


2009-02-07 12:04:32 | 日本












「世 界から貧困や環境破壊などをなくすために日本の外貨を使いましょう」と言いだしてから、本当に様々な人達が私にアプローチをかけてきた。欧米の貴族のシン ボルやイルミナティのシンボルが入った景品みたいなものを受け取った事は確かだ。しかしどこのメンバーにも所属をしていないし、お金も一銭も受け取ったこ とがない。欧米や日本の秘密政府の代表から「環境を守るために餓死や疫病を人工的に起こし、世界の人口を40億人程減らす」という計画を聞いてから、暗殺 未遂もあったが命を張って彼らと戦ってきた。


今 のところ欧米の従来の闇の政府の本部である300人委員会は「オバマ大統領で世界の人類を騙すことができる」という考えのため、話が前に進まない。私が理 解している限り、300人委員会は二つの大きな派閥に分かれている。一つの派閥は新しい金融制度を作り、世界の脱税金融地区(例えばケイマン諸島など)を 閉鎖し、世界から貧困や環境破壊をなくすキャンペーンをやりたいという。もう一つの派閥は今までの権力と利権を維持するためにどうしても第三次世界大戦を 起こすことを望んでいる。2月7日(明日)に新しい制度の発表があると言われたが、今日の段階で300人委員会の決裂が依然として残っている。


Is Benjamin Fulford an illuminati agent?

The author Ryu Ohta, who is one of the first people in the world to expose the secret government of the West, has accused me of being an illuminati agent. I state unequivocally that my career has been that of a journalist and I was never affiliated with any secret society or government agency.

However, it is true that when I started pushing a plan to use Japan’s 7 trillion dollars in overseas holdings to end poverty and stop environmental destruction that a lot of very weird characters began to approach me. It also true that I have been given assorted trinkets, plaques and badges decorated with Freemason, Illuminati and Heraldic symbols. However, when a representative from the secret government of the West first approached me with an offer to join their club, he told me they wanted to “save the planet” by killing 4 billion people through disease and starvation. Since that time I have risked my life and survived assassination attempts in order to expose these people and their evil plans.

At present I am in touch through several different routes with people I believe represent different factions of the Western secret government. I am also in contact with prominent members of Japan’s secret establishment.
The committee of 300 (the central committee of the Western secret government) is in touch with me these days via a member of the British royal family. At present the talks are not going very well because a large faction believes they can continue business and usual and fooling the world simply by using their sock puppet Obama.
As far as I can tell the committee of 300 is divided into two major factions. One supports announcing the creation of a new financial system and the closing of all offshore banking centers. This faction also supports a 3-year Marshall plan for ending poverty and stopping environmental destruction. The other faction is still hoping to preserve their ancient powers by starting World War 3.

Although I have been told the announcement of a new financial system could be made on February 7th (tomorrow), as of February 6th, they have not been able to come to a compromise.
In any case, I wish to repeat I am not an illuminati agent. However, if I suddenly become very rich and by views change by 180 degrees then you should be suspicious. For now, I negotiate with the illuminati as if I was a lawyer representing the weakest and poorest creatures on this planet. The situation is currently volatile but since I only believe in secrecy when it is needed to save lives, I will try my best to keep you posted on the latest developments. 【転載終了】

