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人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第二23章 改革

2022年08月28日 07時08分09秒 | 列王記
23章 ヨシヤ王の改革


Chapter 23 Reformation of King Josiah
1. Josiah's Reformation
King Josiah undertook a radical reformation. The utensils of Baal and Asherah in the temple of the Lord, the statue of Asherah (verses 4, 6), the house of male prostitutes in the temple of the Lord (verse 7), the high places in the cities of Judah (verse 8) ), Topheth in the Valley of Ben Hinnom (v. 10), Chariot of the Sun (v. 11), Pagan altar built by kings (Ahaz, Manasseh, Solomon, Jeroboam) (v. 12), City of Samaria The high places (v. 19), and the mediums, the charmers, the teraphim, the idols, and all the abominations that are found in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem (v. 24), were all removed. And he restored the original Israeli religious rites. Perhaps the town has changed completely.
The Bible writer says of Josiah, "There was no king before him who turned to the Lord according to all the law of Moses, and after him there was not one like him" (v. 25). ). It was a thorough repentance.
2. Bible-Based Reformation
What motivated Josiah to do so? It was not just anti-Assyrian, Israeli nationalism, but an encounter with the Book of Covenants. Especially it is attributed to Deuteronomy because his actions are considered to be based on Deuteronomy (Deuteronomy 18:6-9, 23:9, etc.). He was truly captured by the Word of God.
However, despite King Josiah's thorough reformation, "the Lord would not calm the wrath that was kindled against Judah" (verse 26). Certainly, even if a person repents and accumulates good works, he or she cannot atone for the consequences of sin. Nor is it possible for God to change the course of history while rejoicing over human attitudes. If gods were doing that kind of thing, the order in the world would be messed up. However, it is also true that God is not the type to overlook or ignore the small emotions of human beings. God sees that Josiah was heartbroken and humbled and cried before the Lord, and God heard Josiah's request. It should be said that God listens and that even though he hears, there are times when he does not respond.
3. Death of Josiah
where is the difference? The death of Josiah gives us a hint to think about. In 612 BC, the Assyrian capital of Nineveh fell to a combined army of Media, Scythians, and Neo-Babylonians, and the Assyrian exile moved its capital to Harran. In 609 BC, the Assyrian exile forces were forced to move to Carchemish under threat from the Neo-Babylonian coalition. Josiah sets out to stop Egypt from trying to help him. Josiah planned to ambush the Egyptians at Megiddo and bury them. Megiddo was located in the valley of the Carmel Mountains, and the sea road passed through the valley. In other words, he wanted to annihilate the Egyptian army from both sides of the valley. However, in such a strategic position, the army of the Southern Kingdom of Judah was so weakened that it could not defeat the Egyptian army. Once, in the time of Hezekiah, when the Southern Kingdom of Judah lost the war with Assyria, it ripped off the doors of the temple and paid war reparations of 300 talents of silver and 30 talents of gold. This time, there was no choice but to pay the war reparations of 100 talents of silver and 1 talent of gold from the people. The end of the Southern Kingdom of Judah was nearing.
In any case, if we read 2 Chronicles, we find that King Necho of Egypt warned King Josiah not to disturb him unnecessarily (35:21). And the Bible says that Josiah, who put God's will first, "would not listen to the words of King Neko that came out of the mouth of God" (verse 22). Following God's word does not mean following everything done by Bible words. Faith often jumps over common sense judgments. Certainly, faith does not become insane even if there is a supernatural part. Faith does not mean that what we think will come true. While submitting to God's sovereignty, we must not forget to appeal to God for our needs. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Where is the second district of Jerusalem, where the prophetess Huldah lived, thought to have been located? (1) the downtown area on the south side of the temple, (2) outside the old walls on the west side of the temple, (3) toward the Mount of Olives on the east side of the temple, the answer is (2) outside the old walls on the west side of the temple. It is probable that during the prosperity of the 8th century BC, a new residential area extending to the west of the temple and north of the ancient walls was called the "Second Ward". Here's today's Bible quiz. What do you call the valley that separates Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives? (1) Valley of Tyropeon, (2) Valley of Kidron, (3) Valley of Hinnom, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.
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