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人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第二15章 運が良い?

2022年08月20日 08時01分24秒 | 列王記

15章 ウジヤ
1. アザルヤ(ウジヤ)王の信仰


Chapter 15 Uzziah
1. Faith of King Azariah (Uzziah)
In the 27th year of Jeroboam II, king of the northern kingdom of Israel, Azariah (Uzziah) son of Amaziah became king of the southern kingdom of Judah. He ruled for 51 years longer than Jeroboam II, King of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. According to 2 Chronicles 26, during his reign he achieved wealth and strength. In this Book of Kings, he is recorded as a good king who did what was pleasing to the Lord, but added that "the high places were not removed."
"High place" is a Hebrew word that simply means a small hill, but it was used to mean a place of worship or an altar, even if it was not actually a high place. For before Solomon built the temple, the high places were used as places of sacrifice (1 Samuel 9:12, 10:5). However, after the construction of the temple, the high places came to be viewed as a place of local idolatry. So Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:1-4) and Josiah's Reformation (2 Kings 18:1-4) also began by removing the "high places." In fact, it was not only a place of sacrifice, but also a place of erotic religious ritual prostitution and temple male prostitutes, adding to Israel's guilt. The prophet Isaiah of this era points out that although the nation is prosperous, it is in a state of spiritual depravity (Isaiah 1:5).
2. God is in control of life
Yet Azariah refused to remove the high places. For him, idolatry and the worship of the true God were probably the same thing. In fact, his faith was supported by a counselor named Zechariah, just as Joash was supported by Jehoiada the priest. Azariah was not a person who acknowledged the existence of God, approached God himself, and tried to live together with God.
And in verse 5 he was judged by God, afflicted with leprosy, and lived in an isolated house. No matter how successful he is in his life, he will not know until he lives the life of a person to the end. People say "good luck" or "bad luck," but the Bible makes it clear that "the Lord" is the God who controls human life. Azariah boasted of a long reign, but for the latter part of it he lived a life of illness and isolation. He has turned against God and there can be no victory in his life.
3. godless kings
From verse 8 onwards, the rapidly changing regime of the Northern Kingdom of Israel is depicted in contrast to the Southern Kingdom of Judah, which was stable over a long period of time. As prophesied, the dynasty of Jehu will end with four generations, and after that, there will be only one generation of kings except for the second generation of Menahem. All the kings were those who did not recognize God and did not fear God. In his tenth year on the throne, Menahem is recorded as treating the people of a place called Tifsaf cruelly because they did not open the gates. Childish authoritarianism, rule by fear. It is one of the characteristics of human beings who do not recognize God. His successor Pekahija is killed by his chamberlain. Chamberlains are the king's closest advisers and are supposed to be the most trusted. Living in fear of a God who does what is right in a world where the weak are victims of the strong can be a great challenge. You may think that living seriously in a world of eat or be eaten is of no use. There may be times when it seems to you that you should not be happy to say that God is good to you. But apart from the reality of the human world, God is certainly alive and has a close eye on all things in this world. To find joy in life's goals, we must hold fast to our relationship with God, who holds our lives and controls our environment (Psalm 127:1). I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. What is the name of one of the gates in the wall of Jerusalem that was used to dispose of garbage, waste, and dung and led to the Valley of Hinnom? (1) Horse Gate, (2) Corner Gate, (3) Dung Gate, the answer was ③ Dung Gate. Here's today's Bible quiz. Who were the prophets active in the days of Pekah, Rezin, and Ahaz? ① Elijah, ② Isaiah, ③ Jeremiah, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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