


2007-04-28 23:31:45 | 
In “Next,” a crummy action and speculative-fiction hybrid, Nicolas Cage plays a guy who can see into the future two minutes at a time. It’s too bad that Mr. Cage couldn’t tap into those same powers of divination to save himself from making yet another inexplicably bad choice in roles. Once one of the more enthralling actors in Hollywood (“Leaving Las Vegas”), Mr. Cage these days seems all too content to waste his and the audience’s time in tacky genre throwaways, not that “The Wicker Man” or at least the hilarious highlights reel of same that eventually made it onto YouTube didn’t provide some serious yuks.

「Next」では、ちゃちなアクションと推理のフィクションハイブリッドの中で、ニコラスケイジは一度に2分だけ未来を見ることができる人間を演じます。ケイジ氏が役に関してさらにもう一度どういうわけか誤った選択をすることを惜しんだため、占いのそれらと同じ力を利用することができなかったのは、残念です。より多くのもののかつての一つがハリウッド(「Leaving Las Vegas」)で俳優の心を奪って、ケイジ氏は、この頃、結局YouTubeの上にたどり着いた同上の品がないジャンル使い捨て品、その「Wicker Man」でない、または少なくとも陽気なハイライトリールで彼の観衆の時間を浪費することが若干の深刻なyuksを提供しなかってあまりに満足しているようです。


What’s bittersweet about all this is that Mr. Cage remains an insistently watchable screen presence, as even this dopey movie proves. In his day job, Mr. Cage’s Cris Johnson works in a low-rent Vegas casino as a no-frills magician pulling doves out of his coat sleeves and modest factoids out of the minds of his audiences. He supplements his earnings by playing the slots and blackjack. Allergic to trouble and the overly curious, he keeps his profile low by betting only against the house, trying to cash out before he attracts too much attention. Ah, but there’s trouble afoot in the form of a pushy F.B.I. agent named Callie Ferris, played by Julianne Moore, yet another performer who seems intent on breaking the hearts of the faithful.


Jaw locked, Ms. Moore seems terribly unhappy to be here, and it’s no wonder. Her character is working the anti-terrorism beat, which requires her to be at once expert at her job, because she’s one of the stars of the show, and a political straw woman who freely doles out cruel and unusual punishment while talking about the greater good, mostly because the screenwriters are obviously bored. She may not be nice, but, dammit, she is on the side of might and right. You see, there’s a Russian nuclear device gone missing, and Agent Ferris knows, despite the eyeball-rolling of her superiors and underlings, that the only thing that stands between humanity and annihilation is a Las Vegas magician with a taste for martinis and blondes.


There’s more, barely. Directed by Lee Tamahori and written by Gary Goldman, Jonathan Hensleigh and Paul Bernbaum, “Next” is based on a nifty short story by Philip K. Dick titled “The Golden Man.” First published in 1954 in the science-fiction magazine If, the story imagines a world in which mutants are rounded up and destroyed. The title character, a literally golden-hued mutant said to resemble a god, but whose intelligence comes nearer to that of an animal, can see far enough into the future to evade capture. Mr. Dick explained that the story was written when the trend in SF literature was to glorify mutants, which he saw as a self-serving, “dangerous hunger for power on the part of neurotic people.”


Mr. Dick’s story and “Next” have so little to do with each other that the writer’s die-hard fans can relax: the great man’s reputation has not been tainted by yet another knuckleheaded adaptation. Mr. Cage and Ms. Moore have it worse, since the spectacle of these two grimacing through so much risible dialogue and noisy action seems as wearing to them as to us.

About the only performer who comes out unscathed here is Jessica Biel, who plays Cris’s love interest, a honey-dipped blonde named Liz Cooper. Ms. Biel enters in a gauzy light and sticks around to make goo-goo eyes at Mr. Cage in an itty-bitty towel, delivering a vision of gilded perfection that comes tantalizingly close to Mr. Dick’s original conception.



Directed by Lee Tamahori; written by Gary Goldman, Jonathan Hensleigh and Paul Bernbaum, from a screen story by Mr. Goldman based on the short story “The Golden Man” by Philip K. Dick; director of photography, David Tattersall; edited by Christian Wagner; music by Mark Isham; production designer, William Sandell; produced by Nicolas Cage, Norm Golightly, Todd Garner, Arne L. Schmidt and Graham King; released by Paramount Pictures. Running time: 96 minutes.

WITH: Nicolas Cage (Cris Johnson), Julianne Moore (Callie Ferris), Jessica Biel (Liz Cooper), Thomas Kretschmann (Mr. Smith), Tory Kittles (Cavanaugh) and Peter Falk (Irv).





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