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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇52篇 神の恵みを待ち望む

2023年03月10日 07時24分17秒 | 詩篇
52篇 神の恵みを待ち望む
1. 背景

Psalms 52: Waiting for God's Blessing
1. background
The psalm follows David's personal experience, a psalm composed while he was wandering in the wilderness, pursued by Saul. This Psalm is set against the backdrop of that earlier event, when David stopped at Ahimelech the priest (1 Samuel 21:1-9, 22:9-23). There, David secured food and the sword of Goliath, whom he had once defeated. In the past, David had never even looked at a sword. But he sought Goliath's sword for self-defense.
 At this time, David was trying to escape from Ahimelech to his enemy Achish, king of Gath. However, his identity was discovered by Achish's retainers, and he could not stay there. Losing his place, David fled and hid in the cave of Adullam and the forest of Hareth. David was desperate to escape his pursuers. There was also a man who tipped off Saul that he had found David at Ahimelech's place. Doeg the Edomite. Saul was offended by Doeg's tip-off and slaughtered 85 priests of the Lord, including Ahimelech. It is easy to understand how David was in a critical situation.
2. make God your strength.
 With this in mind, let us read the psalm again. The first half is a scathing criticism of Doeg. You may think you are a hero, but you are a man who slanders others and tries to destroy them with lame lies and falsehoods. Such a person will surely pay the price.
 As I read this passage, there is a part of me that thinks I am different from David.
When I was driven into a corner by a person's deceitful lies, I felt a burning desire for vengeance, but I could not be strong enough to believe that the person would receive God's retribution, and I just felt a sense of biting my navel. But now that I am older and have gone through many rough patches in my life, I feel that I can say that I am like David. In a sense, I have come to have an enlightened view, and I truly believe that the retribution of the wicked is severe.
So when David said, "I am seeking the sword of Goliath for protection," he was really in the same state of mind as I am, despite his bravado. In other words, his mind was wavering between faith and unbelief.
But what is so wonderful about David is that he has a firm grasp of God's truth, and he is able to say it to his heart and inspire himself with it. I, for example, am ashamed to admit that at such times, I would not even open the Bible or even think of the words of the Bible. The degree of familiarity with God's Word was so different.
3. stand in the love of the Lord.
To be able to stand in faith in this sense will require training, it will take time, and above all, it will require courage. Even in a situation where you have no hope, no guarantees, or where you are about to lose everything, you will trust in God's protection, guidance, and blessings. We are to believe that it is not the sword in our hand, or money, or human connections that will protect us, but only God's invisible love and concern for us.
 In verse 8, David sees an olive tree growing strong in the dry land of Israel. The olive is a long-lived tree. It is said to be a tree that will continue to regenerate and live forever, with new shoots repeatedly growing out from its roots even as the old trunk withers away. So those who lean on God's grace are kept alive by God's life and will never run out, even in situations where they seem to run out. Paul says. We are afflicted on all sides, but we are not in distress. We are persecuted, but we are not abandoned. We are persecuted, but we are not abandoned. We will be overthrown, but we will not perish." (2 Corinthians 4:7-9)
Do not be corrupt, even if you are unwilling, for God will surely bring you to justice. Sooner or later, you may hear from the wind that such people have been put in a difficult situation. But even then, pray for their repentance. The Lord is merciful and just, and we have received enough of God's grace. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. How many of the Psalms are called Psalms of Repentance? (1) Psalm 5, (2) Psalm 7, and (3) Psalm 9. The answer is (2) Psalm 7 (Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, and 143). Now, here is today's Bible quiz. How old is the olive tree in the Garden of Gethsemane said to be? (1) 200 years, (2) 800 years, (3) 2000 years, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be another good day.

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