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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇23篇 主は羊飼い

2023年02月09日 07時32分41秒 | 詩篇
23篇 主は羊飼い
Psalm 23: The Lord is the Shepherd
1. background
 This 23rd Psalm is one of the most familiar of the Psalms. However, few people understand its background. The background of this Psalm is 2 Samuel 17:27-29. This is the event in which David was driven out of the royal palace after his son Absalom rebelled against him. David escaped his pursuers and wandered in the wilderness, where he was rescued by his men, Shobi, Makir, and Barzillai, who rushed to his aid. Beds and meals were prepared. David was convinced by this incident that God's protection and help were available even as he passed through the valley of the shadow of death, and he wrote a poem about his heart.
2. God's Guidance
Verse 2: "The Lord made me lie down in green pastures. The Lord relates to people like a shepherd. Therefore, if we can stand on the faith that "the Lord is my shepherd," we should no longer worry about tomorrow. Sheep just follow their shepherd without thinking about anything. Humans, on the other hand, do not. Sometimes they hesitate to follow the shepherd because they think about this and that. In other words, we cannot fully trust God who says he will give us help and protection. The only way to overcome this problem is to spend many days being repeatedly told by God. We have to have calm, quiet times when God speaks to us over and over again. We have to have a time when we can afford to wait for God to speak to us. It is not Bible study with a notebook and pen, but an intimate time of heart to heart communication with God.
2. life-giving God
Then we will be able to understand and trust that God is the one who cares for and meets our every need.
 God meets not only our material needs (v. 2), but also our spiritual needs (v. 3). v. 3, "revive my soul," does not simply refer to restoring our vitality. It leads us to a new mission to go on, "He leads me in the way of righteousness.
John, Jesus' apostle, describes various people who met Jesus, and among them is an episode about a Samaritan woman. After meeting Jesus, the Samaritan woman's life took a complete 180-degree turn. She had lived her life avoiding the eyes of others, but after meeting Jesus and exchanging words with Him, she accepted Him as her Savior and later became a person who went out in public to share the blessings of her encounter with Jesus. God is the one who frees the broken and shut-in soul to move on to a whole new and bold life. Faith frees us from bondage and pushes us to freedom.
4. leading us through the valley of the shadow of death
Now God is depicted as having a "whip" for our protection and a "staff" for our control. Some may think this is a somewhat disgusting image. But people, like sheep, are foolish and easily led astray. God uses the "whip" and "staff" to correct and direct our steps. Indeed, after going through suffering, we sometimes think that God has chastened us, that without this chastisement, we would have gone astray, and that God would have saved us. It is only when we have a humble heart that we can appreciate God's whip and staff.
Verse 5, "In spite of my enemies, you set the table before me," speaks of the abundance of God's possibilities even in the worst of circumstances. Victory beyond suffering is repeatedly spoken of in the Bible, and verses 5 and 6 portray the anticipation of the celebration of that victory (Romans 8:31-39). A life lived in God's ways is full of God's love and care. Therefore, let us confess with this Psalm I will make it my ambition to live God's way with the Lord as long as I live. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday's quiz. Psalm 22 is a Psalm with many references to the Gospels. In which Gospel is the story of the casting of lots for Jesus' clothes quoted? (1) Matthew, (2) Luke, and (3) John. The answer was John's Gospel (John 19:23-24). Now, here is today's Bible quiz. Which of the following persons is not recorded as having worked as a shepherd? (1) Moses, (2) David, (3) Elijah. I wish you a good day today.
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