

Janne Dã Arc

2023-08-22 07:42:14 | 日記
Jeanne d'Arc,
Joan of Arc in English.

Our essence is precious, noble, unique and wonderful.

Be clear about your purpose. and amused.
This is almost OK.

With my whole body, with my words, with a smile, I declare my gratitude to heaven, the providence of life, and live each day.

i'm awesome!
i'm alive i'm alive
health! Happy! !

It prospered!!! Thank you.

I live in a spontaneous, quiet joy, breathing in a calm state of mind, enjoying life to my last breath.

Right now, I am breathing in a state of stillness and bliss.

Be clear about your purpose. and amused.
This is almost OK.
Another day today
As a resident of Delight, you will spend your time in peace and quiet.
