

3th. years morning gloryⅡ

2023-08-25 07:33:11 | 日記
The morning glory that bloomed again this year.
The appearance of silently blooming from the spilled seeds every year is supple and strong.

They don't say anything dark or harsh. It quietly blooms, announces the season, and softens the scenery.

Is there the unconditional love that this flower continues to give me in the actions of people I've seen and heard of lately?

Miss morning glory, you are supple and beautiful.

There is much to be learned from the morning glories that continue to bloom for 13 years from spilled seeds.

A search for God

2023-08-22 16:50:15 | 日記
"A search for God"(book-II) has arrived from Amazon.

This is a translated book by Mr. Shigeru Mitsuda, the chairman of the Japan Edgar Cayce Center.

In order to cure my cataract without cutting it, I tried Cayce Salad for 3 months and castor oil compress for 2 months.

Since then, I have continued to study while paying attention to Cayce's readings.

The quest for God gets to the heart of Casey spiritualism.

A thorough reading of the core of Casey spiritualism. I'm looking forward to.

Summer Setting

2023-08-22 11:30:12 | 日記
I based sweet potato leaves on my front door.

This makes me feel cool, which is pretty good.

After studying the Ikenobo method for 43 years, including Shin-Ikenobo, it seems that I have finally broken free from the mold.

In the beginning, we enter the mold, and someday we go beyond the mold.

Everything will sort of follow your breath.
So, Everything becomes like your breathing.

To learn is to know oneself deeply and intimately.

Janne Dã Arc

2023-08-22 07:42:14 | 日記
Jeanne d'Arc,
Joan of Arc in English.

Our essence is precious, noble, unique and wonderful.

Be clear about your purpose. and amused.
This is almost OK.

With my whole body, with my words, with a smile, I declare my gratitude to heaven, the providence of life, and live each day.

i'm awesome!
i'm alive i'm alive
health! Happy! !

It prospered!!! Thank you.

I live in a spontaneous, quiet joy, breathing in a calm state of mind, enjoying life to my last breath.

Right now, I am breathing in a state of stillness and bliss.

Be clear about your purpose. and amused.
This is almost OK.
Another day today
As a resident of Delight, you will spend your time in peace and quiet.

In late summer

2023-08-20 07:04:05 | 日記

Only 10 days left in August.

This year's summer was quite a harsh one, with long rains and extremely hot days.

But we did our best.

Don't give in to heat, cold, unpleasant things and things, discipline yourself and let's get through it.

Let's live ourselves lively!