Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Singetsu News Agency does not understand what's going on between Japan and Korea

2018年12月29日 15時42分06秒 | Weblog
Abe Government Manufactures Crisis with South Korea

Shingetsu News Agency

The Korean warship locked its fire control radar on the Japanese plane.

Fire-control radar is used to pinpoint the location of a target for missiles or shells. Directing the radar at a target can be considered a step away from actual firing. It is very easy to imagine that this provocative action might cause a reflexive counterattack

That's why it is dangerous. That's why the Japanese plane asked the Korean warship why it locked its fire control on the Japanese plane.
Most problematic, ROKN vessel failed to respond to requests of clarification concerning FC antenna use This is just unusual *

Japan and Korea need to work out measures for preventing a recurrence of the incident like that.

That's what we are doing now.

What puzzles us is the fact thatSouth Korea keeps changing its explanations as to what happened.

Initially, it insisted that the ship had used a radar other than fire-control equipment to search for a drifting North Korean fishing boat. When the Japanese Ministry of Defense pointed out that such an explanation does not match with the frequency of the radar wave that targeted the plane, the South Korean side began to deny the use of any radar at all.

Now Seoul says that the destroyer took pictures of the P-1 plane using a camera attached to the fire-control radar but that the radar itself was powered off.

Japan and Korea need to present more evidence to back up their claims.

As a side, the modern gun does not need to be directed at the target. The missiles are launched vertically and then will chase the target. No?.

Alessio Patalano


Press Release: Regarding the incident of an ROK naval vessel directing its fire-control radar at an MSDF patrol aircraft - long but quite instructive video on 3 accounts: 1. Flying distances were well within the ordinary for on scene observation; 1/2 http://www.mod.go.jp/e/press/release/2018/12/28z.html …

2. Approaches from P-1 were conducted with monitoring of VHF channels with ample opportunity for ROKN vessel to engage P-1 instead of fa FC antenna; 3. Most problematic, ROKN vessel failed to respond to requests of clairification concerning FC antenna use. This is just unusual.

One thought on the side: having flown on a P-3C low altitude flyby, and having been at the receiving end of one, there is nothing threatening about this P-1 passage. Just nothing. Considering the circumstances that is.


