

i am that i am.

2024-03-13 20:26:15 | 日記

It has been 42 years since I became a member of Noguchi Chiropractic.

I joined the club six years after the founder, Haruchika Sensei, passed away.

I met many instructors.

Now, I feel that there will only be one Haruchika Sensei, either later or later.

And I am me.

Thank you for our oneness.

Anytime, any number of times

2024-03-13 17:49:35 | 日記

Enticed by the sunshine, I went for a walk for the first time in a while.

Course B, a walk with Haru, a fourth-year member of the Rainbow Group, takes about an hour round trip to the cherry blossom tree across the river.

Although the cherry blossoms weren't in bloom yet, it was a nostalgic course with memories of Haru still everywhere.

I thought about walking again. Thank you Haru-chan!