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赤穂市交通公園、清掃報告・09/20/2024 / Ako City Traffic Park, Cleaning Report 09/20/2024

2024-10-02 23:10:28 | GRA活動の案内

兵庫県赤穂市にある、全国的に珍しい、「交通公園」の路面清掃活動は、今年(2024年)3月に開始して、7月には 約 600㎡ の路面清掃を完了したのに続いて、9月20日に 約 872 ㎡ の路面の清掃が完了しました。

Road cleaning activities at Traffic Park in Ako City, Hyogo Prefecture, began in March of this year, and after completing the cleaning of approximately 600 ㎡ of road surface in July, approximately 872 ㎡ of road surface was completed on September 20th.


The facility was built over 30 years ago, and the road surface had not been cleaned for many years, so it was not in the best condition to hold safety driving training courses for bicycles or motorcycles.


However, by removing the pebbles, sand, and dirt that have accumulated widely on the road surface, the number of areas where motorcycles can be used for training and practice safely is increasing.

これも、事前に市役所の担当部署の方が路面清掃に対して了承して下さり、警察署には路面清掃開始の案内を好意的に受け止めて下さったお蔭ですが、それ以上に、清掃活動を インターネット上で知って応援して下さった方々、そして、清掃活動中に「お疲れさん」と声を掛けて下さっている数多くの市民の方々の暖かい応援のお蔭です。


We have been able to get to this point thanks to the relevant department at city hall who gave their prior approval for the road cleanup, and the police station who warmly accepted the announcement that the road cleanup was about to begin. But even more than that, we owe it to the warm support of those who found out about the cleanup activities on the Internet and supported us, and the many citizens who called out "good job" to the group as they cleaned up.


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