


Instead of using this old computer, we should buy new one.

2015-05-24 17:07:00 | 復習問題 Let's try!
5月18日(月) レッスン

words and expressions

go back to / return to ~へ戻る

heavy traffic  渋滞 ⇔ light traffic 道がすいている

【How often ~ 頻度を聞く / How long ~ 期間を聞く】

How often do you go to the school?  その学校へどのくらい(どのくらいの頻度)行きますか?

How often are you there?  どのくらい(の頻度で)そこにいますか

How long will you be in Tokyo? 東京にどのくらいの時間いるつもりですか?

How long will be at the dentist? (未来形)どのくらいの時間歯医者にいる予定ですか?

How long were you at the dentist? (過去形)どのくらいの時間歯医者にいましたか?

How long have you been in Takasaki? 高崎にどのくらいいますか


She went on a trip.  彼女は旅行に行った
She went on a vacation. 彼女は休暇に出かけた

She went to Europe. 彼女はヨーロッパへ行った

She went on a trip.
She went on a trip to Europe.
She went on a trip to Europe with her husband.
She went on a trip to Europe with her husband for two weeks.

Was it the first time for you to go to Europe? ヨーロッパへ行ったのは初めてでしたか
I have gone many times. 何回も行っています

I envy you. うらやましいです

Which countries did you go to? どちらの国に行きましたか
Where did you go? どこへ行きましたか

How was the weather?  天気はどうでしたか?

It was mostly sunny. ほとんど晴れていました  
It was mostly rainy.  ほとんど雨でした

Did it rain? 雨でしたか?  / Was it rainy?

It light rained. 少雨でした / It heavy rained.

What were the highlights of your trip?

She saw many famous paintings.  彼女は多くの有名な油絵を見ました

(see) = 見る 経験、予定、能力
She saw many famous paintings. (経験)
Are you going to see? 見るつもりですか (予定)
Can you see? 見えますか (能力)

While looking at paintings I like to listen to music on my iPod.

Was it scary? それは怖い?  A little. 少し

How was the food? 食べ物はどうでしたか?

【while + 動名詞、節/ during +名詞】

During my trip  私の旅行の間
During her speech  彼女のスピーチの間
During the game  ゲームの間
During this class このクラスの間

While driving 運転している間

【suggestion / recommendation (名詞) 提案】
【suggest + 節(主語+動詞) / recommend +名詞 提案する、お勧めする】

I like this movie so I recommend it to my friend.

I like this movie, but I don't recommend it for children.

I suggest we meet at the station.

He suggested I don't overwork. 彼は私が働き過ぎないように提案した

I suggest you go to Hanadaka hill during a flower festival.

I suggest you wait until tomorrow. 明日まで待つことをお勧めします

【besides/ except for/ instead of】

Yesterday, besides reading I enjoyed watching DVDs at home.

Yesterday, except for watching DVDs I didn't watch TV or checked news on the internet.
否定文のあと AもBもしなかった=OR

Instead of today, can we meet tomorrow?

Instead of tea, I had coffee this morning.

Last night instead of my husband, I attended a neighbors' meeting.

Instead of using this old computer, we should buy a new one.

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