Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

''Could you imagine how you would look if you were a high Asian? Okay, its called chink eyed'

2013年03月09日 21時18分45秒 | Weblog
University student posts 'Totally Not Racist' video on Facebook

'Most Asians look alike- I don't want to look like everyone else,' he said in his first point.
'If I was an Asian man, chances are I'd probably be with an Asian woman and guess what: I don't find Asian women attractive. Kill me.
'Reason number three: sweatshops, they suck.'He goes on to list seven other supposed reasons, ranging from the fact that he doesn't like the taste of sushi to his fear that he will have 'double chink eyes' when he gets high.
'Could you imagine how you would look if you were a high Asian? Okay, its called chink eyed, well if you already have chink eyes- double chink eyes? Are your eyes just closed?' Hendrickson said in the video.

University Student Posts ‘Totally Not Racist’ Video Listing All the Racist Reasons He’d Hate to Be Asian [UPDATE]
Neetzan Zimmerman
Almost exactly two years to the day that UCLA student Alexandra Wallace posted her now-infamous "ching chong ling long" anti-Asian rant on YouTube, another university student is learning an important lesson about not being a racist on the Internet.

Indiana resident Samuel Hendrickson uploaded a video to his Facebook page yesterday that went viral overnight and generated a considerable amount of anger.




