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Policy Essayist

Exert more Wisdom than Weapons for Ukraine!

2022-07-12 | Weblog

      Exert more Wisdom than Weapons for Ukraine!

 Over three-months long armed conflicts persist in Ukraine, and the Russian military forces seem to focus on the consolidation of the control in the two eastern provinces, namely Donetsk and Luhansk, in collaboration with the pro-Russian groups there. At the initial stage, the Russian leadership misjudged that the Ukrainian military might be unwilling to fight back against the Russian troops, keeping distance from President Zelensky, and decided to invade in Ukraine towards Kiev immediately after the air strikes on their Air Force facilities. But the Russian troops met severe resistance as they marched forward to Kiev and resulted in unforeseen damages. The Russian leadership, noticing their misjudgment based on some inaccurate information or wishful analysis, decided to withdraw the troops from the western front and shifted their attack in the eastern provinces and the southern provinces adjacent to Crimea. That would have been the initial military objectives after the expiration on 21st January, 2022, of the Minsk Truce Agreement of 2014.

During the eight-year long Truce Agreement, it was designed to settle the autonomy issue of the two eastern provinces. But such efforts failed, and President Zelensky, instead, openly expressed his intention to become a member of NATO. 

For Russian, the constant east-bound expansion of NATO has been seen as a threat. President V. Putin expressed his view at a press conference in April, 2008, on the occasion of the NATO summit that “any attempt to expand NATO to the Russian borders would be seen as a direct threat”. At that time, NATO expanded its membership from 16 to 26 after the Soviet Union, therefore the East-West Cold War, was over. Now it is embracing 30 countries with the U.S. military bases and the THAAD missiles in Romania.

  1. No justification for the Russian aggression in Ukraine

 Russian invasion in Ukraine cannot be tolerated and should be condemned. In particular, the initial Russian invasion in the western region leading to Kiev invited a strong criticism in the World, in addition to the damages inflicted on the Russian troops.

Every sovereign country has the right to defend itself against any aggression.

In support of such Ukraine’s efforts to defend itself, many NATO member countries including the U.S. and others have been sending weapons after weapons together with other civil support upon request from Ukraine. Also a wide range of economic sanctions against Russia have been imposed by many countries.

Such a support is necessary. But we should exert more wisdom than weapons. Wisdom to stop the armed conflicts and the bloodshed. And wisdom to bring about a peaceful settlement in Ukraine. Further military support, in particular,  sophisticated missiles and other weapons from the NATO countries to Ukraine seems to lower a threshold to a war in Europe. Also a wide ranging sanctions against Russia would adversely affect the World economy sooner or later like a boomerang.


  1. Needed recognition of the Co-Existence in the face of the differences in basic values and governing systems in the World

At a time of apparent differences in basic values and governing systems in the World seen in such cases as the Russian invasion in Ukraine and the trade issue with China, we need a practical philosophy governing the World now. There are basically 3 alternatives. Namely, 1) defeat the opponent, completely, if possible, 2) accept the domination by the opponent, or 3) co-existence with different values and governing systems.

The first two alternatives will not be accepted by the other side. The World is divided in these two cases, and a fear of a war lingers. If the World is to be one globe, therefore, Co-Existence seems to be the only realistic alternative.

Democracy is based on human equality, acceptance of diverse values and belief, and pluralism. And given the present nation-to-nation relations which are based on the territorial sovereignty with its own basic values and governing systems, Co-Existence is the realistic philosophy governing the present international relations, if a democratic method is to be applied in handling international affairs as well.

And sometime in the future, the World of Co-Prosperity may happen.

(2022.6.10. All Rights Reserved.)

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