


The average weight of a Japanese newborn is about 3000 grams.

2017-04-16 08:30:58 | 英語・今日のレッスン

words and expressions

Shall we start? / Shall we begin?  始めましょう

I'm in love. 恋している 
I'm in time. 間に合う
Cherry blossoms are in full bloom. 桜が満開です

I feel sorry for him. 彼をかわいそうと思う。彼を気の毒だと思う


cherry blossom viewing (桜の)お花見
Have you been cherry blossom viewing?  お花見をしましたか
Yes. I enjoyed the cherry blossoms in my garden. はい。うちの庭で桜を楽しみました
Yes. I enjoyed the cherry blossoms along Karasu riverside. 烏川沿いで桜を楽しみました
Yes. I enjoyed the cherry blossoms around the city. 市内で桜を楽しみました
I enjoyed the cherry blossoms along the moat near Suzuran. スズランのそばのお濠で桜を楽しみました

Have you been cherry blossom viewing?
No, not yet. I'm going to enjoy the cherry blossoms around the city the day after next. 

Have you seen cherry blossoms around Kannon hill? 観音山のまわりで桜を見たことがありますか

Last weekend, the Takasaki city cherry blossoms were in full bloom.
=Last weekend, cherry blossoms in Takasaki city were in full bloom.

Next week the cherry blossoms will be in full bloom. 来週、桜は満開になるでしょう
Until next week the cherry blossoms will be in full bloom. 来週まで桜は満開でしょう

There are still some remaining cherry blossoms. まだ桜の花は残っています
In that tree over there, there are still some remaining cherry blossoms.
Green leaves and pink flowers go well together. 緑の葉とピンクの花はよく合っています
Green leaves and pink flowers go beautifully together. 緑の葉とピンクの花は美しく合っています

be in full bloom 満開
full house 満員、大入り
It was a full house. 満員でした
All the seats were sold out. すべての席は売り切れました
注意)full seats とは言わない

Tonight it will be a full moon. 今晩は満月になるでしょう
The moon is full. 満月です

How was the weather? 天気はどうでした(旅行の話を聞いているときに)
The first day was sunny, the last day was sunny. The other (two) days were mostly cloudy.

The two days (in) between the first day and the last day were mostly cloudy.

【The average +名詞 平均的な~】
The average weight of a Japanese newborn is about 3000 grams.
The average price of a computer is about 100,000 yen.
The average height of a Japanese man is about 168 centimeters.
The average length of a junior high school girl's hair 30 centimeters.

texture  食感
creamy クリーム状の
moist 湿った、しっとりしている
not to sweet 甘ずぎない

How is the cheese cake? チーズケーキはどう?
Creamy, moist and not too sweet. クリーミーでしっとりしていて甘ずぎないよ
How is your (the) chicken? チキンはどう?
Tender, juicy and not too spicy. 柔らかくて肉汁たっぷりだけど辛すぎないよ
Great! Can I have a bite? いいねー。一口頂戴


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