今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


My gratitude for all of members.

2023-12-25 | Weblog
アドラー心理学はどちらかというと臨床心理学として実践するよりも、むしろ共同体において発揮すると思っていますが、人間はその自分の価値を他者によって知らされる存在です。その弱さをおぼえて、互いに支えあい、助け合って、お互いを尊重しあうことで、自分は大事にされている、役に立っているということを知らされ、そこに生きる価値を見出すのではないでしょうか。うちのクラブに来ている人たちの目標もそれぞれちがいますが、ひとりびとりが互いに尊重され、相互関係の中で生かされ、心から満足のいくジムライフをおくっていただきたいと願っています。そしてひとりびとりの個性を大事にみなさんが未来においてどうなっていくのかというベストな選択を描きつつしっかりとサポートしていきたいと思っています。今年もいろいろとまわりには助けられました。私はできることとできないことの差がはげしいので決して能力があるとはいいがたいですが、しかしここまでジムの雰囲気をよくし、みなさんが楽しくトレーニングできたのはまわりに支えられてきたからだと思っています。もうすぐ2023年が終わり、2024年がやって来ます。本当に今年はみなさんにお世話になりました。2024年も感謝の気持ちを忘れずにみなさんに喜ばれるクラブを運営したいと思います。We wish you a happy new year! Bonne et heureuse année !(幸せでよいお年を)새해 복 많이 받으세요(たくさんの福をお受けください)また来年もよろしくお願いします。

"We are surrounded by others, and we exist in some relationship with them. As individuals, we are weak and limited, and we cannot achieve our own ends in isolation. If we live on our own and try to deal with our problems by ourselves alone, we will die out." This is one of Alfred Adler's words and one of my mottos.
I believe that Adlerian psychology is practiced more communal psychology approach than a clinical psychology approach, and I believe that people are informed of their value by others. By recognizing our weaknesses, supporting each other, helping each other, and respecting each other, we are made to know that we are valued and useful, and this is where we find the value of life.
Although the goals of the people who come to our club are different from each other, we hope that each individual will be respected and utilized in a mutual relationship, and that they will enjoy a truly satisfying gymnastic life. We value the individuality of each person, and we want to support them as they make the best choices for their future. I have been helped in many ways this year. I am not a very competent person as there is a big difference between what I can do and what I cannot do, but I believe that it is because of the support of those around me, and it have been able to improve the atmosphere of the gym and make everyone's training enjoyable. The year 2023 will soon be over and the year 2024 will arrive. Thank you very much for all your support this year, and we hope to run a club that will be appreciated by everyone in 2024 as well. Happy and good New Year! 새해 복 받으세요 (Please receive a lot of good fortune) I look forward to seeing you again next year.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 23日

2023-12-23 | Weblog
最近来られた女性の方が今まで汗をかかなかったけど、ボクシングをするようになって汗をかくようになったと言っていました。ボクシングは有酸素運動です。有酸素運動とは、筋肉を収縮させる際のエネルギーに酸素を使う運動のことをいいます。 有酸素運動は一定の時間を過ぎると脂肪をエネルギーとして消費するのでダイエットには最適、汗をかくようになったということはその効果が十分にあらわれていると思います。

ハワイのトレーナーは競技者のことをBoyと呼ぶ、しかしそれは競技者をひよっこあつかいして皇帝のようにふるまう上下関係をあらわすのではなく、自分の息子のような存在、いわゆる同じ目線に立った対等な立場である。試合の時のセコンドは競技者にとってすごく重要な存在だ。実力がない、才能のない私がそれ以上の結果が出せたのは、セコンドにジョージとアレンがついてくれたからだ。たいした競技実績のない私が言うのもなんだが、トレーナーの役割はどれだけ競技者が力を出させるかと言うことだと思う。「Let's kick ass, Boy! (ぶちのめせ)」「Get it on」とさすがに私とコラボで元世界の王者をおこらせた人、非常に口のわるい人間だったが、私は彼がいると心強く、自分でも何かができるんじゃないかと強い気持ちになったことは確かである。トレーナーと競技者の間には、主従関係があってはいけないことだ、互を受け入れ合って、リスペクトすることが大事である。そしてリスペクトすることで強い信頼関係が生れてくると信じているが、その信頼関係が何かを克服していく力にもなり、試合での大きなアドバンテージにもなるのだと思う。

A woman who came recently told me that she never used to sweat, but since she started boxing, she started sweating. Boxing is an aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is that uses oxygen for energy when contracting muscles. Aerobic exercise burns fat as energy after a certain amount of time, make it ideal for weight loss, and the fact that she started sweating is a good indication of its effectiveness.

Trainers call us "boy," but this does not imply a hierarchical relationship in which the trainer treats the competitor as a young boy and acts like an emperor, but rather treat one's own son, an equal standing in the same position. Seconds are very important for a competitor. I was able to achieve better results than I could have with my lack of ability and talent because I had George and Allen as my seconds. I think the role of a trainer is very important, their role is that how they can make us improve.
George who made former world champions get mad. He sometimes say "Let's kick ass, Boy!, he really has a foul mouth person, but I was reassured by his presence, and I certainly felt strongly that I could do something myself. There should not be a master and servant relationship between trainers and competitors; it is important to accept and respect each other. I believe that this respect will lead to a strong relationship of trust, and I believe that this relationship of trust will give the trainer the power to overcome something, and will also give him a great advantage in the competition.

New Year's Holiday Schedule
We will be closed from December 29th (Fri.) to January 3rd(Wed.), and will open on January 4th (Thu.).
The gym will close at 9:00 on December 28th(Thu).


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 22日

2023-12-22 | Weblog


Although all the old guys stand out, but there are quite a few in their teens and twenties in MOB. They train to keep fit. I often tell middle and high school students when they join, "Have fun," "Study," and "Don't read others face. Especially for students who have been in clubs before, they are forced to greet and live in a patriarchal system, so they tend to read elder's people like team manager, I tell them to enjoy themselves to the fullest when they come here. But MOB is not an athletic club. Our members has a lot of experience and social common sense, so you will learn a lot.

December 22th was the final of the Hawaiian Tournament, HI had two big tournaments at that time, the famous Golden Grab and the Hawaiian Tournament, I only was able to paticipate in the Hawaiian Tournament because the Golden Grab is not open to different nationalities. I competed in the Hawaiian Tournament three times and won gold and silver. Whenever there is a big sporting event in the U.S., the singer sings the national anthem in the ring. I remember that I felt very awkward as a foreigner in that atmosphere. In my personal opinion, the referee rarely stop competetors, probably because he trusted them to some extent that  we were a competitor and would not commit such a foul . The competition was a lot of fun. The most memorable bout was had in a military festival with fireworks going off, which was a valuable experience.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 20日

2023-12-21 | Weblog

スポーツ哲学と言う言葉があります。あまり聞いたことがない言葉ですが、スポーツ哲学は、ホイジンガの “Homo Ludens”に端を発します。有名なのはOxfordのジャーナルですが、 ”Philosophy of Sport”の中でスポーツは4つの派閥に分けています。詳しいことは長くなるので気になったところを説明していきますが、外在主義はスポーツ自体に意味はなく、スポーツの意義はすべてスポーツの外にあるべき」という理論です。いわゆる「スポーツは経済効果とか社会的意義をもたらすから意味があり、社会的意義がない身体運動はスポーツではない」といった考えです。一方Descriptiveは何々であるべき、例えば「スポーツとはこうあるべき」、「〇〇でなければスポーツではない」という考え方でこの手のタイプは日本人に多いと思います。


Today, a high school student had a mass boxing with a middle-aged member. After the match, he was so exhausted He was said "You are still in your teens, and your opponent is more than three times your age". The older members of our club are training hard, training as hard as the teenagers and 20-somethings, and they are also their opponents in mass boxing. It's also a great learning experience for the younger people because they can talk with people who have a lot of life experience.

There is a term called sports philosophy. Sports philosophy originated in Huizinga's "Homo Ludens. The famous Oxford journal "Philosophy of Sport" divides sports into four groups. Externalist is that sports are not meaningful in themselves, and that all the significance of sports should be found outside of sports. Sports are meaningful because they bring about economic benefits and social significance, and physical exercise without social significance is not a sport. On the other hand, Descriptive is the idea that "sports should be like this" or "if it is not a sport, it is not a sport" and this type of thinking is common among Japanese.

New Year's Holiday Schedule
We will be closed from December 29th (Fri.) to January 3rd(Wed.), and will open on January 4th (Thu.).
The gym will close at 9:00 on December 28th(Thu).


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日 12月 16日

2023-12-18 | Weblog

Three of members participated in the Kobe Citizens' Tournament yeasterday, and trainer Akizuki won an award in the mass boxing session, and I think everyone did their best for the tournament. I believe that competition is a great opportunity for you to grow, and whether you wins or loses, you get great lessons to be learned. Many people in the MOB have had the opportunity to compete, and it is clear that they have grown a great deal. I am especially surprised at how young members more improve themself from before, but I think they are learning many things by experience in the competition. I say that learning is important, but if you are not willing to learn, you will not be able to make the most of that opportunity to your advantage. MOB would like to focus on mass boxing in the future with the cooperation of  Sato san. Mass boxing is a chance to compete because there are few handicaps regardless of age or gender. And if you want, give it try! I am grateful to Sato san of Lucky Star for giving us this opportunity, thank you very much.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 15日

2023-12-16 | Weblog

「ボクサーは勝って引退するのは失礼だ」と言った人がいたが、私も試合に負けて引退した。アレンに言わせてみればボクシングは才能がものをいうスポーツらしい、だから才能のない人間はいくらがんばってもそれ上にはなれないらしく、私の能力もこれが限界である。しかし彼は続けて言う「それでもお前を心から尊敬している。よくやった」。この言葉は私にとってたいへんうれしい言葉であった。夢を持ってここへ来たが現実にぶつかり、自分の才能に気づかされ引退しようとする人間をこころからねぎらい認めてくれた。このとき本当に自分はボクシングをやってよかったと思った。大げさかもしれないが生きててよかったとさえ思える言葉であった。もう何十年も前の12月22日の出来事である。MOBのボクシングはただ勝つためのボクシングではない。すべての「練習」「試合」「出来事」「体験」は自分の人生のアルバムにきざみつけるためのものであり、自分が精一杯やったというあかしである。人間は認められてそれを受けてめてくれる存在があればたとえ結果がどうであれ、自分がやってきたことに意味を見出し、自信を持つことができる。もし勝ち負けこだわっていたら、その競技人生は無味乾燥のようなものだろう。監督やトレーナーに一番必要なのは人をレスペクトすることだろう。私も彼らと同じように会員の人ひとりびとりをリスペクトしたい。Wishing you joy, peace and good health this holiday season.

With the help of all the vexperienced members, old guys and female members are getting better every day. Tomorrow, the Kobe competition will be held, and there are participants in the women's mass boxing, and this is the first time a female member has participated in mass boxing at MOB. The number of female members in the gym are about 40%, and since MOB does not give priority to competitors, but give priority to members who are regarded as the minority. So they can enjoy training. Yesterday, when I asked Edomurasaki, who is now 40 years old to have a mitt training for him, he said, "No, thank you,"  probably because he believe if I have, he might be getting worse in his boxing. I still asked him twice, but he said " no thank you" even the timid Edo Murasaki is free to express his opinion in our gym.
Someone once said, "It is rude for a boxer to retire after winning a match," and I retired after losing a match. Allen said "Boxing is a sport where talent is important, and therefore, a boxer without talent will never be as good as the best, no matter how hard he tries. " However, he went on to say, "I do respect you. You did a good job. These words made me very happy. He truly appreciated and recognized someone who had come here with a dream, but who was about to retire when he realized his own talent. At that time, I really felt that I was glad to have done boxing. It may be an exaggeration, but his words even made me feel glad to be alive. It was December 22nd, decades ago, and boxing at MOB is not just about winning. Every "practice," "match," "event," and "experience" is something to be engraved in one's life album, a testimony that one has done one's best. When a person is recognized and accepted, no matter what the outcome, he or she can find meaning in what he or she has done and feel confident. If you are obsessed with winning and losing, your athletic life will be a dry and tasteless one. The most important thing for a coach or trainer is to respect people. I want to respect each and every one of our members as much as they do. Wishing you joy, peace and good health this holiday season.


Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (cover) Megan Nicole

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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 14日

2023-12-15 | Weblog


Today we had contact mass after a long time. Boxing is a sport, so if you gets angry during mass boxing, we stop you immediately. Everyone follows the rules and is considerate of each other, so it is safe for everyone to do so. The standard for the members to train at MOB is not whether they are good or motivated, but whether they can follow the rules and keep self-control if they get punch.

What will you do in boxing train at first.
First, learn the jab cross (one-two punch); this is a basic punch in boxing. After learning one-two punch, straight left, straight right, and then hook and uppercut, after learning a series of punches, move stepping with jab, and when you get used to punching, punching while circling, learn defense, and if you want to try it, you can do non-contact mass boxing. I'm telling that straight is not stright in your arms being stright but trajectory of the fist is straight.


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 12日

2023-12-13 | Weblog
今日の夜はかなり忙しい一日でした。今日の男女比率は女性6男性4で女性が多かったです。うちのジムには優秀な女性の方が在籍していますが、優秀な人は見ていてアンガージュマン的であると言ってもいいと思います。アンガージュマン的とは、情や仲間意識で集まるのではなく、そのコミュニティがいいと思ったら積極的にかかわって何かを吸収して成長しようとする人、成長や進歩のきっかけをつくろうとする人のことです。ロビン・ディアンジェロは著書「ホワイト・フラジリティ 私たちはなぜレイシズムに向き合えないのか? 」 の中で差別は構造の問題だと言っていますが、格闘技の世界は男女差別が存在すると思っていますが、意識の高い人たちが存在することで脱構造が実現され本当の意味での平等化がはかれると信じています。



It was quite a busy day this evening. The ratio of female to male today was 6 women to 4 men, with more women. We have some excellent women in our gym, and I think that the excellent women are engagement . Engagement is someone who does not gather together out of sentiment or camaraderie, but rather actively engages with the community if they think it is a good place to be and tries to absorb something and grow, or to create opportunities for growth and progress. Robin DiAngelo, in her book "White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism", she says that discrimination is a structural issue. I believe that gender discrimination exists in the world of martial arts, I believe that the presence of conscious people will lead to de-structuring and true equalization.

Beginner level Korean lessons will start on Saturday, January 20th, from 2:00pm to 2:50pm. Free of charge for members.

New Year's Holiday Schedule
We will be closed from December 29th (Fri.) to January 3rd(Wed.), and will open on January 4th (Thu.).
The gym will close at 9:00 on December 28th(Thu).


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 9日

2023-12-11 | Weblog

We have many new female members and visitors, and MOB is thoroughly against any violent behavior, that would make children or women scared. We take a strict attitude to people who telling their stupid violent story, beating people up in the ring because they are cocky, or they are practicing. We regard as those all act are violence. Here, people of all ages train for different purposes, and MOB's basic philosophy is to put the weakest among us first. There is a concept called "the veil of ignorance" by Rawls. Interpreting this in my own way, let us not think only of our own benefit, but first consider the benefit of others, especially the weak, and from there, what is in the best benefit of ourselves. When we think about who is the most minority in martial arts, We believe female and old guy who come to our gym to lose weight are minority in martial arts, and we believe taking care of these people are equality in our philosophy.

New Year's Holiday Schedule
We will be closed from December 29th (Fri.) to January 3rd(Wed.), and will open on January 4th (Thu.).
The gym will close at 9:00 on December 28th(Thu).


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高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 12月 7日

2023-12-08 | Weblog

A new junior high school student became a member after a long time. Recently, the number of junior high and high school students has been increasing, but we always ask high school students and younger to come with their parents or guardians and tell about our club to them before they join. We tell middle and high school students when they join that the order of priority here is women, children, and men, because at MOB we believe that in the martial arts, it is equal to respect the minority. Platon said ”Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds. ”Basically, the more experienced our members are, the more they take care of. Thanks to this, the gym is calm and everyone enjoys training. I think that people in society, even children, probably have stress and anxiety, but I want everyone to have an enjoyable experience here. What we do here is only boxing training, but I hope that sharing a good time here, being kind to others will fill your hearts and make you feel relaxed, and that this relaxation will give you confidence.


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