


ゴールデンウィーク中の復習問題 解答編

2016-05-03 14:58:53 | 復習問題解答

≪ゴールデンウィーク中の復習問題≫ 正解


1、15分前  Fifteen minutes before  Fifteen minutes ago

2、15分後  Fifteen minutes later In fifteen minutesまたはFifteen minutes from now

3、 彼はたくさんお金を持っています  He has much money. He has a lot of money.

4、日本は安全な国です  Japan is a safety country. Japan is a safe country.

5、安全運転してね    Safety driving. Drive safely. または Drive carefully.

6、ちょうど2時です  It's just two o'clock. It's exactly two o'clock. または It's two o'clock sharp.

7、日本人のほとんどは風呂に入るのが好き Most of Japanese like taking a bath.
Most Japanese like taking a bath.

8、私の友人のほとんどは車を持っています  Almost my friends have their own cars.
Most of my friends have their own cars.

9、試合で私は興奮しました  At the game, I was exciting. At the game, I was excited.

During driving, you shouldn't use a cellphone. While driving, you shouldn't use a cellphone.

11、興奮させる試合でした The game was excited. The game was exciting.

12、面接の間、大変緊張しました While the interview, I was very nervous.
During the interview, I was very nervous.

13、彼は彼女と来年結婚する予定です He will marry to her next year.
He will marry her next year.

14、彼女は警察官と結婚していました She was married....a policeman.
She was married to a policeman.

When I saw the photo, I was shy because there was "nori" between my teeth.
When I saw the photo, I was embarrassed because there was "nori" between my teeth.


1、とりあえず  For now
2、例えば For example
3、なんとなく For some reason
4、とにかく Anyway
5、ところで By the way
6、ちょっと待ってください Just a moment, please. /Just a second, please など

7、5分休憩しましょう Shall we take a five minute break?/ Let's take a five minute break!

8、あなたはこれを復習する方がいい You should review this.
9、あなたはこれを復習しなければならない You have to review this.
10、私はこれを復習したい I want to review this./ I would like to review this.
11、私はこれを復習するのを忘れた I forgot to review this.
12、私はこれを復習しなくてもよかった I didn't have to review this.
13、私はこれを復習する方がよかった(復習するべきでした)I should have reviewed this.
14、忘れないように復習する方がいい So that you won't forget, you should review this.
15、一緒に勉強しましょう Let's study together.
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