Women-only train carriages

2014年10月01日 01時26分14秒 | Weblog


女性専用車両、英国が導入を検討 性的被害の増加受け 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News http://j.mp/1vs4Bcj

Women-only train carriages could be introduced in the UK
Sep 30, 2014 10:31 By Sophie Gad

An MP has discussed the possibility of introducing women-only train carriages to help combat sexual assaults on public transport.

Parliamentary Under Secretary for transport Claire Perry said women only carriages already existed in Japan “because there is a particular problem with groping and low-level violence”.

“It is a very interesting question and I will look at all ideas,’ she said.

As well as Japan a number of other countries, including Thailand, Brazil, Iran, and Mexico, already provide women only cars on some trains.

This is not a completely new concept, as the UK historically had women-only train carriages until 1977.

Is it a good idea?

According to British Transport police there were 1,117 incidents of sexual offences on public transport during the 12 months ending March 2014 - compared to 925 in 2012/13
