Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:総裁選視野に政策提言へ 高市早苗氏顧問の自民「保守団結の会」始動 岸田政権に危機感、安倍氏の遺志引き継ぎ〝全国行脚〟加速

2024-05-17 06:50:31 | Translation

Ref.>"New Law for Boosting Japan’s Economic Security to Enhance International Collaboration; Impacts on Personnel to be Considered"

> 高市早苗氏、自民党総裁選視野に本格始動へ 顧問の「保守団結の会」が政策提言

↓(See detail of this article)、夕刊フジの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of EVening Newspaper Fuji)

Translation; "Conservative unity association," whose advisor is Sanae Takaichi has started and will compile policy proposals while taking LDP presidential election in mind = accelarating "national pilgrimage" with sense of crisis to the Kishida administration while suceeding will of Abe

>"総裁選視野に政策提言へ 高市早苗氏顧問の自民「保守団結の会」始動 岸田政権に危機感、安倍氏の遺志引き継ぎ〝全国行脚〟加速"

> 自民党内で、保守系議員の動きが活発化している。
> 安倍晋三元首相が「永久顧問」で、高市早苗経済安保相が顧問の保守系有志グループ「保守団結の会」は15日、9月の総裁選を念頭に提言をまとめる方針を確認した。
> 高市氏自身も、悲願だったセキュリティ・クリアランス(SC)制度を今国会で法制化し、その重要性を訴える〝全国行脚〟も大好評だ。
> 岸田文雄政権下で離れた「岩盤保守層」を取り戻すことができるのか。

Moves by LDP intra-party conservative lawmakers have been activated.
On May 15, "conservative unity association" (correct name in English is unknown), former PM Shinzo Abe is its "eternal advisor" and Economic Security Minister Sanae Takaichi is its advisor, confirmed its policy to compile its proposals, while taking the LDP presidential election in Sept. in mind.
Takaichi herself also enacted the Security Clearance (SC) system, her long-cherished wish, in the current Diet session, and her "national pilgrimage" to appeal its importance is very popular.
Will it be possible to take back the "rock-hard conservative group," who turned their back the under the Fumio Kishida administration!?

"I would like to express my deep gratitude to every and each member of the ruling and opposition parties, who provided valuable ideas through Q&A sessions grilling the bill deeply. Thank you to all the bureaucrats who worked hard all night in the nights before the committee meetings, and to all the members of the expert panel who gave us a variety of knowledge in order for the drafting!"

> 高市氏は、経済安全保障上の機密情報へのアクセスを官民の有資格者に限る SC制度を創設する重要経済安保情報保護・活用法が参院本会議で可決、成立した翌11日、自身の X(旧ツイッター)で各方面に感謝の言葉をこう発信した。
On May 11, the next day of the passing and enactment of the >"Act on the Protection and Utilization of Information Vital to Economic Security" -- which will establish the "Security Clearance" (SC) system, which limits access to confidential information on national security to only qualified persons on both public and private sectors -- Takaichi expressed her words of appreciation to every and each direction in such way.

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