Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

MICHAEL PENN won't tell you the whole story.

2019年01月08日 10時33分19秒 | Weblog

Japan and South Korea Engage in Tit-for-Tat

Rolling Coverage: Clash with South Korea

—South Korea’s Defense Ministry fires back at the Abe administration, demanding an apology for the “menacing” low-level flights over its warships, and calling on Japan to stop distorting facts about the December 20 encounter.

—Masahisa Sato, the rightwing former military man now appointed as Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, taking to Twitter to argue against the South Korean Defense Ministry’s counter-accusation that Japanese patrol planes acted dangerously in the December 20 encounter.

—South Korea National Security Council: “The members discussed the seriousness of the incident where a Japanese patrol aircraft staged a close flyby at a low altitude while our ship was in an urgent situation to rescue a drifting North Korean fishing boat in the East Sea.”

—South Korea’s Defense Ministry releases its own video on the December 20 incident with Japan.

—Foreign Minister Taro Kono is apparently now making efforts to cool down the diplomatic crisis with South Korea that the Abe government itself ignited over the December 20 maritime incident, when they themselves turned it into a public dispute rather than handle it quietly.

—Prime Minister Shinzo Abe preparing “specific measures based on international law” to retaliate against South Korea if it carries out its Supreme Court’s judgement and seizes some Nippon Steel assets over the use of forced labor during the Pacific War.

—JoongAng Daily: “We’re dumbfounded both countries are engaged in a heated diplomatic tit-for-tat over the incident involving South Korean destroyers and Japanese patrol aircraft last month… They should join forces to address the nuclear threats from North Korea and other issues.”

—Ruling party extremism going to the next level. Some senior Liberal Democratic Party leaders calling for the South Korea radar incident to be raised as an issue in the UN Security Council and to withdraw the Japanese ambassador from Seoul once again.




Probably MICHAEL PENN is not watching Japanse news on TV  or he can't understand what it says or he is not trained as a journalist.


