

2306- 小沢征爾はBSOの前にNYPを征服していた、1969.9.23

2017-04-06 16:27:27 | NYP


2305- 小澤征爾ニューヨーク・フィル公演一覧





ドビュッシー 海
コープランド クラリネット協奏曲
プロコフィエフ ピアノ協奏曲第3番
プロコフィエフ ロメオとジュリエットより4曲

小沢征爾 指揮 ニューヨーク・フィルハーモニック







New Philharmonic Sound Grows

 Exactly seven years after the day of its opening, the new Philharmonic Hall was unveiled last night, It has a new look, a new sound, and there was a feeling of success in the air. Philharmonic Hall from now on is going on to be a happy auditorium, rather than one staggering under the stigma of acoustic failure.
 The feeling ran especially high at yesterday morning’s rehearsal by the New York Philharmonic. It started at 11. Two hours later everybody was slapping everybody else’s back. The consensus was that the acoustic jinx had been more than licked. It had been squashed flat, demolished, exorcised.
 The musicians of the orchestra were especially happy. For seven years they had been complaining that they could not hear one another on stage.
 “Now,” said Walter Rosenberger, the percussionist, “we can do ensemble playing. We can pay attention to the differences between forte and mezzoforte.”
 The conductor, Seiji Ozawa, had a typical conductor’s comment.
 “The musicians can hear me much better now. That is a good sign.”
 There were those yesterday morning, however, who suspended judgment, knowing that there is quite a difference between sound in an empty hall and sound in a packed auditorium. Heinrich Keilholz, the acoustician, said that the characteristics would better when the house was full. Others pointed out that people soak up sound, and that the characteristics would then be different.
 As things turned out, there was a decided difference last evening. At the morning rehearsal the strings sounded full and rich, blending well with the other choirs of the orchestra. Bass instruments sounded much more natural than they ever had done in Philharmonic Hall, and there was considerably more warmth and presence.
 But at the evening concert the audience did indeed soak up sound, especially bass sound. There was still a much finer bass than the hall has had up to now., and the violins sounded silken. Definition, which always had been superior, was better than before. Completely gone were the annoying echo and the rather shrill hi-fi kind of sound. The piano, as played by Byron Janis in the Prokofiev Third Concerto, came through clearly and firmly.
 In the top balcony, the orchestral sound was exceptionally impressive. There was, as before, a falling off in the loges under the overhangs. Little can be done about the aside from repealing some of the laws of nature. Sound gets trapped in those spaces.
   Acoustician Dismissed
 On the orchestra floor the listening was easy. The only missing element was the morning rehearsal had shown, and that can be attributed to the slight lack of bass. Presumably that can be relatively simple to correct. On the whole, there has been a startling improvement in Philharmonic Hall acoustics, and it will bear fruit in happier musicmaking.
 The undertaking was a considerable gamble on the part on the orchestra. When Philharmonic Hall opened on Sept 23, 1962, it proved to be an acoustic catastrophe. After the first shock of horror wore off, the acoustician, Leo Beranek of Bolt, Beranek & Newman was dismissed. Mr. Beranek, acknowledging that the hall had problems, has since insisted that he could have solved everything had he been given a chance. Mr.Keilholz, from Germany was brought in as the new acoustician.
 He proposed several stages of acoustic redemption. The final stage took place last summer.
 Between June 15 and Sept 15, the hall was closed for extensive alterations, including removal of the original acoustic “clouds” and the substitution of a solid ceiling.
 Yesterday morning’s rehearsal brought in the Philharmonic for concert that was to take place that very evening. Not a note of music had been heard there except for a tryout Monday night by the pianist Alicia de Larrocha. It was an all-or-nothing occasion. No technicians had been running around firing cannons or testing with oscillators. Nobody had the least idea of how the hall was going to sound.
 Thus, as the Philharmonic filed on stage, there were very scared faces in the tiny audience. The two most directly involved were Mr. Keilholz and Amyas Ames, president of the Philharmonic. Mr. Ames was gambling $2-million on Mr. Keilholz’s talents as an acoustician. The current renovation cost $1.3-million and previous stages $700,000.
 The gamble appears to have succeeded. And it was a gamble with an acoustician who looks back rather than forward. As an acoustician Mr. Keilholz is a traditionalist. He believes in wood and plaster, especially wood. Several years ago he inserted curved wooden moldings around the sides of the hall to break up and diffuse the sound. This time he has created a stepped-up ceiling, stage built a wooden platform for the cello section and changed the material of the seats.
 The hall has a new color scheme. The ceiling is off-white. The diffused lighting by Abe Feder is brighter but with less glare. All of the wooden side panels have been bleached back to the original unpainted color. One result is that the hall looks wider than it previously had appeared. The effect is psycho-visual, but it is there.
 Mr.Keilholz yesterday attributed the acoustic improvement primarily to the new ceiling. The previous acoustic clouds trapped the low frequencies. Now they can reverberate freely. Sound is also transmitted directly to the stage. To the Philharmonic musicians, this is by far the most important change of all.
 Philharmonic Hall now will be able to hold its head up. Audio comfort rather than audio fatigue can be experienced within its walls. And at least one listener is no longer automatically going to shrink into his seat, waiting for the echo when the snare drum starts to roll or the trumpeter brings the mouthpiece was none of that, and it is a good description of happiness.




2305- 小澤征爾ニューヨーク・フィル公演一覧

2017-04-06 15:14:30 | NYP


