

Letter to a Friend

2024-05-03 16:52:26 | 日記
Hello 👋😃

Thank you for the schedule.


I had a regular fatty liver checkup on 4/22, and my blood sugar and Hba1c values ​​were high, so I went to the eye doctor yesterday at the recommendation of my family doctor.

I was diagnosed with cataracts and the onset of diabetic retinopathy.

I was worried about the vision test when I renew my driver's license in January next year, so I went for it, and I was happy to see the results of 1.0 and 0.8, and to hear the doctor say, "You'll be fine for license renewal." 💪🙏

The rest is up to me, as before. I'm doing my best.

I'm not getting upset by the terrible numbers and the doctor's threats, but I'm brushing them off and living my own life.

I'm surprised at myself for being able to spend my days in a calm and composed state of mind that arises from nowhere, but I'm grateful.

I am humbly grateful for the changes in my physical and mental health that come with age, and like a carp streamer swimming in the clear May sky, I am letting life do its work and being blown by the winds of May.

Today I mowed the grass, took a bath, washed my hair, did the laundry, and then got carried away and planted some watercress seeds. I'm sure they'll produce some watercress around 5/11. 😊😄

Thank you very much.
Let's spend each day cherishing our lives while listening to the voices of our minds and bodies.

See you again. (*^ー^)ノ♪😊
