Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:駐日米大使が与那国訪問へ 台湾情勢巡り中国けん制

2024-05-17 06:18:23 | Translation

Ref.>"China 'Red Lines'a Hinderance for Envoy Ahead of May Leaders' Summit"

>"Why Communists Loathe the Ethical Harmony Championed by Gandhi and Confucius"

>「覇権主義的な行動に反対」中ロ首脳が共同声明でアメリカを名指しで非難 福島第一原発の処理水放出に「深刻な懸念」表明も|TBS NEWS DIG

Translation; To keep China in check over the Taiwanese situation = U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel will visit Yonaguni Island

>"駐日米大使が与那国訪問へ 台湾情勢巡り中国けん制"

> エマニュエル駐日米大使は17日、日本最西端の沖縄県・与那国島を訪れる。
> 駐日米大使の与那国訪問は異例で、緊迫化する台湾情勢を背景に中国をけん制する狙いがある。
> 日本政府関係者によると、米海兵隊の輸送機で与那国空港に着陸。
> 県によると、米軍機による同空港の使用は記録が残る1997年以降で初めて。

On May 17, U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel will visit Yonaguni Island, Okinawa Pref., the westernmost tip of Japan.
The U.S. ambassador to Japan's visit to Yonaguni is unusual and is aimed at keeping China in check due to the increasingly strained situation over Taiwan.
According to Japanese government official(s), he will land at Yonaguni Airport using a U.S. Marine Corps transport aircraft.
According to the pref. authority, it will be the 1st use of the airport by a U.S. military aircraft since 1997 when records are available.

> 県によると、米軍は新石垣空港(同県石垣市)の17日の使用も県に届け出た。
> 米軍は先島諸島への展開を強めつつあり、今回のエマニュエル氏の訪問はその一環とみられる。

According to the pref. authority, U.S. Forces applied to use New Ishigaki Airport on May 17 too to the pref. authority.
U.S. Forces has been upgrading its deployment in the Sakishima Islands, therefore the visit by ambassador Emanuel this time seems to be a part of the effort.

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