


2009-07-28 08:26:50 | ベンジャミン・フルフォード



Alan Grayson: "Which Foreigners Got the Fed's $500,000,000,000?" Bernanke: "I Don't Know."







The story behind the $500 billion on the Fed’s books

Many heads were wagging as Federal Reserve Gang Boss Ben (helicopter) Bernanke was grilled about why the Federal Reserve Board sent $500 billion overseas in late 2007.

Bernanke says the money went to 14 other central banks but he is lying. What really happened is that the Federal Reserve Board, facing bankruptcy at the end of the secret fiscal year of 2007 went begging to all the other European central banks for money to postpone its bankruptcy for another year. In other words, that $500 billion that appeared on its books in late 2007 are IOUs sent to 14 countries. At the time this maneuver was reported as an infusion of $500 billion into the markets by the European Central Bank.

Well, like a junkie going around mooching off old friends, there comes a time when nobody is willing to pay for a self-destructive habit anymore. That is what happened in September 2008. The US criminal government has been looting everything it can from its own American slave peoples since then in a desperate effort to postpone the inevitable. September 2009 will have Obama going around asking for $2 trillion or more and he ain’t going to get it.【転載終了】

E.C.B. Makes $500 Billion Infusion

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Published: December 19, 2007

FRANKFURT ? The European Central Bank on Tuesday pumped 348 billion euros ($500 billion) into the financial system, easing conditions in credit markets grappling with a global lending squeeze linked to the United States housing downturn and traditional year-end demands for cash.

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Parliamentary Broadcasting, via Bloomberg News

The Bank of England’s governor, Mervyn King, told Parliament that banks are nearly out of options to ease the credit crisis.


Market interest rates for two-week loans, the maturity at which the bank lent the money, plunged half a percentage point on Tuesday, to 4.45 percent. The duration of the loans will probably ensure that liquidity is readily available through the end of the year, credit analysts said.

The Bank of England also did its part, auctioning off £10 billion in three-month loans. But the British bank’s governor, Mervyn King, conceded on Tuesday that central banks, despite their ability to manufacture unlimited amounts of cash, are reaching the limits of their ability to ease the five-month-old credit crisis.(後略)

