胃生検の小部屋 Cottage for Gastric Biopsy


FGP "fundic gland polyp (胃)" vs. "foamy gland pattern (膵)"

2021-06-26 | 消化管外
 私達の業界でFGPといえば fundic gland polyp 胃底腺ポリープです。見出しの写真もFGPですが、これは我らが胃粘膜を通過して、膵臓の腫瘍からFNAで得られた組織で、FGP;foamy gland pattern の像を示しているそうです。Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaを示唆しています(Am J Surg Pathol. 2000 Apr;24(4):493-504. PMID: 10757396) 。

 In our small world, the term FGP refers to gastric "fundic gland polyp". The picture in the headline is also an FGP but is specimen from a tumor in the pancreas, obtained by FNA passing through the gastric wall. We can see FGP "foamy gland pattern", suggesting pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (Am J Surg. Pathol. 2000 Apr;24(4):493-504. PMID: 10757396).

 Sorry for the out-of-the-gate (synonyms: out of specialty, out of field) article, but the abbreviation FGP sympathized me.

信楽の狸が静岡出張中です(2021.06.20, 神尾駅)。
The Shigaraki raccoon dog is on a business trip to Shizuoka (2021.06.20, Kamio Station).
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