



2012-03-03 10:44:28 | 英語・今日のレッスン

【words and phrases】

this kind of そんな
that kind of あんな

disease  病気

attitude 態度
behavior 振る舞い

positive  積極的な、前向きな
nagative  positiveの反対

at least 少なくとも

I don't like that kind of attitude.


childlike 子供らしい

reaction 反応(考える前)
response 反応(考えた後)

assume きめてかかる 、想定する

【such そのような】

This is such a heavy box (that) I can't carry it by my self.

It is such a beautiful day (that) I want to talk a walk with you.

This is such hot coffee before drinking (it) you should wait at least one minute.

【 I was wrong about~ / I made a mistake abut~ ~を間違えた】

I was wrong about her age.

I made a mistake about the price

I was wrong about when the party starts.

I was wrong about where the party is.
I was wrong about where the party was. (was,isどちらでも状況に応じて使える)


Tomorrow what are you going to do?

I'm going to go on a trip to China.

May I ask how much the trip cost? (お金のことなどプライベートな質問には May I ask ~をつける)

Where will you go in China?j

I will go Beijin with my husband.
Besides Bejin we will go to ~.    besides ~以外に

Have you ever been there?

I assume that she has been to China.

Have a good trip!
Have a safe trip!

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