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人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇17篇 聞いてください

2023年02月03日 07時05分47秒 | 詩篇
17篇 聞いてください

Psalm 17: God in Our Ears
1. background
 This is the first of a series of psalms (Psalms 17, 86, 142) entitled "The Prayer of David." At this time, David is said to have been in the wilderness of Maon (1 Samuel 23:25). It was just as Saul was closing in on David and his men to pursue and capture them. As Saul was advancing up the slope of the mountain, David and his men were advancing up the slope of the mountain on the other side of the valley. In the nick of time, David was able to escape Saul's threat, and he offers a frank prayer to God.
2. please hear my righteous appeal
First, he says, "Lord. Hear my righteous appeal. Hear my righteous appeal." and appeal to the righteousness of his claim. No human being can be perfectly righteous (1 John 1:8-10). David is not claiming that he is absolutely right. The premise of David's appeal is repentance. Although he is not right, he has repented and received the Lord's forgiveness. The Lord will no longer condemn me; I have been made righteous. Then David said, "You have searched my heart and questioned me at night. Nothing is found." "My steps have been steadfast in Your ways, and my feet have not wavered." Thus, although he is not righteous, he is made righteous and has made the right appeal, yet he is still in the midst of trouble and in a tight spot. So what should I do, Lord?
3. trust in God's love
Verse 6: "O God! I have called out to you. For You answer me." What strikes me is the depth of David's trust in God's love. There are several key words: verse 7, " wondrous grace," which means that there is salvation through God's miraculous intervention; verse 8, "Guard me like an eye and hide me behind your wings," a prayer that reminds us that God is lovingly involved; and verse 9, "...I have called on you, O God, and you have answered me. God is not like a judge, who sees things in black and white and judges them logically as black. God is love. He looks at things with love, makes compassionate judgments, and takes the necessary steps. David shows his total trust in God's love and faithfulness.
Beginning in verse 10, David reflects for a while on what is happening to him. He remembers how weak and crushed he is, and he prays for God's miraculous intervention. He prays, "O Lord! Arise, go before him and strike him down. With your sword, deliver my soul from the evil one." (v. 13). He is appealing to God to rescue and deliver him from his own plight, as it is, since he has no chance of winning. He is not praying for the second or third thing, but is praying frankly for the first thing that he needs.
 Verse 14, You have blessed them, so they are rich in treasures and prosperous for generations to come, and now I have no reserves and may become a corpse in the field every day. As Job says, if God's decision is not reversed, there is no salvation.
 David looks up to the face of God and pleads his case. v. 15 "the time of awakening" is not referring to some special time, such as the resurrection. Rather, it speaks of a daily awakening, an awakening in everyday life. It speaks of tasting God's protection and blessing if we walk righteously before Him and worship Him with reverence, even in the face of gruesome threats and soul-chilling pursuits. 
To learn from David is to trust God's love and see how He will guide us through this, even if unacceptable circumstances are occurring now. Just as God set up the "rock of partition" (1 Samuel 23:28) and protected David from Saul's pursuit, it is the life of a man and the joy of a man's life to savor that there is a God who hears our cries and puts our prayers in his ear. Let us pray as David did, "Lord, get up, go before him and strike him down. Then I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner>
First, here is yesterday's quiz. Which of the following is called a "Psalm of Curses" that frees us from anger and turns our hearts to overcome evil? (1) Psalm 1, (2) Psalm 92, and (3) Psalm 137. The answer was (3) Psalm 137. Some Psalms are called Psalms of Curses. These are usually found in Lamentations and are meant to vent out anger and be healed in God. Now for today's Bible quiz. Who was the wife of a powerful and wealthy man in Maon who became David's second wife? (1) Abigail, (2) Bathsheba, (3) Micah, and the answer will be given tomorrow. So, I wish you a good day today.
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