Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Thousands of women are forced into sex slavery in Holland.The government should apologize

2019年01月07日 01時40分06秒 | Weblog
HELL ON EARTH Brit nurse forced into sex slavery and saw girl get murdered after being kidnapped in Amsterdam
In one harrowing, hellish encounter she claims she saw evil pimps execute a young Thai girl who had also been trafficked

By James Cox
6th January 2019, 2:11 amUpdated: 6th January 2019, 7:41 am

A BRIT nurse was kidnapped at gun point and forced into sex slavery aged just 19, she claims.

Sarah Forsyth, now 42, says she was forced to have sex with 20 men a night in Amsterdam's Red Light District, reports the Mirror.

And in one harrowing, hellish encounter she claims she saw evil pimps execute a young Thai girl who had also been trafficked.

Sarah says “Her face just exploded. I stood and I watched as the bullet literally took half her head off her shoulders."

“And then, just as the noise ­registered in my ears, she dropped to the floor beside my feet."

She added: "Then I saw the little red lights on the cameras and heard the soft grinding of the tapes and I realised her killing was being filmed."

Sarah says the scene haunts her nightmares.

She is one of thousands of British women forced into sex slavery, and has blown the lid off the seedy vice world in her new memoir Slave Girl.

Other horrific stories from her 1990s captivity include seeing the severed head of a rival pimp and being forced to play Russian Roulette.

Sarah travelled to Amsterdam after seeing a newspaper ad for a qualified nursery nurse in the city.

But she had been duped by career criminal John Reece who met her at Schipol Airport, stole her passport and held a gun to her mouth.

Sarah adds: "“I got away. Unlike the thousands of women trapped in sexual slavery today – bought and sold like cattle by truly evil men, then abused and ­re-abused by the normal ones who love their children and caress their wives. I got away.”



