Ref.>"New Law for Boosting Japan’s Economic Security to Enhance International Collaboration; Impacts on Personnel to be Considered"
> 高市早苗氏、自民党総裁選視野に本格始動へ 顧問の「保守団結の会」が政策提言
↓(See detail of this article)、夕刊フジの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of EVening Newspaper Fuji)
Translation; "Conservative unity association," whose advisor is Sanae Takaichi has started and will compile policy proposals while taking LDP presidential election in mind = accelarating "national pilgrimage" with sense of crisis to the Kishida administration while suceeding will of Abe
>"総裁選視野に政策提言へ 高市早苗氏顧問の自民「保守団結の会」始動 岸田政権に危機感、安倍氏の遺志引き継ぎ〝全国行脚〟加速"
> 自民党内で、保守系議員の動きが活発化している。
> 安倍晋三元首相が「永久顧問」で、高市早苗経済安保相が顧問の保守系有志グループ「保守団結の会」は15日、9月の総裁選を念頭に提言をまとめる方針を確認した。
> 高市氏自身も、悲願だったセキュリティ・クリアランス(SC)制度を今国会で法制化し、その重要性を訴える〝全国行脚〟も大好評だ。
> 岸田文雄政権下で離れた「岩盤保守層」を取り戻すことができるのか。
Moves by LDP intra-party conservative lawmakers have been activated.
On May 15, "conservative unity association" (correct name in English is unknown), former PM Shinzo Abe is its "eternal advisor" and Economic Security Minister Sanae Takaichi is its advisor, confirmed its policy to compile its proposals, while taking the LDP presidential election in Sept. in mind.
Takaichi herself also enacted the Security Clearance (SC) system, her long-cherished wish, in the current Diet session, and her "national pilgrimage" to appeal its importance is very popular.
Will it be possible to take back the "rock-hard conservative group," who turned their back the under the Fumio Kishida administration!?
"I would like to express my deep gratitude to every and each member of the ruling and opposition parties, who provided valuable ideas through Q&A sessions grilling the bill deeply. Thank you to all the bureaucrats who worked hard all night in the nights before the committee meetings, and to all the members of the expert panel who gave us a variety of knowledge in order for the drafting!"
> 高市氏は、経済安全保障上の機密情報へのアクセスを官民の有資格者に限る SC制度を創設する重要経済安保情報保護・活用法が参院本会議で可決、成立した翌11日、自身の X(旧ツイッター)で各方面に感謝の言葉をこう発信した。
On May 11, the next day of the passing and enactment of the >"Act on the Protection and Utilization of Information Vital to Economic Security" -- which will establish the "Security Clearance" (SC) system, which limits access to confidential information on national security to only qualified persons on both public and private sectors -- Takaichi expressed her words of appreciation to every and each direction in such way.
Ref.>"China 'Red Lines'a Hinderance for Envoy Ahead of May Leaders' Summit"
>"Why Communists Loathe the Ethical Harmony Championed by Gandhi and Confucius"
>「覇権主義的な行動に反対」中ロ首脳が共同声明でアメリカを名指しで非難 福島第一原発の処理水放出に「深刻な懸念」表明も|TBS NEWS DIG
Translation; To keep China in check over the Taiwanese situation = U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel will visit Yonaguni Island
>"駐日米大使が与那国訪問へ 台湾情勢巡り中国けん制"
> エマニュエル駐日米大使は17日、日本最西端の沖縄県・与那国島を訪れる。
> 駐日米大使の与那国訪問は異例で、緊迫化する台湾情勢を背景に中国をけん制する狙いがある。
> 日本政府関係者によると、米海兵隊の輸送機で与那国空港に着陸。
> 県によると、米軍機による同空港の使用は記録が残る1997年以降で初めて。
On May 17, U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel will visit Yonaguni Island, Okinawa Pref., the westernmost tip of Japan.
The U.S. ambassador to Japan's visit to Yonaguni is unusual and is aimed at keeping China in check due to the increasingly strained situation over Taiwan.
According to Japanese government official(s), he will land at Yonaguni Airport using a U.S. Marine Corps transport aircraft.
According to the pref. authority, it will be the 1st use of the airport by a U.S. military aircraft since 1997 when records are available.
> 県によると、米軍は新石垣空港(同県石垣市)の17日の使用も県に届け出た。
> 米軍は先島諸島への展開を強めつつあり、今回のエマニュエル氏の訪問はその一環とみられる。
According to the pref. authority, U.S. Forces applied to use New Ishigaki Airport on May 17 too to the pref. authority.
U.S. Forces has been upgrading its deployment in the Sakishima Islands, therefore the visit by ambassador Emanuel this time seems to be a part of the effort.
Ref.>"舛添「日本は完全に中国に負けている」 中国ネットで異論噴出"
>"【話題】『中国人に「◯◯◯」とお菓子を渡すのは失礼だから絶対ダメ!』→ 商談が潰れるケースも…"
>"「いつか必ず日本人を俺の店で皿洗いさせてやる」発言で炎上… 超人気中華店オーナーが謝罪「日本人全体に発言した訳ではない」"
>「覇権主義的な行動に反対」中ロ首脳が共同声明でアメリカを名指しで非難 福島第一原発の処理水放出に「深刻な懸念」表明も|TBS NEWS DIG
Translation; Chinese and Russian leaders showed their concern over (* not nuclear contaminated but) "treated waste" water, and appealed international monitoring
>"中ロ首脳「核汚染水」懸念 共同声明、国際監視訴え"
> 中国の習近平国家主席とロシアのプーチン大統領は16日に署名した共同声明で、東京電力福島第1原発の処理水を「核汚染水」と呼び、海洋放出に「深刻な懸念」を表明した。
> 中国国営中央テレビが報じた。
In the joint statement inked on May 16, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin (* irrationally) called treated waste water from TEPCO Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant as "nuclear contaminated water" and expressed "sirious concern."
The state-run China Central Television (CCTV) reported so.
> 厳しい国際モニタリング(監視)を受け入れるよう訴えた。
It specified that "We demand to safely treat (* not) nuclear contaminated water in a responsible matter." It appealed to accept a strict international monitoring (* Indeed, the IAEA has been monitoring that, and there is hitherto no problem).
>"世界で最も魅力的な国ランキング 日本が1位 中韓は圏外"
>"【悲報】鳥貴族、韓国アイドルとコラボ 「鳥貴族アジュナイス!」"
>"N.K leader visits newly built ruling party training school"
> Putin meets Xi in Beijing, strengthening Russia-China ties amid Western sanctions
Translation; China and Russia oppose military pressure on N. Korea = the joint statement
>"中ロ、北朝鮮への軍事圧力に反対 共同声明"
> 中国とロシアは16日に両国首脳が署名した共同声明で、米国と同盟国による北朝鮮への「軍事的脅迫」と対決姿勢をやめるよう求めた。
> 朝鮮半島問題は外交的手段による正常化が必要だと指摘。
> 北朝鮮への制裁を解除して軍事的緊張を緩和し、周辺国も加わった同半島の安全保障に関する対話再開の条件づくりをするよう呼びかけた。
In their joint statement inked by both leaders on May 16, China and Russia stated that >"The parties oppose the acts of military intimidation by the U.S. and its allies that escalate confrontation with North Korea, which may lead to armed incidents and a rise in tensions on the Korean Peninsula."
It pointed out that the Korean Peninsula issue required normalization via diplomatic means.
It called for removal of sanctions on N. Korea, easing military tensions, and creating conditions for the resumption of dialogue on the security of the peninsula, with the participation of neighboring countries.
> 中東情勢では、パレスチナ問題の公正で恒久的な解決を主張。
> パレスチナ国家樹立によるイスラエルとの「2国家共存」を目指す必要性を指摘した。
> また北極の軍事化に反対する立場でも一致したとしている。
Concerning the Middle East situation, it advocated for a fair and durable solution to the Palestinian issue.
It pointed out the necessity to aim for "two-state coexistence" with Israel through the establishment of a Palestinian state.
In addition, it explained that the two side agreed in position to oppose militalization of the arctic.
Ref.>"韓国電力で年次を問わず希望退職ラッシュ… どうした?"
>"U17女子サッカー 日本3-0韓国 リトルなでしこが韓国撃破で W杯出場権を獲得"
Translation; Many Korean War monuments in the U.S. have "Sea of Japan" written alone notation... In the past year, "East Sea" joint notation has increased = S. Korea
>"米国内の朝鮮戦争記念碑、「日本海」単独表記が多い… ここ1年で「東海」との併記も=韓国"
> 米国内の朝鮮戦争記念碑の施設物のうち、「日本海」(韓国名:トンへ・東海)と単独表記されている場合が依然として多いことがわかった。
> ただ、韓国国家報勲部(省)と大韓民国在郷軍人会などの努力により、少しずつではあるが「日本海」と「東海」の併記が増えている。
It has turned out that, in many cases, the Korean War memorial in the U.S. are still noted "Sea of Japan" alone ((* fake) S. Korean name; East Sea).
However, due to the efforts by the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (MPVA) and the Korea Veterans Association (KorVA), joint notation of "Sea of Japan" and "East Sea" is gradually increasing.
> これまで韓国政府の次元で「日本海」と「東海」の共同表記のため、多角的な努力を傾けてきたが、これといった変化を引き出すことはできなかった。
> しかしここ1年の間に、メリーランドの朝鮮戦争参戦碑やオハイオの朝鮮戦争追悼公園など4か所が、「日本海」の単独表記から「東海」との併記へと変更された。
Seoul has hitherto made multifaceted efforts in order for joint notation of "Sea of Japan" and "(* fake) East Sea." However, it failed to realize visible changes.
However, over the past year, four locations, including the Korean War Memorial in US-MD and the Korean War Memorial Park in US-OH, changed from "Sea of Japan" single notation to joint notation with "(* fake) East Sea."
> 韓国国家報勲部が在外公館を通じて米地方政府や参戦協会に併記を求め、米国側がこれを受け入れたことによるものだとみられる。
> 米国側はこれまで韓国による「併記」の要請にもかかわらず、日本海の「単独表記」を固守する日本側の反対を意識して、あいまいな態度を示していた。
It seems to be because the MPVA, through its overseas diplomatic missions, requested joint-notation to U.S. local governments and war-participating associations, and the U.S. sides accepted this request.
Despite S. Korea's request for the "joint-notation," the U.S. side hiherto took ambiguous stance, while taking the opposition from the Japanese side, which adheres to the "single-notation" of the Sea of Japan, in mind.
> しかし、ここ1年の間に日韓関係改善の流れが築かれたことで、米国側も少しずつ立場に変化が表れているという。
> 韓国国家報勲部はこれからも、「日本海」の単独表記をしている米国内の朝鮮戦争参戦記念施設物に対し、「東海」との併記を推進する計画である。
However, due to the trend toward improving Japan-S. Korea relations emerged over the past year, the U.S. side has allegedly and gradually showed a change in its position.
The MPVA plans to continuously promote joint-notation with "(* fake) East Sea" on monuments commemorating the participation in the Korean War in the U.S. from now on too, which use single-notation of "Sea of Japan."